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Comments 4

lifeasanamazon June 15 2010, 14:45:33 UTC
It's just wonderful when things go so well for a friend!


harmony_bites June 15 2010, 14:58:20 UTC
This is some kind of wonderful. I remember when she got her first published sale--we were both online at the time when the list of those who'd won publication in Strange New Worlds came out. This isn't quite the same, because, of course, this was in the planning for months--but despite all the sales and the bookshelf full of books and magazines with my friend in the table of contents, there's nothing like having THE WHOLE BOOK with her name on the cover. It's so exciting, and I've felt a bit manic ever since I saw the book on sale in Amazon!

Hope all his well with you!


brandi1498 June 15 2010, 16:24:50 UTC
Thats great, I just friended her as I used to read her Star Trek stories...I'm so happy for her...


harmony_bites June 15 2010, 16:26:27 UTC
Then as you know, she's mucho talented--and still active in fan fiction here and there. I'm happy for her as both a fellow fanficer done good--and a friend :-)


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