Title: The Second Fire
Pairing: Stiles/Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)
Chapter: 1/1
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Prompt: Loss of Home/Shelter
Summary: Derek watches as his home burns, all the way to the ground this time, but Stiles is there to cheer him up.
Author's Note: This is an entry from my
Hurt/Comfort Bingo Card.
“You can come and live with me,” Stiles said softly as he and Derek watched from a distance as the Hale house finished burning down to the ground, all the way, this time. “I’m sure it’d be okay…we have a guest room.”
“Oh.” Derek looked over at his boyfriend. “No, you don’t have to do that.”
“Just until you find your own place,” Stiles stated. “I know you’re tough and strong, but I don’t want you living out in the woods by yourself, it makes me nervous.”
“And you don’t think you’re dad would mind that your big, scary, werewolf boyfriend is staying over?” he asked.
“You mean would my dad mind that my friend Derek, who is neither my boyfriend, nor a werewolf, is staying over?” Stiles smiled.
“Still haven’t told him, eh?” Derek asked.
“He needs time to adjust to things, I don’t think he’s there yet.”
“But we are, right?” Derek asked. “I mean, this isn’t just something we’re doing, and you’re putting off telling your dad because it’s not serious…right?”
“I wouldn’t do that.” Stiles shook his head. “I’m serious about you, I am, just…you’re older, you’ve had some criminal troubles, and my dad’s really protective. There will come a time, and I will tell him then, but right now isn’t that time, okay?”
“Okay.” Derek nodded. “Thanks, Stiles.”
“So you’ll come stay?” Stiles asked.
“Yeah, I’ll come stay.”
“Come on.” Derek tugged on Stiles’ hand, pulling him away from the burning building. “You shouldn’t have to watch this place burn a second time, you don’t need those memories, you don’t need that pain.”
“The pain’s there, the memories are too,” Derek muttered, though he followed Stiles anyways. He was right, it was hard to watch his home burn down, but luckily, this time it had been an accident, and this time, there was no one inside.
“Then let me help ease the pain,” he stated. “And let me help you make some good memories.”
“You’ve already done that.” Derek smiled, pulling Stiles closer so that he was walking with his arm draped around the boy’s shoulders in an almost possessive fashion.
“Just because we’ve made a few good memories doesn’t mean we can’t make more,” he stated. “Besides, having to find a new place to live can have it’s benefits…”
“Oh?” Derek stopped at his car, unlocking it and holding the passenger’s side door open for Stiles. “Such as?”
“Well, when you get a new place to live, you can’t just live there, you have to christen it first.” Stiles winked over at Derek as he climbed into the driver’s seat.
“You might be the most amazing person I’ve ever met in my life,” Derek stated, leaning over and kissing Stiles gently. “My home burns down, and you find a way to turn that into a good thing.”
“Yeah, well, let’s be honest, I don’t really want you in my house all broody and angsty, I mean, you dress like teen angst, but you’re like 24, and way past the point where that’s hot.” He smiled. “I prefer you powerful and strong.”
“Oh, I can be powerful and strong,” Derek stated, gunning the engine.
“Oh, trust me.” Stiles winked again. “No one knows that better than me.”