Harry Potter: Harry/Pansy: "When Did Everything Change?"

Oct 31, 2009 15:26

Title: When Did Everything Change?
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings: Harry/Pansy
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: AU. Mention of Adult Content.
Summary: They wake up.
Notes: Written for dyno_drabbles October challenge prompt "It surprised her as much as anyone else, but that didn’t make it any less real." and written for 25moments prompt moment of clarity. Supposed to be this short! This is the first time I've written Parry!
[ ...Table... ]

It surprised her as much as anyone else, but that didn’t make it any less real. She had no idea why or how it happened, but it did.

She woke up wrapped around his body and it felt right, as if she was made to wake up every morning with him. Glancing up at him she found that she couldn’t think of a single insult nor did she feel like waking him up. She didn’t want to ruin this feeling… this feeling of peace.

Harry Potter.

Ha! How could he give her the feeling of peace? It didn’t make sense. They were supposed to hate each other… people who hate each other DON’T sleep with each other.

They had been enemies during school and they made fun of each other quite often back then and even within the past few years of working together.

So when did that change?

When did she actually want to sleep with him?

When did she start to fall in love with him?

He woke up to a warm body wrapped around him; arms wrapped around his chest and legs intertwined with his and hair just inches away from tickling his nose. It took nearly a minute before he remembered exactly who was wrapped in his arms.

Pansy Parkinson.

He knew he should feel disgusted and wonder what someone put in his drink last night.

But then, what was the point in lying?

He wanted last night to happen for months.

Yes… he wanted to sleep with her. He doesn’t know how or why though… or when he started to see her as anything but his assistant or an old enemy.

She was still the same as ever; snide and mean to him and his friends. However hard-headed and stubborn she was, she was the best at what they did and the best employee (besides her attitude to him) he had working for him.

When did he start to fall in love with her?

To her great surprise, and joy, he didn’t pull away from her when he woke up. He stayed completely still for a few minutes before he relaxed and tightened his grip on her slightly. Her stomach felt like it had pixies flying in it.

She knew it couldn’t last forever, but she tried to stay as quiet as she could… she wanted this feeling to last as long as it could. However, it felt as if her heart was giving her away it was pounding so badly in anticipation and fear.

She had her eyes closed as loosely as she could without rousing his suspicion that she was awake, so when his fingers brushed her lips her eyes opened in surprise.


-2009, harry potter: harry/pansy, harry potter: harry, -rated pg13, harry potter: pansy, harry potter

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