EXEC_HARMONIOUS/. -- The first hymn she crafted, although how it sounds is unknown. It's supposed to reflect Mir's admiration of humanity, before she grew to hate humans. Downloaded into and sung by Misha here. Apparently, the first part (up to where "Mule" is mentioned) is part of the original lyrics.
EXEC_RIG=VEDA/. -- A song of gratitude to the party of Ar Tonelico 1 for stopping her from continuing her hatred of humanity. Also shows her admiration of humanity, as the original EXEC_HARMONIOUS did.
EXEC_SPHILIA/. -- Opens the hearts of two people, allowing them to communicate (for example, between a comatose person and herself).
EXEC_HARMONIOUS/. -- The first hymn she crafted, although how it sounds is unknown. It's supposed to reflect Mir's admiration of humanity, before she grew to hate humans. Downloaded into and sung by Misha here. Apparently, the first part (up to where "Mule" is mentioned) is part of the original lyrics.
EXEC_RIG=VEDA/. -- A song of gratitude to the party of Ar Tonelico 1 for stopping her from continuing her hatred of humanity. Also shows her admiration of humanity, as the original EXEC_HARMONIOUS did.
EXEC_SPHILIA/. -- Opens the hearts of two people, allowing them to communicate (for example, between a comatose person and herself).
EXEC_HARMONIOUS_FUSION/. -- Negates negative emotions, calms those who hear it.
EXEC_DESPEDIA/. -- Controls the Divine Army robots for a time.
The Heart Speaks -- A song of love sung by Croix and herself.
All here. This includes costumes, as well.
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