Is the right of any two consenting adults to enter into marriage, with the full cultural and (more importantly) legal rights and responsibilies thereof, as important as the right of any individual to worship as they please? While I don't see much point in banning gay marriage, it's actually more logical than banning, say, bigamy (from a pure
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Comments 7
Most other marriage perks I think are sensible. If we're going to tie health care to employment, supportive family members who can't currently get a job (because they're taking care of kids, going to school, or whatever) should have an option to get it. In a crisis situation, a family member will be the most qualified one to make reasonable decisions on behalf of an incapacitated person. And whoever plays a role in raising a kid should have a voice in what happens to the kid if they raisers stop spending all their time together.
So tax rates are the most obvious perk of marriage, but not the most important one.
"Life, liberty and the pursuit of property" is the quote from which the Declaration of Independence's unalienable rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is taken.
I understand what you're saying now, tho. My only disagreement is that logic and government seldom need to go hand-in-hand :-) Unfortunately society is a long string of those in power imposing their beliefs on those who aren't - it all gets back to Churchill's? line about democracy being the worst form of government, except for all the other choices.
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