Slash Challenge Series - 12: Clean Up {Curtis Ward/Tom Sykes}

Nov 21, 2009 17:14

Series Title: Slash Challenge Story Series
Story Title: Clean Up
Author: havah24601
Part: 12/62
Series Rating: M
Story Rating: M
Series Characters: Alex Gaskarth, Alex Greenwald, Alex Suarez, Curtis Ward, Gabe Saporta, Jack Barakat, Josh Franceschi, Matt Barnes, Matt Brown, Matt Flyzik, Michael Guy Chislett, Nate Flynn, Nate Novarro, Oli Sykes, Pat Brown, Sam Carter, Tom Sykes, Tony Marino, William Beckett and Zack Merrick.
Series Pairings: Available on Master Post.
Story Pairing: Curtis Ward/Tom Sykes
Series Explanation: Over the next few months/year, I am challenging myself to write 62 one shots featuring various bandom pairings. There are 20 characters total that will be featured in these stories. Bands involved are: The Academy Is..., All Time Low, Bring Me the Horizon, Cobra Starship, Phantom Planet, Sing It Loud, Skies Alive, The Architects and You Me at Six.
Story Summary: "Curtis had watched countless times as Tom had cared for a severely drunken Oli, never once complaining. Curtis watched as Time and time again, Tom stood by his brother, moving in with him, even, when their parents finally kicked Oli out after deeming the older boy out of control. Once, Curtis had asked why Tom had left home and the boy had simply replied “if I don’t take care of Oli, who will? Lord knows he won’t take care of himself.” Curtis had never forgotten those words. "
Disclaimer: Fiction can be SUCH nasty fun. :P
Author's Note: I hope that you guys like this!

For as long as Curtis had known the Sykes brothers, Tom had been in Oli’s shadow. In school, all of Tom’s instructors had been wary of the boy, instantly assuming that he was, like his rebellious older brother, no good. Some of them never even gave him the chance to prove that he was a smart boy and a good student while others just took a long time warming up to him. It was hard for Tom to have friends over at the house because Oli was notorious for bullying the younger kids. It was hard for Tom to get his parent’s attention because they were always too busy reprimanding Oli for his latest indiscretion.

As both boys grew, Tom was the “good” son and Oli the “bad” son, getting into trouble, staying out late, coming home drunk - but for all of the things Oli did, he was never intentionally a bad brother. He always gave Tom attention, working actively to make sure that Tom stayed away from the vices that he himself took part in. When he gained fame with Curtis and the band, Oli insisted Tom be brought along on tours as well as to events and photo shoots. Still, no matter how good of a brother Oli was, Tom couldn’t escape his shadow.

People assumed that Oli kept Tom close because they were one in the same, that like Oli, Tom was a heavy drinker, a bit of an asshole, a fierce partier and overly fond of women. They were wrong. Oli kept Tom around because Tom was his opposite - rational, level headed, a soft drinker and really rather pure.

Curtis had watched countless times as Tom had cared for a severely drunken Oli, never once complaining. Curtis watched as Time and time again, Tom stood by his brother, moving in with him, even, when their parents finally kicked Oli out after deeming the older boy out of control. Once, Curtis had asked why Tom had left home and the boy had simply replied “if I don’t take care of Oli, who will? Lord knows he won’t take care of himself.” Curtis had never forgotten those words.

Curtis stood on Oli and Tom’s kitchen. It was late - 4 in the morning, nearly. Tom had hauled Oli upstairs about an hour ago and Curtis had no doubt that the younger boy had spent the last chunk of time holding Oli’s hair while the large amounts of alcohol that the screamer had consumed took their revenge. Curtis sat at the table, turning the stem of a wine glass, half full of Chianti, in his right hand, waiting to see if Tom would come back down. The glass of wine wasn’t his - he wasn’t a wine drinker, but Tom was. The glass was Tom’s and Curtis knew that without having to ask him - none of their other friends would choose wine over something harder.

The kitchen was a mess and Oli had promised to clean it the next day, but Curtis had a feeling that Tom wouldn’t let the mess sit that long, that once he had Oli in bed, he would come back downstairs and deal with the mess himself.

Sure enough, only a few minutes later, Curtis heard the stairs creaking. Only seconds after that, Tom entered the kitchen. His eyes widened momentarily, as he was rather surprised to see another person sitting there.

“I thought everyone had left,” Tom stated, moving several bottles from the table to the recycling.

“Yeah - I contemplated leaving, but I thought you might want some help with the kitchen.”

“That’s alright, I can get it.” Tom shrugged, moving several more bottles from the counter to the recycling before picking up a rag and beginning to wipe down the tile countertop.

“Hey.” Curtis put his hand on Tom’s, taking the rag from the boy. “Leave it for tomorrow.” Curtis put one hand on the tile, his arms closing Tom in against the counter.

“What are you doing, Curtis?” Tom asked, turning around to face the guitarist.

“Something I’ve been wanting to do for awhile now.” Curtis leaned in, pressing his lips against Tom’s in a soft, chaste kiss.

“You…” Tom looked at Curtis in surprise. “You kissed me.”

“Yeah, glad you noticed.” Curtis smiled, slightly amused by both Tom’s words and his overall surprise.

“Oh. Ok.” Tom nodded, pausing for only a few more seconds before he put his arms around Curtis’ neck, initiating a second kiss. It wasn’t long before the kiss picked up. The soft, gentle nature dissipated, giving way to a fast-paced, needy display of want and desire. Tom’s tongue pressed against Curtis’ teeth and Curtis opened his mouth, allowing the kiss to reach a new level of intensity. Curtis moved forwards, backing Tom further against the counter, his hands going to Tom’s side, gripping fistfuls of the fabric of the boy’s shirt.

Tom squeezed his eyes shut, allowing himself to become lost in the kiss. He had had one boyfriend a couple of girlfriends in the past, but nothing that had lasted long. He couldn’t remember when his attraction to Curtis had begun, but he had been suppressing it for awhile - after all, Curtis was his brother’s friend, a member of his brother’s band; the odds of anything happening between them were slim…or so he had thought; the tongue currently massaging his own, however, begged to differ.

After several minutes, Curtis ran his hands down Tom’s sides, grazing over his hips before stopping at his thighs. He moved his hands around to the back so that they fell just an inch or two below Tom’s ass. He broke the kiss momentarily as he used his grip on the boy’s thighs to lift him up onto the counter top. Tom reached downwards as he sat on the cold tile, hooking his fingers through the belt loops of Curtis’ jeans, pulling forwards so that Curtis stood up against the counter, situated between Tom’s legs.

Tom leaned down to kiss Curtis again, but after only a few seconds, Curtis broke the kiss, pressing his lips to the edge of Tom’s jaw, just below the boy’s ear. Tom let out a soft moan, closing his eyes and tilting his head to the right so that the left side of his throat was almost entirely exposed. Curtis placed his hands on Tom’s waist, holding the boy steady as he began to leave pressured kisses all of the way down Tom’s neck. He stopped just before the base of Tom’s neck, beginning to suck, lightly at first, on Tom’s tender skin.

“Oh god!” Tom let out a soft whimper as Curtis began to suck harder. Tom’s hands rested on Curtis’ back, clinging to the older boy’s shirt while Curtis’ hands ran down Tom’s side, slipping under the hem of the shirt to caress Tom’s soft, smooth skin.

Tom let go of himself completely, allowing Curtis’ hands to make their way up his shirt, exploring the nineteen year old’s torso. A soft groan escaped his lips as Curtis sucked on his skin. For a moment, Tom worried about the mark that Curtis would leave, but even that was wiped from his mind as Curtis’ lips pulled at his skin. As Tom’s hands rose, his fingers twisting through Curtis’ long hair, Curtis again tightened his grip on the boy, sending Tom a silent signal.

Tom wrapped his legs around Curtis’ waist as Curtis placed his hands beneath Tom’s thighs again, lifting the boy from the counter top. Tom’s lips found Curtis’ again and as they kissed, Tom allowed himself to be carried slowly, but surely, to the living from couch. Curtis kicked a couple of bottles and cups out of the way before resting Tom on the couch. Tom smirked, grabbing the collar of Curtis’ shirt, pulling the older boy down on top of him. Their lips crashed together again and this time, it was Tom’s hands that slipped under the hem of Curtis’ t-shirt, the pads of his fingers pressing into the skin on Curtis’ back.

“You’ve spent so long taking care of your brother,” Curtis whispered, looking at Tom as he pulled away. “It’s high time someone took care of you.” He looked down, gently kissing Tom’s forehead. “Tell me what you want and I’ll do it.” A small, playful smile crossed Curtis’ lips.

“Will…will that offer still stand in the morning?” Tom asked meekly, trying hard to suppress a yawn and keep from ruining the moment.

“And the day after that and the one after that, and after that.” Curtis nodded. “Why? What do you want from me?”

“Tonight?” Tom bit his lip. “I’m exhausted and I just want to be held. Tomorrow…I Can’t say what I want tomorrow, at least not from you, I just know that I’ll want you.”

“And tomorrow you’ll still have me.” Curtis placed a soft kiss to Tom’s cheek as he slid off of him, putting an arm around Tom to make sure that neither of them would fall from the couch as Curtis resituated himself. He lay behind Tom, playing the part of the big spoon, his back pressed into the sofa back so that Tom had enough room. “Goodnight, Tom.” Curtis placed one last kiss to Tom’s body, a small, soft one at the base of his neck, before closing his eyes.

The next afternoon - shortly after 1 PM, Oli awoke. His head was pounding and he could remember very little of the party the previous night. This, however, was somewhat normal for him. The young man rubbed his eyes, opening them slowly as he sat up, the light coming through his open window making his headache worse. He looked instinctively to the bedside table where Tom always left him two aspirin and a cup of black coffee after a rough night. Oli frowned slightly at the realization that the aspirin and coffee were nowhere in sight, and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, curious to see why he had no coffee.

Oli made his way to the kitchen, slowly grumping to himself as he noticed that not only was the coffee pot turned off and empty, but the kitchen was still a mess. Perhaps Tom’s not up yet, Oli thought to himself, though he knew that this was odd because Tom always woke first. He vaguely remembered some semblance of a promise to clean the kitchen, and unsure of whether or not that was his promise or Tom’s. Oli turned, deciding to go check Tom’s room, make sure that his brother was alright.

He walked up the stairs slowly, taking his time, still not feeling too great. He pushed open the door to Tom’s room after knocking gently, but receiving no answer. His frown grew as he looked at Tom’s bed. Not only was Tom not in the bed, but it was made just as it had been the day before and Tom, while likely to wake and clean the kitchen, always made his bed towards the middle of the day, implying to Oli that Tom had probably not slept in it.

Oli headed back down the stairs, searching for Tom, though he was sure that wherever Tom was, he was fine - after all, his brother was nineteen. Oli was about to head for the kitchen again. However, Oli stopped short when he heard a quiet noise coming from the couch.

The young man walked slowly towards the couch, eyes wide at the sight before him. His best friend lay on the couch, arms and legs tangled around Tom. Curtis was holding tightly to Tom, protectively almost, and Oli could tell that, even in their sleep, each boy was aware of the other’s presence. Oli’s initial reaction was to wake them, to lay into Curtis for touching his little brother, but at a second glance, he changed his mind.

Tom was a big boy - far more mature than Oli himself, and not only was Oli confident that his little brother knew what he was doing, that Tom could make his own decisions, but the peaceful smile on Tom’s face told Oli that Tom wanted this, that he was happy.

With a slight sigh, Oli took a throw blanket from the closet. He unfolded it, gently pulling the blanket over Curtis and Tom. Oli smiled to himself as he turned, heading back towards the kitchen to make coffee for not only himself, but Tom and Curtis. He had spent too much time letting Tom be the adult - it was his turn to step up to the plate and let Tom play the role of lovestruck teenager.

slash challenge, slash, oneshot, fanfiction

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