Wizards of Waverly Place: Alex/Justin: "Movie Date"

Jul 09, 2008 23:13

Title: Movie Date
Fandom: Wizards of Waverly Place
Pairings: Alex/Justin
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: Incest. Light Adult Content.
Summary: Alex and Justin go to the movies...
Notes: Written for 10_dates prompt Movie Theatre. Also written for my Summer of Blues & Love Drabble-A-Thon prompt blouse.
[ ...Table... ]

“And just where are you two heading off to?” Theresa Russo asked her to older children. She was rather curious to see them actually head off somewhere together… and not fighting.

Alex grinned at her mother, “We’re going to the movies.”

“That’s cool, what are you guys seeing?” Theresa asked with a smile.

“Well we’re going to see the new Superhero Team-up movie,” Justin answered and Theresa stared at them. “What?”

“You two are going together to see the movie?”

“Well yeah, mom. Everyone is talking about it and we have to see it or we’ll be losers that no one will talk to because we haven’t seen the movie… not that Justin isn’t already a loser.” Alex explained grinning, causing her brother to glare over at her.

“Oh, I see… well you two have fun! Make sure you’re back by eleven!” Theresa yelled as she walked away. Justin and Alex let out a breath of relief.

“Good excuse,” Justin said with a smile as they put on their coats.

“Thanks,” Alex replied and they left the loft grinning at each other.

“Who would have thought it would have been easy for us to go on a date without anyone else knowing?” Justin asked, clearly relieved that their mother had believed them.

“I did… it’s not like we haven’t seen movies together before.” Alex stated, “But either way… you actually did an excellent job lying to mom.”

“Well, technically we weren’t lying… we are going to see a movie.”

“True,” Alex stated with a smile.

Alex let out a small laugh as Justin started to nibble on her ear. Grinning she moved her face so she could kiss him. Completely ignoring the film now, Justin began make his way from her lips to her neck all the while leaving small loving kisses. Sighing in content at the feel of Justin’s lips on her, Alex wrapped her arms around his neck. Alex let out sudden moan of pleasure as Justin was clearly leaving a hickey on her neck, and she thanked the heavens that they had chosen an action film where explosions were throughout the film and no one had heard her moan.

Justin slid his hands down her sides as he moved his lips back to her lips. Alex smirked before she deepened the kiss. Justin moved hands so they were under Alex’s new blouse and he teased her. Alex broke the kiss to stare at Justin in the dark lit movie theatre. She grinned before she kissed him again this time with a little more force. She again broke off the kiss and started her on trail down to his neck.

“Oh we are so definitely doing that again,” Alex stated as they walked out of the movie theatre with Justin a half hour later. Justin let out a laugh at that, causing Alex to grin.

“I definitely hope so,” Justin said. “This Friday?”

“Sure,” Alex said fighting off the impulse to kiss him.


wizards of waverly place, wizards of waverly place: alex/justin, wizards of waverly place: alex, -rated pg13, wizards of waverly place: theresa, -2008, wizards of waverly place: justin

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