H2O: Just Add Water/Smallville: Chloe/AC: "Aquagirl" Chapter 1-3

Mar 16, 2008 21:21

Title: Aquagirl
Fandom: Smallville and H2O: Just Add Water
Pairings: Chloe/AC with Chloe/Bart (one-sided) & Cleo/Lewis (mentioned)
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Post Season 1 for H2O but uses ideas found in S2 & Post 7.1 of Smallville - AU after that.
Summary: Chloe goes to Australia and turns into a mythical creature after visiting Mako Island.
Notes: Written for crossovers50 prompt Beach (Chapter 1) & Swim (Chapter 2) & Walk (Chapter 3) and galorechallenge prompt Chloe - mermaids. I've been trying to write a H2O fanfic since I first seen the show, but it hasn't been until now that I was able write something H2O-related. I know the pairing Chloe/AC isn't as popular or thought of much, but well since I read 5 Times the League Saw Chloe Naked, I just couldn't help myself and I fell for it.
[ ...Table... ]

Chapter 1

One thing Chloe Sullivan did not expect when she visited Australia… was turning into a mermaid. Even after years of living in Smallville and Metropolis, Chloe never believed they were real. Even after meeting Arthur Curry, she didn’t really think he was a merman. He didn’t have a tail in the water!

It took a little getting used to, but thanks to Rikki, Emma, and Cleo, who were all mermaids like she was now, Chloe was able to cope a little better about the whole thing. They helped her learn all about how even a drop of water would turn her into a mermaid and about the powers that came with it. Now not only did Chloe have the power to heal, she now could control water, and could freeze or heat it. It was actually kind of nice to have… she would never have a luke warm coffee anymore.

Chloe never used to really swim all that much… since Crater Lake was closed off from the public for the most part thanks to the meteor shower, but since becoming a mermaid, it’s become a nice getaway from life and work. It made her feel free… like she could do anything she wanted.

She kept it a secret from Clark and Oliver for awhile; she wanted to wait until she was able to completely control her new powers. A few weeks after the first time she became a mermaid, Chloe finally asked for them to come here on Mako Island with the others.

A day later, she stood waiting for them on the beach and within seconds Bart stood in front of her with her favorite flowers. Chloe laughed and thanked him.

Within a few minutes, the whole Justice League was walking up the beach towards them.

“So, Watchtower… what was the news you needed to tell us all in person?” Oliver asked with a curious smile.

“I’m a mermaid.” Chloe stated, causing Victor and Bart to start laughing, Clark and Oliver looking at her in surprise, and AC to smile.

“Very funny, chica, but they aren’t real… so what’s the real news?”

“I know it seems a little weird, even for us… kind of, but I really am.” Chloe stated, backing up towards the ocean. Within seconds of the water touching her feet she dove right into the ocean and came back up seconds later.

Everyone besides AC gaped in surprise at Chloe.

“How did this happen?” Clark finally managed to ask.

“I’m not completely sure, but I was here at Mako Island at night during a full moon and then here I am… a mermaid.”

“You look oh so hermosa* like that Chloelicious,” Bart stated, causing Chloe to laugh.

“Thanks Bart.”

“So I guess we need a new codename for you then?” Oliver asked.

“Yeah… I don’t think my old one quite fits my new powers.” Chloe stated, sitting down on the couch in Emma’s house. Emma’s parents were away for the week, and she invited Chloe to stay with her until they came back. It was easier that way to train Chloe with the powers and prepare her about what water did to her if she wasn’t careful. She, Rikki, and Cleo were all at school at the moment, so Chloe wasn’t worried about them finding out about her friends. She knew she could trust them, but she didn’t know if Oliver or anyone else would like others to know about them just yet.

“I vote Mermaid Chica,” Bart suggested, only to be ignored by the rest of the team.

“I think Aquagirl… it fits, you know, she basically has similar powers to AC, so I think Aquagirl suits her.” Victor stated, glancing over towards AC. Chloe glanced over towards AC as well and smiled slightly.

“I don’t mind… if you don’t.” Chloe stated, causing AC to smile reassuring at her.

“No I don’t mind, it’ll be nice to have someone to swim with.” AC admitted causing Chloe to blush slightly.

Chapter 2

Few hours later, all the Justice League members, besides AC and Chloe left Gold Coast, Australia. AC decided to stay behind to hang out with Chloe. He wanted to see just how fast she was as a mermaid.

“Let me guess,” Chloe started, standing up. ”You want a race between me and you?”

AC laughed, “and just how do you know that?”

“I’ve been around you guys, I’m pretty sure I know how you think.” Chloe stated, smirking. “Come on, we’ll race to Mako.”

“Cool,” AC stated, but he highly doubted Chloe knew how he felt about her. He knew she was off limits though, she was all for Clark… despite the fact they were not together nor probably ever would, but he knew Chloe had feelings for him.

Half an hour later, they arrived near an empty part of the beach - since most kids were in school still, there was no one except maybe a few random older men who were fishing. But they were further down the beach and out of site of Chloe and AC.

“On the number three?” Chloe asked, smirking towards AC. He laughed and nodded.


“Three!” Chloe shouted, running as fast as her legs could carry her towards the beach. She could hear AC shouting at her for being a cheater, but all she could do was laugh as she dove into a large wave. Ten seconds later, she was a mermaid and quickly swam towards MakoIsland.

Surfacing a few minutes later, she found AC surfacing right after her. She grinned, “I beat you.”

AC laughed, “I let you win.”

“Right,” Chloe said, laughing. “I want to show you something, follow me.” And without another word, Chloe dove underwater and swam towards the channel of the cavern where she had received her mermaid powers.

Surfacing, AC glanced around the cavern and smiled. “It’s beautiful,” he said when Chloe surfaced beside him.

Chloe nodded, “this is where I got my powers…” She moved towards the ledge and climbed up it. Moving her tail over the ledge as well she moved her hand in front of her tail and heated it until she was human again. AC sat beside her, watching curiously.

“Do you like it?” AC asked finally, Chloe glanced over to him in confusion. “Being a mermaid?”

“Are you kidding? Yeah I do, I mean it sucks I have to be really careful around water, but I love being a mermaid… it’s kind of silly but I feel like I’m free when I’m a mermaid.” Chloe stated, grinning. “It’s kind of funny though, Splash* was always my favorite movie… and now I’m practically just like Madison.” Chloe added softly, “You know, I don’t think you ever stated if you were a merman or not…”

AC let out a laugh, “I guess I am… however I’m still not entirely sure why I don’t have a tail like you do.”

“I guess we women are just so lucky then…” Chloe stated sarcastically with a smile.

Before Chloe or AC could say anything else, three young mermaids surfaced. Chloe smiled over to them, and they returned it until they caught sight of AC. Crap, Chloe thought, I lost track of time and now they think I betrayed them.

“Wait! Cleo, Rikki, Emma, meet Arthur Curry, he’s my friend. Trust me; you don’t have to worry about him telling our secret.” Chloe stated before any of the girls could say anything. They glanced wearily towards AC who nodded.

“You can call me AC; it’s nice to meet you.” AC stated, he turned towards Chloe, “you didn’t mention them… so what happened to you happened to all of them?”

“Yeah, except each one received a different one of my powers.” Chloe stated as the girls got out of the water. Rikki quickly dried herself and Emma, while Chloe helped Cleo. AC nodded.

“Not to sound rude or anything,” Rikki sarcastically started, “but who is this guy? Why didn’t you tell us you were going to tell him?”

“I’m sorry Rikki, but I couldn’t tell you about him because I didn’t know if he would want you to know about himself.” Chloe explained, “He’s like us… only not.”

“You could call me a merman, I guess, but I’d rather you didn’t. I was born to Atlanna and Atlan* of Atlantis.”

“No way!” Shouted all three girls, Chloe stared at him in surprise.

“You’re kidding right? Atlantis is a myth…” Emma started only to be interrupted by Rikki.

“So are mermaids, Emma… and yet here we are.” Rikki stated to Emma, before turning her attention to AC. “So you turn into a merman like we do?”

“No, not really. I don’t have a tail like you guys, but I do need water to survive or I could die with the lack of it.” AC stated, “I can communicate with sea life, breath underwater, and I can create balls of energy underwater as well as a little extra strength underwater. I can also apparently swim just as fast as you guys.”

“This is so cool,” Cleo stated causing Rikki and Emma to nod in agreement.

Chapter 3

“You’ve never told us that you were from Atlantis…” Chloe stated, watching him curiously. He shrugged his shoulders, watching their feet walk in the sand. They were finally alone together on Mako; the girls had headed back to the mainland to meet up with Lewis - a friend of theirs that knew all about them and Cleo’s boyfriend.

“I just didn’t really see the point, and no one really asked about it. Plus I didn’t grow up in Atlantis, so technically I’m not really from Atlantis.” AC revealed, glancing over towards Chloe.

“How come you didn’t grow up in Atlantis then?”

“My parents… they were rulers there but they were overturned and my father was killed. To save me, my mother took us up here and we lived here together with my stepfather until…” AC frowned, remembering. “We were flying back home, my mom was a pilot and she took me on a ride, and we were attacked by a siren and my mom sacrificed herself to save me. It wasn’t until years later that I found out about my mom and where I came from. I knew I had powers way before that but I didn’t really think about it…”

“I’m so sorry,” Chloe stated sadly, squeezing his hand.

AC nodded and smiled slightly, “so, any other questions, Aquagirl?”

Chloe smiled gently, “No… no I don’t so, Aquaman.”

“Cool,” AC smiled and wrapped his arm around Chloe’s shoulders. Chloe let out a laugh, before running out of AC’s arms. “Hey!”

Chloe stuck out her tongue out him, and turned around and raced away from him. AC laughed and ran after her.

Chloe hid behind a rock to catch her breath… she wasn’t too sure what got into her, but she just felt energized and playful. Out of no where AC appeared in front of her and picked her up. She let out a scream, laughing out as he twirled her around.

“I won that round!” AC stated with a large grin as he held her. Chloe laughed and unable to speak she nodded as she continued to laugh.

It took her a few minutes to compose herself, only letting a few giggles slip through, she wrapped her arms around AC’s neck to make sure he wouldn’t drop her.

“Are you going to let me down?” Chloe asked, and AC grinned at her.

“Maybe, but personally I like you where you are.” AC winked at her and she blushed.

“Oh really?” She asked, with a grin of her own.

“Yup,” his grin widened.

She wasn’t too sure what she was doing… flirting, she knew, but she never flirted like this before. There were no subtitles or shyness or anything that she usually felt when she flirted, it was as if flirting with him was as natural as nature is. And it was a mutual flirtation… and just like when she is a mermaid she felt free and the best she ever felt.

Chloe, without even realizing it, leaned in closer to AC and captured his lips in a kiss. Within a second AC responded, deepening the kiss as his grip around her tighten. She pulled away after a few minutes to breath. She looked up into his eyes and smiled. He smiled down at her before capturing her lips again… this time with a lot more passion and feeling.


* Hermosa is Spanish for beautiful.

* Splash (1984 film) stars Tom Hanks as Allen and Daryl Hannah as Madison.
* Although his background is never really explained in SV, I’m using pilot episode of Aquaman (aka Mercy Reef - starring Justin Hartley) as a guide with of course the comics.

smallville, -2008, smallville: clark, h2o: just add water, smallville: oliver, smallville: victor, h2o: just add water: rikki, smallville: ac, smallville: crossover, smallville: ac/chloe, h2o: just add water: emma, -rated pg, smallville: chloe, smallville: bart, h2o: just add water: crossover, h2o: just add water: cleo

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