Title: Childish yet Adorable Marriage (4/?)
Author: Hanna
Pairing: Yamachii
Genre: Romance, Comedy love
Rating: PG
Summary: What will happen when two people was force by their parents to marry someone that they never meet in their whole life??
AN: switch gender fic... If you don't like it just click the cancel button k...^^
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Comments 9
LooooL they are So Baka but Cute~....XD
Well....At lease Yuri get her first kiss from Ryosuke but it wasn't out of love....>o<
I hope they kiss again because of Love....♡
Waiting for the next....^O^
I just wanna make something cute and fluffy plus Baka too... XD
Yamachan stole Chii first kiss... He really a playboy... Hahahahahh...^^
Thanks for reading and commenting...XD
Naughty Ryosuke as always *w*
pls neeeeeeext hannah-chan~~ <3
Yamachan always become naughty buta when it comes to Yuri ne~~~ XD
I will try my best for next chap...
Thanks for reading and commenting...XD
Kawaiii. I'm really waiting for the next chapter. It's interesting story. Thanks for updating ^_^
I will update the next chap soon...:)
Thanks for dropping by...
I really happy that you love this...:)
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