Mar 19, 2008 17:26
Because I'm procrastinating, I decided to turn a little 58-word fic snippet I wrote forever ago into a full-length (100 words exactly) drabble, since the fic it was intended to be a part of will probably, sadly, never be written.
So, without further ado:
Jessica loves Luke, loves him in a way she never expected, or even imagined. They’ve beaten the odds, time and again, and for the first time in her life she’s started thinking in forevers and always. Jessica Jones is finally content with the lot she’s been given. She doesn’t need, or want, anyone else.
But Danny has Scott's blond hair and Matt's easy grace and Peter's nervous laugh, and when he slips his arm around her waist while his mouth is sucking at Luke's collarbone, Jessica can't help thinking that she could fall a little in love with him, too.