Title: Doppelganger: Chapter 8, "Jack"
heddychaaPairings: John/Ianto, Jack/Ianto, Jack/Alonso, Mickey/Martha, other canon relationships
Rating: R, with NC-17 chapters clearly labelled.
Genre: Timey-wimey Post-CoE eventual fix-it
Disclaimer: "Doctor Who" and "Torchwood", including characters, concepts, and events, belong to their respective owners
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Comments 8
Interesting back story to Ianto, I'm curious about the differences between this one & the original one from this 'verse, and exactly what he thinks are the wrongs. Love the layers to John, he's both sympathetic andd dispicable in this. This looks like it's getting complicated, I'm looking forward to more!
All differences shall be revealed! And hopefully they help to illuminate why he is a different man from the Ianto we are used to.
And yeah, John definitely walks a tight rope of being pretty awful for awhile, here, while still having somewhat of a conscience (regardless of whether he listens to it).
Thanks for commenting and I hope I continue to entertain :D
Oooh! I look forward to that, there's so much room to shade in with Ianto, especially with a Pete's world version.
I have a soft spot for a Hart that's a little bit conflicted, and you've set up an interesting balance here. I sort of have a picture of him trying to squish the conscience on his shoulder every so often :)
Thanks for sharing this, I'm really enjoying!
I do always like the theory that Hart may be picking up a conscience from Jack the way Jack got one rubbed off on him from the Doctor...
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