Batman/Smallville: Bruce/girl!Clark: "Never Too Tired"

Mar 13, 2009 19:54

Title: Never Too Tired
Fandoms: Batman and Smallville
Pairings: Bruce/girl!Clark
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: Future Fic. AU - girl!Clark Universe. Hints of Adult Content.
Summary: Bruce watches Clara sleep.
Notes: Written for my 40 Days of Drabbles for brokengem prompt Bruce/girl!Clark. Also written for 10_switched prompt Night and sv100 Challenge Crossovers. Another crappy title :(
[ ...Table... ]

Bruce Wayne felt himself grinning as he watched Clara sleep. She had one arm wrapped around his waist and the other underneath her pillow, along with both legs entangled with his. He loved being this entangled with her after the very long and fun afternoon they had.

He let out a sigh, relaxing back in the bed, knowing that he’ll soon have leave Clara’s warmth and become the Batman, the protector of Gotham City, and she will become Superwoman, protector of Metropolis. However right now, it was just Bruce Wayne and Clara Kent, lovers and best friends.

Clara stirred, and breathed in the night air and remnants of Bruce’s expensive cologne. She smiled softly before moving her head enough so she could stare up at Bruce. She grinned as she realized he was awake and watching her.

Clara glanced over towards the clock, her grin widening when she saw that they still had enough time. She studied his relaxed state, still grinning. “Too tired?”

Bruce let out a laugh. “Never.”

Clara licked her lips in anticipation. “Excellent.”


smallville: crossover, smallville, dc comics: crossover, dc comics: batman, smallville: clark, dc comics, -2009, -rated pg13

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