Title: Same Ideals (1/?)
spinawebofsound aka
be_found aka Lou
Pairing(s), Character(s): Mohinder/Sylar, Nathan
Rating: R (for violence, dark themes and probable smut in future chapters)
Warnings: There's violence, dark themes, probably some smut in later chapters. Character death off 'screen', family connections people might not like.
Summary: Post-Powerless -
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Comments 23
I have always been a fan of your Mohinder but here both he AND Sylar feel real to me. The stream of consciousness you use during Mohinder's escape contrasts so well with Sylar's clipped observations and says a lot about them both. I can't wait to see how they'll interact.
"He didn’t slip up, his uncontrollable lust for murder wasn’t his downfall in the end. He is exactly where he wants to be."
This is a fucking brilliant first effort, and I'm memming it right the hell NOW.
You know I blush so much at your comments but thank you so much for being my beta and being awesome *has a lovefest*
This was so amazing! I'm SO intrigued right now, you have no idea!!! Sylar breaking out of prison was AWESOME beyond words, and then WHERE is Mohinder and WHY is he in there?! Sylar has to save him!
I'm a bit speechless right now. I feel like I just got out of an awesome movie.
Whens the next part going up?!
I really like your use of both the terms "freedom fighter" and "terrorist"
I've always been fascinated by the meaning of those words and they come into play later in the story. As does the parallel of Sylar's and Mohinder's storyline.
Once again thank you.
I'd love to read more of this.
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