Where No Fangirl Has Gone Before....

Jul 20, 2009 02:13


As harmony_bites, I wrote primarily Snape/Hermione and rec Harry Potter fanfic for Know It Alls. If you want to know what I rec in that fandom and get a sense of my tastes and judgment, my recs can be found here.

For the fangirl_tour though, I thought I'd return to my fandom roots in Trek, where I was known as Rabble Rouser, and give you ( Read more... )

startrek, fic recs, fandom, fangirltour

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harmony_bites July 21 2009, 00:07:56 UTC
My dear, there was NO doubt you were going to be included, I just had the hardest time deciding which. At first it was going to be "Mazes," then "Man and Man and Wife" and finally occupations, plus I cheated by sneaking in more links for stories by you.

And on the fangirl_tour post I even got reacquainted with kellychambliss who is now in HP herself. Along with you finally joining LJ I'm feeling a bit disoriented--or in a time warp...


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