Happy Birthday, Severus Snape! (Drabble, HG/SS), G

Jan 09, 2006 17:53

Because I need to take the curse off my jitters about writing and posting, I'm going to shamelessly post here a work of fluff in honor of Severus Snape. And besides, I don't want to leave his birthday unmarked.

For those who don't know, a drabble is a work of fiction of exactly 100 words--not including the title.

Happy Birthday, Severus!

Snape was one of the few who'd walk through the Forbidden Forest without fear. Many thought that was because he was more frightening than any monsters within it. His friends, the few who'd call themselves that, believed that given the horrors of the war nothing could frighten him now.

They were wrong.

He was forty today and he feared his life would continue unchanged.

He was wrong.

"I believe you told me to look you up when I was no longer a teenager who couldn't tell the difference between love and a silly crush?"

"Miss Granger?"

"Hermione... Happy Birthday, Severus."

OK, even I'm rolling my eyes heavenword--but hey, if I have the guts to post that, even if only on LJ where maybe five people will see it, maybe finishing Chapter Five of Book of Shadows won't be so bad. I've just got to get over myself and quit the exuses. No one is stopping me from continuing the thing except me.

Incidentally, for those who missed it, there was a post on the Yahoo HG/SS group, WIKTT, that JKR wished Snape a "Happy Birthday" on her website. This is seen as a good sign in two respects: First, JKR has never wished Lord Voldemort or any Dark Wizard a "Happy Birthday." But also, because as someone pointed out, she's never wished "Happy Birthday" to a character who wasn't "still alive" like Dumbledore or Sirius--so it's believed it means Snape may well still be alive in 2006. Hmmm.

Not sure what to make of that, since I'm so sure he's doomed--if he's "good." I do think the only way for JKR to show that without question is to have him sacrifice his own life heroically. If he lives, I thought that would be because he killed Dumbledore in cold blood and will be spared by Harry only to be sent to Azkaban for the rest of his days.

Still, there's always fanfic--and given one of my fav HG/SS WIP's, Bambu's, The Summoning, got updated today, I refuse to feel angsty right now about Snape's future.

my hpfic, ss/hg, drabble

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