Darling, I'll Be Your Werewolf {Short Stack}

Jul 31, 2010 19:02


            Andy let out a yelp as he collapsed to the ground, almost instantly beginning a rapid shift between wolf and human, his body changing back in forth as he let out howls of pain. Shaun stopped running the second he saw the bullet graze Andy’s leg, shifting immediately into his human form. He knew what would have happened had the bullet fully penetrated the other werewolf, and now that Andy was wounded, Shaun couldn’t let the second bullet finish the job.

“It’s gonna be okay,” he said softly, pulling Andy from the ground, hoisting his swiftly changing form over his shoulder. He began to run through the night, ducking through the trees, trying to get away from the hunters chasing them. These were no ordinary hunters, they knew what Andy and Shaun were, and they clearly didn’t understand how harmless they were. He ran until he reached their sanctuary, darting inside before setting Andy down on the couch and shutting the door.

Andy let out a loud cry of pain and Shaun ran to his side, kneeling at the couch. His hand flew to the boy’s forehead as he tried to steady the shifting. The silver bullet, even just grazing Andy’s flesh, could have been fatal and he was desperate to find a way to save not only his only friend, but his lover.

“Andy,” he whispered. “Andy, can you hear me?” there was a whimper of pain, and a slight nod, suggesting to Shaun that Andy could, in fact, hear him. “I need you to listen to me, okay? I know this is hard, I know you’re in pain, but I need you to focus on your shift, go back to human. I can help you if you’re human…please, Andy.”

“I…I can’t!” Andy screamed in anguish as he tried to control his shift, his whole body radiating with the poison of the silver.

“Yes you can,” Shaun said, his voice filled with nothing but determination. “I know you can do this baby, please, for me.”

“I’m trying!” Andy screamed again, his body contorting with the stabbing pain caused by the bullet. “I can’t do it!”

“You have to!” Shaun shouted. “You can’t leave me alone! Don’t you dare fucking leave me!”

“I’m trying!” Tears stung at Andy’s eyes as he tried to control his shift, his whole body aching as he did so.

“I love you too much to let you give up like this!” Shaun declared, taking Andy’s hand as it shifted between human hand and paw. “I love you, Andy, don’t do this to me, please, don’t do this! Don’t leave me! You’re the only person I have!” Shaun screamed at Andy again and again, and Andy tried the best he could to steady himself as a human before, finally, he managed to hold the shape.

“Hurry,” he hissed through gritted teeth. “I’m not sure how long I can hold this!”

“I’ll be quick.” Shaun nodded, instantly setting to work purifying Andy’s leg of the silver. He knew that it was going to hurt Andy more before it helped him, but he had to remove all traces of silver from the boy’s flesh before it consumed him entirely.

“Hurts…” Andy grunted as Shaun worked, using every ounce of strength he had to hold his human form.

“I know,” Shaun whispered. “And I’m sorry…I’m almost done, just hang in there baby, just hang in there…”

“I’m trying.”

“You can do it,” Shaun assured him as he continued the process. “You can do it, just a little bit longer, I’m almost done…you’re going to be okay, just stay strong for me.”

“If this doesn’t work,” Andy whispered. “I love you.”

“Shut up,” Shaun snapped. “This is going to work.”

“But if it doesn’t-”

“It will,” Shaun said, working to convince both himself and Andy that it was true. “It will.” Shaun stayed at work, trying to cleanse his boyfriend of the fatal element before finally, he had done all he could. “How do you feel?” Shaun asked, looking at Andy.

“Weak,” Andy whispered.

“How weak?” Shaun gulped, hoping to god that this wasn’t the end.

“Too weak to stand, not too weak to love you.”

“God, that’s the cheesiest thing anyone’s ever said to me…” Shaun sighed, smiling at Andy. “You wouldn’t say something that cheesy unless you were feeling better.”

“I do feel better,” Andy said. “But it still hurts…”

“It’s going to hurt,” Shaun said. “It’s going to be a few days before the poison will be gone from your system, but we eliminated the source and stabilized your form…” he bit his lip. “I think you’re going to be alright.”

“Will you just fucking tell me that you love me now?”

“I love you,” Shaun whispered, leaning down and kissing Andy softly. “As long as you don’t ever fucking scare me like that again.”

“I promise.” Andy sighed, closing his eyes as he breathed heavily, trying to regulate his air flow. “I’m not gonna leave you.”

hurt/comfort bingo, bingo, slash, oneshot, fanfiction

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