Title: Until We Meet Again
Fandom(s): Doctor Who
Pairing/Characters: 11, Jack, Rose; hints of Jack's feelings for both
Word Count: 400
Rating: T-ish
Warnings: Spoilers (kinda) through "Closing Time" for DW and through "Fragments" for Torchwood.
Disclaimer: I don't own them! I steal them from time to time, like the Doctor stole the TARDIS.
Summary: “Been a
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Comments 11
I wanted to go for that feeling you got--the elation because he's finally seeing the Doctor again, even if it's not his Doctor, and he's getting a glimpse at their lives when he's just witnessed such carnage at the Hub. But I knew from the start it would be inherently heartbreaking, as well, because he can't remember the encounter at all. If I hadn't had the word limit, I was actually going to twist the knife a tiny bit more and have the memory erasure involve a kiss. It's still kind of the way it happened in my head, LOL. Thank you!
It is now happening in my head.
And, that bit about braces was just brilliant.
And hee, the braces was admittedly a bit of headcanon I came up with once during a discussion with my Whovian friends. Jack's attire in the Torchwood era (and surely in his off-hours in the TARDIS) is awfully similar to Eleven's. His things were probably around the TARDIS just as much as Rose's, given the abruptness of both their departures. I like to think that the Doctor modeled his style in some respects after Jack, following that hasty dressing in the locker room!
And the braces.
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