'Cause it....
- Has hawt guyz sexting/smexing/holding hands/smooching and other similar and related activities
- Attracts brilliant minds
- Accepts me
- Is very, very pretty
- Gives me something to do at three in the morning when I can't sleep
- Is an excuse to use the word 'SQQQQQUUUUEEEE' meaningfully.
- Spotlights a deep, meaningful, metaphorically intense and emotional relationship between the afore-mentioned hawt guyz
- Has nifty iconage, art and banners
- Features faithwood 's rants, which are unparalleled.
- Allows me to gleefully disregard canon (silly canon! Bloodshed is so passe!)
- Has a genuine English accent (Cary Ewles, anyone? Peter Wimsey?)
- Drinks tea and butterbeer
- The most popular sport involves hawt youth zooming about in the air with long, hard sticks between their thighs. This is a sport I would collect posters of.
- Doesn't normally require hate-memes and even writes fic about how to get rid of them, pesky things (please see pir8fancier 'Bite Me, Hate Memes', here: archive.skyehawke.com/story.php
Oops! Must add this!
First, go instantly to the Love!Meme! and get squeeish! at
alovelycupoftea Second, a toast to
alovelycupoftea for his massive contributions to the fandom and his unflagging, upright, and upstanding efforts on behalf of Harry.
Third, a toast to LURKERS!!! Our fandom has the Best!Lurkers!
And finally, I'd like to remind you all that we are NOT DEAD, currently.
Now, go huggle someone random!
....Er, just one more thing: MODS, I huggle you!!! And previous poster who made the panfandomhatememe dohickey available, thanks for the offer and the thought, but I think we're all good, here! Also, please have a hug! It was rather hilarious, you know, just not...necessary:)