May 02, 2007 09:01
Title: Call Me When You're Sober
Author: Terion
Disclaimer: Not. Mine.
Rating: Caution for...drunk people.
POV: Karrin Murphy
Book or TV verse: Book verse, White Night included.
Summary: One drabble in my new little 25 fic drabble thing inspired by 25 song titles (all Harry/Murphy fics in some form or fashion!). See my journal for the list. And numbering with a 25 in front so as not to get them confused with my series.
I've never seen him drunk before. So when he called me with his words slurring horribly, I knew something was wrong.
He coughed and slurred, "Muurphry?"
"Yes, Harry. What's going on?"
"Doom," he replied, giggling slightly. "Molly gosch framed ansh Counchil's gonna go shrough wif the Doom ansh thersh nochin I can do."
I can see why he's drunk now. He took responsibility for Molly and now they're both going to go down because of this.
"I'm coming over," I said sternly, tone brooking no arguments. He was silent for a moment then mumbled, "Okay."
I hung up the phone then and ran for my coat and keys, ready to rush pell mell over to his apartment. After all...I couldn't just tell him to call me when he was sober.
fic: pg,