Blech: NaNo Day 9

Nov 09, 2006 16:44

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hbp, snape

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Comments 11

ginny_weasley31 November 10 2006, 00:11:14 UTC
I was never been a firm believer in the theory. However, I think that Meredith makes some compelling arguments and at this point I wouldn't be surprised if McGonagall is revealed as a traitor in the end. It would certainly be a twist that most people wouldn't be expecting... and in some ways it seems like the series is begging for something major like this. I mean if her 'big thing to reveal' is solely that Snape & Lily were at the very least friends... I really don't think that would surprise very many people. Some, maybe... but it doesn't seem like a major bombshell.

I've wanted to incorporate the theory into fanfic since first reading the essay... even if it was just a minor subplot. :)


harmony_bites November 10 2006, 08:31:56 UTC
and in some ways it seems like the series is begging for something major like this.That above all is what intrigues me about it. I find the Snape isn't a murderer theories compelling because for me it's the only thing that makes sense of otherwise glaring plot holes--in fact, it amazes me there are people who still see Snape as a traitor to the Light--I feel like JKR couldn't have been more obvious if she'd hung a neon sign around his neck, and the reasons are legion ( ... )


bewarethesmirk November 10 2006, 04:33:00 UTC
Thanks for the rec! I went and read it and am fascinated now to say the least.

I have seen some Minerva/Tom out there and wondered at the foundation for the pairing, but now I completely understand. :-P


harmony_bites November 10 2006, 08:37:12 UTC
I haven't seen that pairing, though, as I said, I had hints of it in a ficlet I wrote. What made me think of it is that I believed that Riddle and McGonagall could be around the same age and might have known each other at Hogwarts. Not hard to see the bright, talented McGonagall as part of the Slug Club. Maybe even Head Girl to Riddle's Head Boy. And there's no question that in his youth Tom was charismatic and turned heads. I think that's the foundation for Tom/Minerva--their ages--the possibility they could be peers.

But if I pictured Tom/Minerva, it was as a crush or infatuation on her side and that she had long turned against him. It never ever, occurred to me that McGonagall could be a possible traitor and loyal to Voldemort still. So the essay certainly is intriguing.


bewarethesmirk November 28 2006, 02:46:52 UTC
I ran across this comment in my email and I remember where I saw some Tom/Minerva fic. I haven't read it, but the author (pre_raphaelite1) is very good. She's mostly a Remus/Sirius writer and likes to explore kink quite a bit.

Here's an archive of her T/M fic:


harmony_bites November 28 2006, 20:38:29 UTC
Thanks--I appreciate the link!


wade_scott November 10 2006, 15:58:06 UTC
Hmmm...Definitely got the wheels in my head turning. I must admit, my fierce love for McGonagall prevents me from swallowingthis theory whole.

And another thought for the fanfic fodder: a spurned schoolgirl crush on Dumbledore turns our brilliant Gryffindor to the dark side.

::rushes off to email Danae::


harmony_bites November 10 2006, 23:33:16 UTC
I don't think I'm as big a fan of the Jocks Gryffindors as you are--as you recall, I don't much like Lupin, for instance - at all. But I always did like McGonagall. Not love--certainly not fierce--but like. I think my favorite moment in all of OotP is when Peeves is unscrewing some fixture and McGonagall under her breath directs him to unscrew it "to the right."

Truly, I'd think McGonagall's behavior throughout OotP wouldn't make sense if she was some traitor. She seemed to me to be fiercely protective of Harry and Dumbledore both. With the Snape-didn't-do-murder theories, I like them because for me it makes sense of so many things throughout HBP like Snape finally getting the DADA job, the cursed hand, that way he acted in Spinner's End, the argument with AD in the forest, his instructing Harry to the end while not allowing him to be hurt and captured, that "Please Severus" - so much else.

I don't think Minerva's actions need explanation in the same way. But as ginny_weasley31 said above, what's so delicious about this theory is its potential ( ... )


wade_scott November 11 2006, 00:52:34 UTC
I *heart* you!

(And, for the record, I am not a "fan" of Gryffindors. I don't particularly give a damn about houses, really. But as for Minerva, well, she just holds a special place in my heart. Maybe even just for the "to the right" comment.)

Speaking of McGonagall's behavior in OoTP, wouldn't she have been more supportive of axing Trelawney if she were a servant of Voldy? I seem to recall her as protecting the nutty professor, despite her dislike of her and her subject.


harmony_bites November 11 2006, 01:05:15 UTC
Speaking of McGonagall's behavior in OoTP, wouldn't she have been more supportive of axing Trelawney if she were a servant of Voldy? I seem to recall her as protecting the nutty professor, despite her dislike of her and her subject.That's what I remember too. Mind you, if I were trying to defend the McGonagall's a traitor theory I could go for the obverse of part of why I think Snape's behavior doens't make sense if he's evil ( ... )


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