Originally posted by
rthstewart at
Three Sentence FicathonIt's been 2 years, so why not?!!
Caramelsilver ran one in December on Live Journal but I was too busy to play. There are lots of outstanding prompts over there, so do go and check it out!!
Here's the link! I did one in early spring 2 years ago here on Dreamwidth, and with Yuletide, Fandomstocking, and Festivids over, I thought I'd run a new one!! Thanks so much to
snacky and Saoirse7 for the nudge and to
st_aurafina for making the swell banner and icon!
What is the 3 Sentence Ficathon?
This is a challenge where you answer a prompt with a fic consisting of only three sentences. It's open to all fandoms and you can post and answer as many prompts as you like, as many times as you want.
What do I do first?
You post prompts! When posting a prompt please format it this way:
fandom, character(s), prompt word/sentence.
Only one prompt per comment please.
What else?
You answer other posters' prompts in three sentences (or more if you can't stop yourself) and fill as many prompts as you want, as many times as you wish. If you see that a prompt you loved has already been filled, go ahead and fill it again! Multiple fills of the same prompt allowed and even encouraged!
But I'm not a member of Dreamwidth
No problem. You can comment anonymously or through
open ID Can anyone play?
Yes! Please signal boost this to your flist, followers, and any other places you frequent. Come one, come all!
I'm cross-posting to LJ but we will keep all prompts and fills here, so they are in one awesome place (and with less spam). Please, post this anywhere and everywhere. The more people who come and play, the better!
[And I'll try to put an embed code in so you can spread the word. I've tried multiple times and failed so far
snacky !
http://rthstewart.dreamwidth.org/119267.html" _fcksavedurl="
http://rthstewart.dreamwidth.org/119267.html" target="_blank">
http://i.imgur.com/8OmoqaU.png" _fcksavedurl="
http://i.imgur.com/8OmoqaU.png" border="0">
http://rthstewart.dreamwidth.org/119267.html" _fcksavedurl="
http://rthstewart.dreamwidth.org/119267.html">Three Sentence Ficathon
How long will it go?
I'm closing it on Sunday, March 8, 2015. (Last time, we reached 5,000 comments and I had to start a new one before the ficathon concluded. If that happens, I'll start a new post).
Are there any rules about cross-posting?
Nope, you can post wherever you want, whenever you want. A lot of folks collected their responses together and posted them on AO3 under the
3 sentence fiction tag. 3SFs are a terrific prompt for remixes.
And here, have some icons!
Edited, updated 4 Feb 2015 11 PM ET
This entry was originally posted at
http://rthstewart.dreamwidth.org/119267.html. Please comment there using