If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, (even if we don't speak often or ever) please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me
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Hey dude, you remember that time that I ran over that raccoon then we made these really awesome raccoon burgers? That was killer! Let's do it again soon~
UM omg that time when you came over to mine (;D) and we... you know. And then your dad came to pick you up but we locked him in a closet because WE WERE NOT FINISHED. But we fed him bananas so he was okay. THen we, erm, invited Miura Haruma to join in the fun and he fell in love with us but we were like "NO, we love eachother, kthnxbai". Haha. PS: WRITE ME, I MISS YOU. Y__Y
Oh yes. How could I forget? That was such a delicious day. >3 I hope to soon have a repeat of that day too. Only this time just you and me. No Miura. No Dad. Just you. And me. *kisses your cheek*
PS I MISS YOU SO MUCH TOO!!! What's the time difference now?
Comments 5
omg that time when you came over to mine (;D) and we... you know. And then your dad came to pick you up but we locked him in a closet because WE WERE NOT FINISHED. But we fed him bananas so he was okay. THen we, erm, invited Miura Haruma to join in the fun and he fell in love with us but we were like "NO, we love eachother, kthnxbai".
Oh yes. How could I forget? That was such a delicious day. >3 I hope to soon have a repeat of that day too. Only this time just you and me. No Miura. No Dad. Just you. And me. *kisses your cheek*
PS I MISS YOU SO MUCH TOO!!! What's the time difference now?
The problem is that we don't have internet at home, so I can only get on during the day. :(
Ah. That's like six hours! That bites! Did you guys move into your house yet? When's dad gonna get the net for yous guys?
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