Smallville/Supernatural: Chloe/Sam: "Never Be"

Mar 08, 2010 22:51

Title: Never Be
Fandoms: Smallville and Supernatural
Pairings: Chloe/Sam
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: S5 of SPN. Angsty.
Summary: They could never be...
Notes: Written for the 40 Days of Drabbles challenge at my journal.

When Jo Harvelle called her for help, she couldn’t just say no. Not to her younger cousin. Sure, all she wanted to do was stay in the Watchtower and make sure everything in the city was alright since no one else seemed to care. And Jo was in trouble - she loved her cousin too much to deny her anything, especially if she might be able to save her.

This, however, was not what she had expected her cousin to need help in.

Research of anything Biblical-related to the Apocalypse.

THE Apocalypse.

It still felt strange to say or even to believe it was happening but knowing all about the weird and unexplainable was Chloe’s gift, so she wasn’t as surprised to find it happening though.

To believe that Sam Winchester was to be the Devil’s vassal was hard. He was sweet, giant man that was a complete gentleman that liked to research and wished he could have a nice normal life. It was hard to believe that he would possibly eventually house the fallen angel, the first demon, Lucifer.

She wanted Sam to have a nice normal life… with normal relationships. And maybe, if their lives had been different - if there had been no heaven or hell or aliens - maybe they could have been together and had a nice normal life.

But in her line of work - and his - normal wasn’t possible.

They could never be anything more than friends.

It would hurt too much to have something more.


supernatural: jo, -2010, smallville: crossover, smallville, supernatural: crossover, smallville: chloe, -rated pg, supernatural: sam, supernatural

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