Title: Shannon Lost
Fandom: Heroes & a slight crossover with LOST.
Pairings: Matt/Audrey, (mentions:) Sayid/Shannon
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Episode Abandoned of LOST. Language.
Summary: Matt and Audrey discuss the Lost episode Abandoned.
Notes: Challenged by
heroes100words . Slight Crossover with LOST. I think this is so fun, and I think I got Audrey down, a little out of character but that’s okay. This was exactly what I felt after I saw the episode!
“I can not believe they killed her off!”
“I thought you said you hated her?”
“I did, but she was just starting to become interesting and not a little rich blond bitch.” Audrey stated, sighing in defeat as she clicked off the television. She confessed, “With her relationship with Sayid and everything, she was becoming a favorite of mine.”
Matt let out a small laugh; he knew how much Audrey loved the Iranian. Before Sayid had showed interest in Shannon, Audrey hadn’t really liked her all that much. Matt, however, didn’t mind her.
“Poor Sayid… damn, why couldn’t she live?”