J2AU Olympics fic: Crossing a Line

Feb 10, 2018 19:07

Title: Crossing a Line
Author: harrigan
Characters: Jared, Jensen
Genre/pairing: J2AU
Rating: PG
Word-count: @ 900 (just barely too long for a comment-fic)
Credits: For  madebyme_x and amberdreams, who answered my call for ideas for J2AU Winter Olympic fantasies!
Summary: Jensen and Jared compete in the 2018 Winter Olympics in the 1000 meter speed skating final ( Read more... )

myfic j2au

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Comments 10

madebyme_x February 11 2018, 01:25:07 UTC

Yes A1, we really will!!! Now I want more ;)

This is simply prefect; the format, the action, the emotion, the guessing game of the love/hate relationship between J2, the drama of the fall and Jensen taking the win but only with Jared's help, the sense of a future between the two of them *happy sigh* I loved every word it and I'm so happy and excited to see a fic from you!!!! Thank you for sharing ❤️


harrigan February 11 2018, 15:25:06 UTC
Thanks, sweetie. It never would have happened without you! Why don't you take a turn... even a drabble? I know you have some lovely ideas!


amberdreams February 11 2018, 16:22:36 UTC
Aw! Brought a tear to my eye, never mind Jensen's!

Don't know if I'm going to have time to tackle this challenge - I've got SO much to do! But damn, I'm really desiring a pun filled fic about the Snow Boarding Slope Style - I mean, it has a move called the backside rodeo for heaven's sake. LOL!


harrigan February 11 2018, 18:38:59 UTC
LOL! When the whim strikes, do it! It can be as short as you like!


zubeneschamali February 16 2018, 01:45:04 UTC
I love this! I love the way you tell it, and I love Jared being so awesome. Bet they've been friendlier than the announcers think for a while. ;)


harrigan February 16 2018, 02:30:24 UTC
I think you're right about that!


disneymagics February 19 2018, 14:36:02 UTC
I loved it! Beautifully done and a great ending!


harrigan February 19 2018, 16:07:53 UTC
Aww... thanks! It's been fun trying to imagine J2AU in South Korea as athletes..


borgmama1of5 February 20 2018, 20:20:30 UTC
This was lovely :)


harrigan February 20 2018, 20:30:57 UTC
Thanks! (It's nice to see you posting!) I just put up a post with links to some other Winter Olympic fics here: https://harrigan.livejournal.com/83289.html.


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