Just Saw The Harry Potter Film

Dec 01, 2010 19:09

And I loved it. Maybe my favorite along with the film adaptation of The Prisoner of Azkaban directed by Alfonso Cuarón--although the only one to make me cry was the film of Goblet of Fire--the reaction of Cedric's father when he finds out his son is dead did me in ( Read more... )

reviews, harry potter film, snape

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Comments 25

kellychambliss December 2 2010, 05:22:06 UTC
Welcome back! Glad you're writing again, even if you're still on SSHG overload. You'll find some way to use what you've written; nothing is every wasted, even if it sits on your hard-drive for years. It'll recycle itself somehow.

I had a similar over-dose of first-time Janeway/Chakotay and Janeway/Seven stories. I honestly don't think I can ever read another one.


harmony_bites December 2 2010, 15:33:57 UTC
Even if I do never get to recycle, it was funny how after all that time away a lot flowed from my fingertips as if the muse just had to say, "Hey, I'm still here if you would just try. It was strange--and fun--even if it then did peter out.

I had a similar over-dose of first-time Janeway/Chakotay and Janeway/Seven stories.

Heh. Well, especially with J/C there was just soooooo many...

I honestly don't think I can ever read another one.I feel that way about Snape/Hermione, despite the muse taking off from them. Yet I rather hope it'll not always be that way. I know you never really cared for Chakotay with Janeway while for me in Harry Potter Snape/Hermione is OTP. Because of all the characters, I feel for Snape, and I think for various reasons Hermione would be his best match. And I just like how they play off each other--and the reaction they'd get from others. I can't imagine any coupling that would drive Ron and Harry more insane, with the possible exception of Ginny/Snape so ( ... )


kribu December 2 2010, 08:01:51 UTC
I loved the film. Definitely my favourite of the films so far. I think it helped tremendously to split the book into two - this really felt faithful to the book, and not in the way the first two movies did (with cramming as much in as possible), but also in spirit ( ... )


harmony_bites December 2 2010, 15:40:45 UTC
this really felt faithful to the book, and not in the way the first two movies did

I agree--and it made me think of all the favorite moments in the book we never got--especially the "If you are prepared" scene between Dumbledore and Snape.

And for the first time, everything that was either left out or added actually made sense, I felt.

If felt plotwise it made more sense than the book! And some of those additions were my favorite part of the film--like Ron telling Harry they wouldn't last two days without Hermione!

I'm now ready for some SSHG again, both to write and to read (outside the exchange, I've read really very little fic this year - didn't quite reach the "thoroughly sick of it" stage, fortunately, but definitely needed a bit of a break, so I have some inkling as to what you meanI think it wasn't so much Snape/Hermione but forcing myself to read beyond it into ships I didn't like for KIA that just broke me. But for whatever reason at some point even with my beloved ship I felt, no, not one more. And I do still feel that ( ... )


pokeystar December 2 2010, 08:27:14 UTC
LOL - I went to see it with Corianderpie & Anonymous_plume and at one point I leaned over and whispered "The Harmony shippers are peeing their pants right now"

I just typed that, read it over and it's weirdly funny now.

I need to go to bed.


harmony_bites December 2 2010, 15:42:28 UTC
LOL! I know what you mean though. The hair-cutting, the dance scene, Ron's nightmare of them making love--I could just see the million and one photo manips the Harry/Hermione forces are going to be busily making...

I envy you the experience of seeing it with fellow fans--that just has to be soooooooooo fun!


e_danae December 2 2010, 11:51:58 UTC
The seventh book is not my favorite, but the seventh film certainly is. I love what Yates and Kloves made of it - everything you've pointed out I really enjoyed. And I like the cast more and more, old and new alike.

You're writing?! SS/HG?! The joy and anticipation!


harmony_bites December 2 2010, 15:47:08 UTC
I think the seventh book is my least favorite for various reasons, although I liked it a lot more than just about everyone on my f-list. I saw plot holes dotting the landscape like swiss cheese, the camping scenes dragged, Snape's death felt like such a waste and I hated the epilogue--but there were things I liked--mostly at the point *after* where they broke--which makes me excited for the last picture. I hope they'll film "The Prince's Tale!"

You're writing?! SS/HG?! The joy and anticipation!

You're very sweet to say so. But it's more that I was writing it and it petered out, and I doubt even one line of what I wrote will ever be posted--but it had been so long I had written at all it still seemed worth celebrating!


e_danae December 2 2010, 20:57:50 UTC
Oh, writing is always good, finished or unfinished. If the Muse struck once she can strike again. Think about the good lines which should not be wasted... I'm hopeful :)


keladry_lupin December 2 2010, 21:34:35 UTC
I agree wholeheartedly with all seven points, but especially 1, 2, and 3. I never shipped Harry/Hermione, but they make more sense to me than Ron/Hermione. But if I had a choice about who's with Harry, it would be Luna.

Yay for writing!


harmony_bites December 3 2010, 02:00:38 UTC
I really hate the canon pairings, though for different reasons. I'm a anyone but Ron for Hermione person, not because I have anything against Ron, but to me they just don't fit together. With Harry/Ginny, it's more that besides being the most boring, predictable pairing possible Rowling did nothing to convince me those two have chemistry--and the films aren't doing any better. And Remus/Tonks? That was just one big HUH ( ... )


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