25-12. Stranger Inside

May 02, 2007 13:21

Title: Stranger Inside
Author: Terion
Disclaimer: Not. Mine.
Rating: Caution for...nothing.
POV: Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden
Book or TV verse: Book verse, White Night included.
Summary: One drabble in my new little 25 fic drabble thing inspired by 25 song titles (all Harry/Murphy fics in some form or fashion!).  See my journal for the list.  And numbering with a 25 in front so as not to get them confused with my series.

Everything seems normal.  But its not.

Far from it in so many ways its funny.  Not ha-ha clown funny.  Crazy funny.

And I'm not certain what to do.

I feel like there's a stranger walking around in my skin.  Because Ive done some things of late that aren't me.  Things I should be ashamed of but some part of me wants to crow and point at them with pride.

The only one still standing next to me is Murph.  She's here every moment that she can be - but I can feel her growing further away.

She's starting to realize this stranger I'm becoming.  And it scares her.

It scares me too.

She comes now and sits by me on the couch, nervously fidgeting.

"Harry...are you still there?"

I look up at her and fail to smile.  Then I reach for her hand and grip it like a drowning man.

"Barely," I reply and she starts to cry.

This may turn into something larger because I don't even know what the hell is going on.  And I'm curious to find out.

fic: pg, fic

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