How to Submit a Rough Draft

Nov 12, 2009 16:30

Hey guys, the time is drawing near for you to get your rough drafts in. You have until November 20th to email us your rough draft, as long as it’s the 20th in your area you are good. Your rough draft needs to be either 15,000 words and completed or at least 10,000 words with more than 80% of the fic done. Please follow the instructions below when turning in your rough draft.

Email to:

Subject line:
Rough Draft - Title - LJ Username


LJ Username:
Current Word Count:
Need a Beta?:
Type: (slash, gen, het, crossover - put in all that apply)
Warnings (sexual context, non-con, violence, strong language, characters death - if there is anything in your fic potential artists should be warned about include it)
Summary: (try to write more than one paragraph, no more than 3 though)

Please keep the coding in your email, it makes it easier for us to just copy and paste this into the claiming post. The only things that will be taken out is the LJ username, current word count, and beta. Pay special attention to the summary because that is what artists will be using to claim a story.

Then add your fic as an attachment, we would prefer it if you had it as an .doc but we can take .docx and .rtf

If you will need a beta for your story please make sure to mark Yes on the beta section

Any questions about submitting your rough draft comment with them to this post and we will help get your rough draft in.

!mod post

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