The End of the World (and back again)

Nov 29, 2015 15:59

Title: The End of the World (and back again)
Author: harrigan
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: gen
Rating: PG13
Word-count: @ 6K
Spoilers: future!fic, so-no
Summary: Written for the ohsam Triple Play 2015 Sam-focused hurt/comfort challenge. Prompt from madebyme_x, who listed: [1] a boathouse, [2] Dean, and [3] permanent disability. Available on AO3 here(I’m pretty ( Read more... )


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Comments 32

crucis01 November 29 2015, 21:23:29 UTC
Links aren't working. I ad to go under your name to find this fic, but I'm so glad I did. Sad moments, tense moments, some humor and our guys refusing to lie down and surrender! Well done and Bravo!


harrigan November 29 2015, 21:42:45 UTC
You're fast! And I'm glad - fixed the link! Thanks!


ayane42 November 29 2015, 22:14:20 UTC
awesome!! :)


harrigan December 1 2015, 15:31:57 UTC
Merci! ;D


zubeneschamali November 30 2015, 00:56:32 UTC
But I want them to stay and be safe and have their garden and read their books and wave at Baby and...

Yeah, that wouldn't be them. Great story, including bringing back Sam's line about hope being the point. <3


harrigan December 1 2015, 15:33:39 UTC
Me too -- they deserve a little respite. But if the zombie apocalypse comes, I want them on the road, so they can come save me! Thank you for reading!


mdlaw November 30 2015, 00:59:36 UTC
Great ride. m :)


harrigan December 1 2015, 15:33:56 UTC
Thanks - it was a great prompt!


peepingdru November 30 2015, 06:12:32 UTC


harrigan December 1 2015, 15:35:07 UTC
Thanks! I feel a little rusty... but I'm still committed to our boys in my heart!


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