Title: Damn Cold Night
Pairing: Stiles/Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)
Chapter: 1/1
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Prompt: Cuddling For Warmth
Summary: Derek wants Stiles to stay the night at the Hale house with him, but without working doors, windows or heat, in the middle of November, it's a big of a challenge.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters!
Author's Note: This is an entry from my
Hurt/Comfort Bingo Card.
“It’s really cold in here.” Stiles looked at Derek, shaking his head. He liked going over to Derek’s house in the spring and the fall, and the summer, even, when it was warm, but the house is so open, and there isn’t any air conditioning. It’s cold, and Stiles has never really been a big fan of the cold. Still, when Derek asked him to come stay the night, Stiles knew that there wasn’t really another option. With his father in their house, and Stiles not really out at home yet…or out anywhere outside of his group of friends, it was go over to Derek’s, or spend the night by himself. He thought the decision was easy, but he didn’t realize just how cold it was in the middle of November in the Hale house.
“Don’t worry.” Derek smiled, taking Stiles’ hand and pulling him close. “I’m sure will think of a way to keep warm.”
Just as it didn’t really occur to Stiles how cold it was truly going to be in that house, it didn’t occur to Derek that because Stiles isn’t a wolf, he can’t be comfortable in cold like that. He can’t keep himself warm, and he didn’t have the body temperature regulation to make it all okay. It all worked out alright, though, as they kissed and made love, ate dinner and changed for bed, but when they went to bed and fell asleep, Stiles woke in the middle of the night, shivering and shivering.
“Babe, go back to sleep,” Derek muttered, pushing Stiles back down on the bed.
“Can’t.” Stiles shook his head. “Derek, I have to go home, I’m fucking freezing, I’m sorry, but I don’t know how you live here.”
“No, wait.” Derek sighed and got up, reaching out to Stiles. He didn’t want Stiles to go, he wanted Stiles to stay with him, to share his place, to stay the night cuddled up and not having to worry about the Sheriff, who was under the impression that his son was fast asleep at Scott’s house.
“Derek I’m sorry, it’s not you, I just…I can’t stay here, I can’t sleep. I’m freezing, it’s so cold here.”
“Wait, don’t go just yet.” Derek took Stiles hand again, stopping him from leaving, smiling as he did so. “There’s one more thing that we can try, okay? I just really want to be with you tonight.”
“Fine.” Stiles sighed, but followed Derek back into the bed, and watched as Derek shifted. It hadn’t been too long since Derek had been able to shift into a full on wolf, but he had the hang of it, and now on the bed next to Stiles, instead of a man, was a giant, fluffy wolf. The wolf, Derek, curled around Stiles’ body, instantly warming him up.
Stiles smiled as he snuggled up against the massive dog, running his fingers through the canine’s warm, soft fur as he fell asleep, completely comfortable with his werewolf boyfriend, because honestly, there wasn’t anything that was going to keep Derek and Stiles away from each other. Even a werewolf bite and a damn cold night.