Ron/Pansy Fest

Sep 19, 2009 14:44

The ronpansy_fest, which I was co-modding with silburygirl, just ended, and we'll be putting up the reveal this Friday. It was a very small Exchange as befits a very tiny ship (FFN tends to reflect the size of various ships--SSHG has over 8,000 stories, double that, and you have about the number of stories out there online. Ron/Pansy has little over a hundred stories on ( Read more... )

fic recs, ron/pansy

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Comments 21

pennswoods September 20 2009, 00:06:59 UTC
I love this little fest. I've got to go get some of my reading on because there really were some fabulous gems in them. Thank you for organizing it and running it so smoothly!

And yeah for short, raunchy comics! :DDD


harmony_bites September 20 2009, 04:41:52 UTC
I love this little fest. I've got to go get some of my reading on because there really were some fabulous gems in them. Thank you for organizing it and running it so smoothly!

Aww! Given it's such a tiny ship, it really is amazing how many quality fics are in it (points to list above of those who have written in it). And yeah, despite the fest being so little, there really is a lot that was enjoyable in it and a few more than impressive. You have some treats ahead of you when you catch up.

Given all that I'm surprised sometimes it's such a rare pair. Otoh, given what I see on AFF and Restricted Section, Ron isn't the erotic draw Harry or Draco or Snape or even Remus is--and Pansy after all is a very, very minor character compared to Hermione or Ginny Luna or even Tonks.

A shame, because I think like most Gryff/Slyth pairings, it's a ship with lots of potential.


libco September 20 2009, 00:38:44 UTC
hey-I'll bite-I like all kinds of ships-except RW/HG


harmony_bites September 20 2009, 04:49:51 UTC
I've actually sought out RW/HG. I didn't want to be too OTP and I wanted to get the appeal of Ron to Hermione. Like all major pairings, there really are some fine stories in it, but I admit I still think it's a pairing I can't see working in real life given their canon personalities. Which is funny, because here I ship Snape/Hermione and god knows Snape has issues--and lots more damage really than Ron. But given Ron and Hermione's canon insecurities, I think I could see Hermione and Snape as compliments, while I'd see Ron and Hermione as bringing out the worst in each other.

Besides, I just think the Gryff/Slyth conflicts and contrasts are so much fun to play with. And what's the point of fanfic if not examining the road not traveled?

I hope you'll like the stories you try out. It's a small ship--but with a surprisingly high percentage of quality stories within it.


libco September 20 2009, 06:21:24 UTC
I've read some other R/P fic-usually good. I like Luna fic


harmony_bites September 20 2009, 17:53:57 UTC
I love Luna! Good fic with her is rare--I think she's the most challenging of Rowling's characters to write!


silburygirl September 20 2009, 03:23:24 UTC
We survived, mostly because of you! I think there should be a party in your honour.


harmony_bites September 20 2009, 05:01:04 UTC
We more than survived--and you're half the reason after all! *throws confetti*
... )


silburygirl September 20 2009, 05:17:44 UTC
Except that you did most of the grunt work.


harmony_bites September 20 2009, 05:21:03 UTC
Ah, but you were our friendly face!

I don't know why some people seem to find me intimidating... *sharpens fangs*


kellychambliss September 20 2009, 05:56:47 UTC
Normally I'd probably pass right by Ron/Pansy, but you're one of the reccers I trust, and plus, who could resist Pansy as Mr. Darcy? So I'll come back and give some of these a try.


harmony_bites September 20 2009, 06:10:36 UTC
I think "Secretary/Assistant" is a lovely, sweet and charming one--but if you try any, I think you might like "Selling Spring"--it just had such a lovely style and feel, even though I felt some trepidation when i read the summary--didn't think I'd like it--that I loved it was a surprise.

I saw that the Hermione Big Bang has exploded. Your story is first on my list to read. I'm not sure what others I might get to. The sheer idea of a million words out there is rather intimidating.


kellychambliss September 20 2009, 15:55:15 UTC
but if you try any, I think you might like "Selling Spring"

Thanks! I'll go there first.

even though I felt some trepidation when i read the summary--didn't think I'd like it--that I loved it was a surprise

That's one of the things I like best about fests: reading and loving something that you probably would have ignored otherwise (I usually feel obliged to read as many of the fest stories as I can).

The sheer idea of a million words out there is rather intimidating

Isn't it, though! I feel the same, although I'm really going to try to read/comment on them all (even if it takes months, which it probably will). I'll be happy to steer you to the ones that I like best. There appear to be several SSHG.


harmony_bites September 20 2009, 17:49:32 UTC
I read SSHG pretty systematically for KIA--do regular fic-trolling on FFN, etc--the lists I'd done are just a by-product of that. So I'm sure I'll get to the SSHG (and the hgss_digest will probably list them). Now, the others I wouldn't ordinarily seek out--so by all means let me (or "us" on your LJ) know the good ones.

Although no matter how good, I won't read any with Lucius. I'd even try good stories pairing Hermione with characters I don't ordinary like, such as Sirius, Remus, or James, but Lucius is heavily promoted in SSHG as a character (often a third in a threesome) to the point I break out in hives and back button at a mere mention. It's the combination of despising the character, finding the ones that place him with Hermione romantically hideously OOC and overexposure so that at this point I have zero tolerance for it.


darth_kittius September 20 2009, 14:55:17 UTC
I haven't read most of the fics yet because I have a massive back-log of reading (I've been working a lot lately...), but what I have read has been very enjoyable! I can't wait to read the rest!


harmony_bites September 20 2009, 17:52:33 UTC
I'm glad! We could use all the readers and reviews we could get--even pretty bad stories on something like the sshg_exchange can expect about 50 reviews--even the good ones on the ronpansy_fest are lucky if they get five. It's why I'm pimping my heart out!

I hope you'll enjoy them!


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