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Comments 7

elebridith December 21 2008, 18:50:39 UTC
Posted! Whee! And very good title!! *loves*


havenward December 21 2008, 19:01:39 UTC
Thank you again! <3

Hooray for seeing the Firefly box and thinking of the quote :D Whedon is like my own personal Jesus or something... lol


teithiwr December 21 2008, 19:58:43 UTC
Hon, I'm so sorry I didn't have time to look at this yesterday! But I think it works very well as is.

Aidan is bucketfuls of love. "Shit, darlin'," how can those simple words be so awesome? ♥


havenward December 21 2008, 20:05:11 UTC
It's ok! I sent it to so many people cuz I knew most would be busy :D

I'm glad you like it, hee.♥♥♥


teithiwr December 21 2008, 20:13:05 UTC
Good technique, sending it to lots of people! :)

♥ I always love it when you post bits of this.


honeyjojames December 21 2008, 21:09:15 UTC
This is awesome! Going to catch up on the other six chapters now! ♥


havenward December 21 2008, 23:33:46 UTC
Yeah? Really? ::glee::


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