ASC Awards Winners - Trek: TOS

Jul 17, 2009 13:46

TNG ASC Awards

DS9 ASC Awards

VOY ASC Awards

ENT ASC Awards

MIS & Author ASC Awards

ASC Awards Winners - 1995 (TOS)

killabeez (Killasandra), Turning Point (NC-17) Kirk/Spock, 1st Place, TOS General Story

ASC Awards Winners - 1996 (TOS)

UK Jess, Beside the Wells, (NC-17) Kirk/Spock, 1st Place, TOS General Story

Mary Rottler and Lynn Syck, Endings and Beginnings (PG-13) Kirk&Spock, 1st Place, TOS Hurt-Comfort

ASC Awards Winners - 1997 (TOS)

James Winter, Yesterday`s Heroes (PG) Kirk, OMC, 1st Place, General Story (no longer available)

Jane Seaton & Teegar Taylor, Friend in Need (R) Sulu/Chekov, 2nd Place, General Story

James Winter, Burden of Conscience, (PG-13) Kirk, OMC, 3rd Place, General Story (no longer available)

Greywolf, TrekSmut Illustrated #1, (NC-17) Kirk/Spock, 1st Place, TOS Humor

Greywolf, TrekSmut Illustrated #2 (NC-17) Kirk/Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Humor

Hugh Lessig, Federation Foil Fanfiction (PG) Daras, Galt, 3rd Place, TOS Humor

Douglas Mcleod, Star Trek Door Repair Guy: Chekov's Brain (PG) 3rd Place, TOS Humor

pherne, I Let Myself (PG) Kirk/Spock, 1st Place, TOS Poem

Jane Seaton, St George and the Gecko (NC-17) Spock/Sulu/Chekov/Uhura, 1st Place, Pairing

Beth Meenaghan, Last Dance (R) Spock/OFC, 2nd Place, Pairing

Jane Seaton, I Never (NC-17) Sulu/Chekov/Uhura, 3rd Place, Pairing

Jungle Kitty, Star Spangled Night (NC-17) Kirk/OFC, 1st Place, TOS Kirk/f

Jungle Kitty, The Gift-Wrapped Captain (NC-17) Kirk/OFC, 2nd Place, TOS Kirk/f

Jungle Kitty, 2 Spoons & a Butterfly (R) Kirk/OFC, 3rd Place, TOS Kirk/f

Jungle Kitty, Kirk\Brandt Blooper Reel (NC-17) Kirk/OFC, 3rd Place, TOS Kirk/f

Jungle Kitty, The 1000th Woman (NC-17) Kirk/OFC, 3rd Place, TOS Kirk/f

Greywolf, New Minglewood Blues (PG) Kirk/Spock, 1st Place, TOS Kirk/Spock

Greywolf, Deep Elem Blues (PG) Kirk/Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Kirk/Spock

killabeez (Killasandra), Turning Point (NC-17) Kirk/Spock, 3rd Place, TOS Kirk/Spock

TJ, Unicorn (NC-17) Spock/McCoy, 1st Place, TOS Spock/McCoy

ASC Awards Winners - 1998 (TOS)

Istannor, A Man of His Word (PG-13) Kirk&Spock, 1st Place, TOS General Story

Istannor, The Doctor's Logs (PG-13) McCoy, Kirk&Spock, 2nd Place, TOS General Story

Randy Landers, Chekov's Enterprise (PG-13) Chekov, 3rd Place, TOS General Story

jacquez (Laura Jacquez Valentine), It's a Sin (PG-13) Kirk/Spock, 1st Place, TOS Poem

JtiKi, After Babel (PG-13) Kirk/Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Poem

JtiKi, I Should Have Words (PG) Kirk/Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Poem

JtiKi, After Parmen (PG) Kirk/Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Poem

JtiKi, Waiting (PG) Kirk/Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Poem

JtiKi, They Think (PG) Kirk/Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Poem

Jungle Kitty, How the Troll Stole Treksmut (NC-17) Various, 2nd Place, TOS Poem

SR Benjamin, First Best Destiny (PG) Kirk/Spock, 3rd Place, TOS Poem

SR Benjamin, Requiem for Gol (PG-13) Kirk/Spock, 3rd Place, TOS Poem

JtiKi, Truth and Beauty (PG) Kirk/Spock, 3rd Place, TOS Poem

T'Reija (Sandra James), By Your Side (G) Kirk/Spock, 3rd Place, TOS Poem

Greywolf, Meditations… (G) Kirk/Spock, 3rd Place, TOS Poem

Gayle Potts Family, Moonlight Desires, Music Video (PG) Kirk/f, Spock/f, 3rd Place, TOS Poem

Arachnethe, The Taste of Cranberries (G) Sarek/Amanda, 1st Place, TOS Pairing

jacquez (Laura Jacquez Valentine), Cranberry Wine (G) Sarek/Amanda, 2nd Place, TOS Pairing

Gayle Potts Family, Unavoidable Destinies (NC-17) Sulu/f, 3rd Place, TOS Pairing

Jungle Kitty, The Uneasy Dancers (NC-17) Kirk/OFC, 1st Place, TOS Kirk Pairing

Jungle Kitty, Blood Claim (NC-17) Kirk/OFC, 2nd Place, TOS Kirk Pairing

Jungle Kitty, Seduce Me Tonight (R) Kirk/OFC, 2nd Place, TOS Kirk Pairing

Jungle Kitty, Born to be Wild (PG-13) Kirk/OFC, 3rd Place, TOS Kirk Pairing

Wildcat, What the West Wind Saw, FWW 1 (R) Spock/Uhura, 1st Place, Spock Pairing

Wildcat, The Dialogue of the Wind and Sea, FWW 3 (R) Spock/Uhura, 1st Place, Spock Pairing

Wildcat, Almost a Kiss (NC-17) Spock/Uhura, 2nd Place, Spock Pairing

Wildcat, Bells Through the Leaves, FWW 4 (NC-17) Spock/Uhura, 1st Place, Spock Pairing

jacquez (Laura Jacquez Valentine), De Re Vulcania II: Preparations (NC-17) Kirk/Spock, Tuvok/f; 1st Place, TOS Kirk/Spock

Jungle Kitty, Golden Boy (NC-17) Kirk/Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Kirk/Spock

Arachnethe, Rhapsody in Rain (NC-17) Kirk/Spock, 3rd Place, TOS Kirk/Spock

Jonk (J. Jon Kramer), Prelude in C Minor (NC-17) Spock/McCoy, 1st Place, TOS Spock/McCoy

Greywolf, The Other One (NC-17) Spock/McCoy, 2nd Place, TOS Spock/McCoy

Greywolf, Sugar Magnolia (NC-17) Spock/McCoy, 3rd Place, TOS Spock/McCoy

ASC Awards Winners - 1999 (TOS)

harmony_bites (Rabble Rouser), A Captain for the New Age (PG) Harriman, Kirk, 1st Place, TOS General Story

Istannor, Dear Sam (PG) Kirk, 2nd Place, TOS General Story

Istannor, Doctor's Logs (PG-13) McCoy, 3rd Place, TOS General Story

Jungle Kitty, Contemplating the Death of an Old Friend (R) Gary Mitchell, Kirk, 3rd Place, TOS General Story

Fizzbin, Rattles and Beads (PG) McCoy, Spock, 1st Place, TOS McCoy Tribute

Istannor, Doctor's Logs: The Last One (PG) McCoy, Kirk Spock, 2nd Place, TOS McCoy Tribute

Rob Morris, A Doctor, Nothing Else (PG) McCoy, 3rd Place, TOS McCoy Tribute

Fizzbin, Rattles and Beads (PG) McCoy, Spock, 1st Place, TOS Challenge Story

Jungle Kitty, Contemplating the Death of an Old Friend (R) Gary Mitchell, Kirk, 2nd Place, TOS Challenge Story

Francesca, The Hands We Are Dealt (PG) Kirk, OC, 3d Place, TOS Challenge Story

Jungle Kitty, Murder in the Shankiverse (R) Kirk 1st Place, TOS Humor

Jungle Kitty, Scandal in the Shankiverse (R) Kirk 2nd Place, TOS Humor

Jungle Kitty, A Captain's Privilege (R) Kirk/OFC 3rd Place, TOS Humor

Jungle Kitty, Modular Mates (R) Kirk/OFC 3rd Place, TOS Humor

Fizzbin, Swabbie's Rant (PG) OC, 3rd Place, TOS Humor

Fizzbin, Never Been Kissed (R) Spock/Scotty, 1st Place, TOS Romance Drabble

Bill Livingston, Now and in the Hour… (G) Spock, McCoy, 1st Place, TOS General Drabble

Veronica Jane Williams (Van Hunks), Graceful Lady (G) Enterprise, 1st Place, TOS Poem

Veronica Jane Williams (Van Hunks), Soft as the Morning Rain (G) Spock/Uhura, 2nd Place, TOS Poem

Veronica Jane Williams (Van Hunks), Vulcan Love Song (G) Spock/Uhura, 2nd Place, TOS Poem

Scarlet, The Cabin Boy's Revenge (NC-17) Kirk/Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Poem

Fizzbin, Never Been Kissed (R) Spock/Scotty, 2nd Place, TOS Poem

Fizzbin, A Red Hot Commander (PG-13) Kirk/Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Poem

Omega, Pandora's Box TOS Poem 2

Gayle Rochefort-Potts & Selek, Unavoidable Hopes (NC-17) Sulu/OFC, 1st Place, TOS General Pairing

Gayle Rochefort-Potts Family, Unavoidable Destinies (NC-17) Sulu/OFC, 2nd Place, TOS General Pairing

Arachnethe, Her Way (G) Sarek/Amanda, 3rd Place, TOS General Pairing

Arachnethe, Swimsuit (PG-13) Sarek/Amanda, 3rd Place, TOS General Pairing

Bill Livingston, And She Told Him (PG-13) Pike/Number One, 3rd Place, TOS General Pairing

Jungle Kitty, Rain Check (PG-13) Kirk/OFC, 1st Place, TOS Kirk Pairing

Wildcat, The Seed of Retribution (NC-17) Kirk/Khan, 2nd Place, TOS Kirk Pairing

Jungle Kitty, Although It's Been Said Many Times, Many Ways (NC-17) Kirk/OFC, 3rd Place, TOS Kirk Pairing

Gayle Rochefort-Potts, Shadows of Time (NC-17) Spock/f, 1st Place, Spock Pairing

Kiristeen ke Alaya, New Discoveries (NC-17) Spock/Chapel, 2nd Place, Spock Pairing

Ronda Sexton, The Dilemna (NC-17) Spock/Chapel, 3rd Place, Spock Pairing

Wildcat, A Roll of the Dice (PG-13) Spock/Uhura, 1st Place, Spock/Uhura

Wildcat, The Other Woman (PG) Spock/Uhura, Saavik 2nd Place, Spock/Uhura

Wildcat, The Secret Gate (PG-13) Spock/Uhura, Saavik 3rd Place, Spock/Uhura

Jat-Sapphire, Still Amok (NC-17) Kirk/Spock, 1st Place, TOS Kirk/Spock

Greywolf, And in the Darkness Bind You (NC-17) Kirk/Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Kirk/Spock

Raku, The Learning Curve (NC-17) Kirk/Spock, 3rd Place, TOS Kirk/Spock

ASC Awards Winners - 2000 (TOS)

djinn_fic (Djinn), Blood Ties (PG-13) Spock, f, 1st Place, TOS General Story

Jungle Kitty, The Siege Perilous (PG-13) Kirk, 2nd Place, TOS General Story

Jungle Kitty, Random (PG-13) Kirk/OFC, 3rd Place, TOS General Story

Jungle Kitty, Kirk and Spock Go Ice Fishing (NC-17) Kirk/Spock, 1st Place, TOS Challenge

ventura33, If Shakespeare Wrote Star Trek (PG) 2nd Place, TOS Challenge

Jungle Kitty, Academy Daze, or If Chuck Jones Wrote Fanfic (PG) Kirk, 3rd Place, TOS Challenge

Jungle Kitty, Les Liasons Ridicules (PG-13) Kirk/Ruth, OFC, 1st Place, TOS Humor

djinn_fic (Djinn), Facilitate This! (PG-13) Spock/Chapel, 2nd Place, TOS Humor

minerva_fan (Debbie Baudoin), Spock and Christine: Behind the Uniform (PG-13) Spock/Chapel, 3rd Place, TOS Humor

harmony_bites (Rabble Rouser), A Good Look in the Mirror (PG-13) Kirk&Spock, 1st Place, TOS Kirk&Spock Friendship

hafital, Risk (PG-13) Kirk&Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Kirk&Spock Friendship

Gamin Davis, First Duties (PG-13) Kirk&Spock, 3rd Place, TOS Kirk&Spock Friendship

Nesabj, Platonius Redux (PG-13) Kirk, Spock, McCoy, others, 1st Place, TOS Drabble

JA Chapman, A Drivel A Day (NC-17) McCoy, Scotty/Uhura, 2nd Place, TOS Drabble

Veronica Jane Williams (Van Hunks), Remember(G) Kirk, 3rd Place, TOS Drabble

Ronda Sexton, Christine's 12 Days of Christmas (PG) Spock/Chapel, 1st Place, TOS Filk

saavant, Drabbl (or, Sonnt) (G) Kirk, Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Filk

Gamin Davis, The Vulcan Sleeps Tonight G) Spock, 3rd Place, TOS Filk

Greywolf, Not Like This (R) Kirk/Spock, 1st Place, TOS Poem

Wildcat, The Most Forgiven (R) Spock/Uhura, 1st Place, TOS General Pairing

harmony_bites (Rabble Rouser), Sympathy for the Devil (PG-13) Spock/T'Pring, T'Pring/Stonn, 2nd Place, TOS General Pairing

Wildcat, Bright Shining as the Sun (PG) Spock/Uhura, 3rd Place, TOS General Pairing

minerva_fan (Debbie Baudoin), Chronicle (PG-13) Spock/Chapel, 1st Place, TOS Spock/Chapel

djinn_fic (Djinn), An Accident of Diplomacy (PG-13) Spock/Chapel, 2nd Place, TOS Spock/Chapel

djinn_fic (Djinn), Toxic (PG-13) Spock/Chapel, 3rd Place, TOS Spock/Chapel

Jat-Sapphire, Coals of Fire (NC-17) Kirk/Spock, 1st Place, TOS Kirk/Spock

hafital, The Siren's Call (NC-17) Kirk/Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Kirk/Spock

Greywolf, Morning Dew (NC-17) Kirk/Spock, 3rd Place, TOS Kirk/Spock

ASC Awards Winners - 2001 (TOS)

Saidicam29, My Other Mother (PG) Sarek/Amanda, 1st Place, TOS Challenge

Roisin Fraser, Release (PG) Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Challenge

ellen_fremedon, Deofole on Deorcnese (PG) Kirk, 3rd Place, TOS Challenge

djinn_fic (Djinn), Parallel Universes: Lost in the Bizarro World (R) Spock/Chapel, 1st Place, TOS Humor

Jungle Kitty, The Course of Human Events, (PG-13) Kirk, Sarek, 2nd Place, TOS Humor

djinn_fic (Djinn), Never a Dull Moment (PG-13) Spock/Chapel, 3rd Place, TOS Humor

Rob Morris, The Other Edge of Forever (PG) Kirk, McCoy, 1st Place, TOS Drabble

saavant, Lester's Disaster (PG-13) Janice Lester, 2nd Place, TOS Drabble

R. Schultz, Getting a Little (PG-13) McCoy, Sulu, 3rd Place, TOS Drabble

T'Len, Checkmate (PG) Kirk/Spock, 1st Place, TOS Kirk/Spock Drabble

T'Maia, Unvermeidlich (PG) Kirk/Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Kirk/Spock Drabble

T'Len, It Doesn't Fit (PG) Kirk/Spock, 3rd Place, TOS Kirk/Spock Drabble

djinn_fic (Djinn), Requiem (G) Kirk&Spock, 1st Place, TOS Poem/Filk

Mark Russel Stanley, I'm Just a Vulcan Who Can't Say No (PG-13) Kirk/Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Poem/Filk

T'Lin, Day of Birth (PG-13) Kirk/Spock, 3rd Place, TOS Poem/Filk

djinn_fic (Djinn), In Mine (PG) Kirk/Marcus, 1st Place, TOS Kirk Pairing

Jungle Kitty, The New Curiosity Shoppe (NC-17) Kirk/OFC, 2nd Place, TOS Kirk Pairing

Penny Proctor, Special Assignment (R) Kirk/ff, 3rd Place, TOS Kirk Pairing

Wildcat, Sparrows (NC-17) Spock/Uhura, 1st Place, TOS Spock Pairing

djinn_fic (Djinn), Souls in Velvet Night (PG-13) Spock/Chapel, 2nd Place, TOS Spock Pairing

Roisin Fraser, First Light (R) Spock/OFC, 3rd Place, TOS Spock Pairing

saavant, Nine Lost Lives (NC-17) Kirk/Spock, 1st Place, TOS Kirk/Spock

saavant, Self-Inflicted Wounds (R) Kirk/Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Kirk/Spock

UK Jess, Deja Vue (G) Kirk/Spock, 3rd Place, TOS Kirk/Spock

Wildcat, Thaya (PG) Saavik, 1st Place, TOS Het Pairing

ebonbird, Full (PG-13) Sarek/Amanda, 2nd Place, TOS Het Pairing

saavant, Female Pon Farr (R) T'Pring/Stonn, 3rd Place, TOS Het Pairing

ellen_fremedon, Riverside 1st Place, TOS Slash Pairing

Christinecgb, Beautiful People (NC-17) Number One/Colt, 2nd Place, TOS Slash Pairing

hafital, Innocent When You Dream, 3rd Place, TOS Slash Pairing

Jungle Kitty, What Lies Within (PG) Kirk, 1st Place, TOS Gen Story

djinn_fic (Djinn), Choices (PG) Saavik, 2nd Place, TOS General Story

Gil Shalos, Arrows of Desire (R) OFC, 3rd Place, TOS General Story

ASC Awards Winners - 2002 (TOS)

rocky_t, Intimations of Mortality (G), Kirk, McCoy, 1st Place, TOS Drabble

ventura33, This Time of Month, 2nd Place, TOS Drabble

Paula Stiles (Snowleopard), To Serve in Heaven (PG) McGivers, 3rd Place, TOS Drabble

The Phantom, How Kirk Should Have Gone Out (PG) Kirk, 1st Place, TOS Poem/Filk

Ramirasu, Pe-Q-liar Adventure (PG) Mr Adventure/Q, 2nd Place, TOS Poem/Filk

djinn_fic (Djinn), First, Do No Harm (R) McCoy/Chapel, 1st Place, TOS Featuring McCoy

harmony_bites (Rabble Rouser), Kith and Kin (PG) McCoy&Kirk, 2nd Place, TOS Featuring McCoy

T'Len, Throw the First Stone (NC-17) Spock/McCoy, 3rd Place, TOS Featuring McCoy

djinn_fic (Djinn), Blood Debt (PG-13) Saavik/Valeris, 1st Place, TOS General Pairing

harmony_bites (Rabble Rouser), Heartline (PG-13) Mitchell/Uhura, 2nd Place, TOS General Pairing

Saidicam29, The Spice of Life (R) Sarek/Amanda, 3rd Place, TOS General Pairing

harmony_bites (Rabble Rouser), Weeds (PG-13) Khan/McGivers, 1st Place, TOS General Story

djinn_fic (Djinn), Not All at Once (PG-13) Khan/McGivers, 2nd Place, TOS General Story

djinn_fic (Djinn), It's Always Something (PG-13) Spock/Chapel, Chapel/OMC, 3rd Place, TOS General Story

Jungle Kitty, Dear Miss Lovelorn (PG-13), 1st Place, TOS Humor

Jungle Kitty, Monday Morning at the Anti-Matter Cooler (PG-13) Kirk, 2nd Place, TOS Humor

Jungle Kitty, Nacelles of Desire (PG-13) Kirk/Spock, 3rd Place, TOS Humor

djinn_fic (Djinn), Like We Never Had a Broken Heart (R) Kirk/Chapel, 1st Place, TOS Kirk Pairing

harmony_bites (Rabble Rouser), Aridity (PG-13) Kirk/Rand, 2nd Place, TOS Kirk Pairing

Jungle Kitty, Family Mythology (R) Kirk/OFC, 3rd Place, TOS Kirk Pairing

djinn_fic (Djinn), Dream Until Your Dream Comes True (R) Spock/Chapel, 1st Place, TOS Spock Pairing

djinn_fic (Djinn), Here Be Dragons (PG-13) Spock/Chapel, Chapel/OMC, 2nd Place, TOS Spock Pairing

djinn_fic (Djinn), A Matter of Life and Death (PG-13) Spock/Chapel, Chapel/OMC, 3rd Place, TOS Spock Pairing

ASC Awards Winners - 2003 (TOS)

Sisko2374, Eugenics War: Opening Gambit, 1st Place, TOS General Story

Sisko2374, First Victory, 2nd Place, TOS General Story

Randy Landers, Honesty (PG-13) Chekov, 3rd Place, TOS General Story

Bill Livingston, Imperialism (PG-13) Kirk/Uhura, 1st Place, TOS Challenge Story

PineTrees, Diversionary Strike (G) Kirk, 2nd Place, TOS Challenge Story

PineTrees, Oh Yeah (R) Kirk, 3rd Place, TOS Challenge Story

Jungle Kitty, Poppies (G) Kirk/OFC, 1st Place, TOS Empty Shell Challenge Story

Sisko2374, Scow, 2nd Place, TOS Empty Shell Challenge Story

Stephanie Watson, Double Dipped, 3rd Place, TOS Empty Shell Challenge Story

PineTrees, Queer Eye For The Straight Captain (R) Kirk, 1st Place, TOS Humor

Trekkigrrl, Sibs (PG) Chapel, Number One, 2nd Place, TOS Humor

PineTrees, The Job Interview (PG) Kirk, 3rd Place, TOS Humor

Lyrastar, Kissing Captain Kirk Drabble Series (NC-17) Kirk/Various, 1st Place, TOS Featuring Kirk

rocky_t, A Ship's Captain (G) Kirk, 2nd Place, TOS Featuring Kirk

Acidqueen, Blondie, 3rd Place (R) Kirk/Rand, TOS Featuring Kirk

Acidqueen, Changing the Rules (PG) Spock, Saavik/Marcus, 1st Place, TOS Featuring Spock

Linda McInnis, Gillian Weep Not (PG-13) Gillian, Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Featuring Spock

Nocturnis1 (LoriP), Sarpeidon Chronicles (PG-13) Spock/Zarabeth, 3rd Place, TOS Featuring Spock

Acidqueen, Classic Education (NC-17) McCoy/Barrows, 1st Place, TOS Featuring McCoy

Hypatia Kosh, Under These Circumstances (PG) McCoy/Barrows, 2nd Place, TOS Featuring McCoy

T'Lin, Mirror Cracked (R) McCoy/Scotty, 3rd Place, TOS Featuring McCoy

alex_voy, Red Alert (G) Kirk, Spock, McCoy, 1st Place, TOS Drabbles

ventura33, Rock Candy (G) McCoy, Horta, 2nd Place, TOS Drabbles

PineTrees, Variation on a Lyrastar Theme - Kissing Up To Captain Kirk: Chekov (PG) Kirk, 3rd Place, TOS Drabbles

jemimap, I Will Revive (G) Khan, 1st Place, TOS Filks/Poem

Rob Morris, You Cause Pain (PG-13) Saavik, 2nd Place, TOS Filks/Poem

Rob Morris, TOS Fanfic (G) Meta, 3rd Place, TOS Filks/Poem

Lyrastar, Reunification (NC-17) Sarek/M , 1st Place, TOS General Pairing

Lyrastar, A Tail of Wayward Love (NC-17) Sc/M'ress, 2nd Place, TOS General Pairing

Jungle Kitty, Posing With Baked Goods (NC-17) Kirk/OFC, 3rd Place, TOS General Pairing

Hypatia Kosh, Sour News (PG) Kirk/Spock, Kirk/Grapefruit, 1st Place, TOS Kirk/Spock Pairing

Lyrastar, Gemini Setting (NC-17) Kirk/Spock, 2nd Place, TOS Kirk/Spock Pairing

Lyrastar, From the Depths (R) Kirk/Spock, 3rd Place, TOS Kirk/Spock Pairing

ASC Awards Winners - 2004 (TOS)

TOS General Story

Ceremonial Duties - All Hands (G) Kirk by PineTrees
Incognitus Militis (G) Kirk, McCoy by Schemer
Beating The Alternative (PG-13) Kirk, crew by Rob Morris

Spock/Uhura Pairing

The Softest Star (PG-13) Spock/Uhura, Saavik by Wildcat
Who's Got The Tribble by Rolletti
Unexpected Awakenings by Rolletti

TOS Filk/Poem

5-7-5 by Jungle Kitty
Ode to a Ripped Shirt by Ventura33
Trek in Real Life (G) Kirk by PineTrees

McCoy Pairing

Breaking the Spell (PG-13) McCoy/Chapel by Acidqueen
In The Dark (R) Spock/McCoy by Acidqueen

Kirk/Spock Pairing

A Song of Distant Shores (PG-13) Kirk/Spock by Lyrastar
Rose Hips and Vulcan Lips by Farfalla the Butterfly-Kitten
Sensate Focus (NC-17) Kirk/Spock by Lyrastar

Kirk/Spock Drabble

Veils by Farfalla the Butterfly-Kitten

Kirk Pairing

The Sound of Drums by Jungle Kitty
Listener by Medie
Done Kirk? (R) Kirk/Saavik by Acidqueen

Featuring Kirk

A Moment of Grace (PG) Kirk by PineTrees
Fair Play by Bill Livingston
Win or Lose by Mrs Spock

TOS Humor

Backwards and In High Heels by Jungle Kitty
Monkey Business (PG-13) Kirk by Rocky
Symbiosis by Ventura33

TOS General Pairing

Mirrored Yesterdays by Nocturnis1
The Doll by Farfalla the Butterfly-Kitten
Snow by Coral

TOS Drabble

Pun-ishment 32 by Rob Morris
A Slow Boat To China by Rob Morris
Wish You Were Here by Alex Voy

TOS Challenge

Retreat by Alex Voy
The Porch (G) Kirk by PineTrees
The Last Seduction by Jungle Kitty

ASC Awards Winners - 2005 (TOS)

* TOS General Story
All That You Are | Lyrastar
Land Of Silver Birds | Gamin Davis
Spock's Secrets | Ster Julie

*TOS General Drabble
Amanda Muses | Starshadow
A Bonnie Lass | Ventura33
Two Halves of a Whole, Slightly Crooked | Cait N.

*Kirk Drabble
Cry Amok and Let Loose the Vulcan Whore | Cait N.
The Root Of Kirk's Fear | Laura Goodwin
Oh What a Night | Cait N.

*Kirk Spock Drabble
More | Cait N.
Breakfast In Bed, a drabble | Starshadow
Man To Man | Laura Goodwin

*Featuring Scotty
Sea Change | Lyrastar
Beyond Engineering | Sarah James
Point of Departure | Rob Morris (Gojirob)

*Kirk Spock Pairing
Originals and Copies | T'Sihek
The Other Side Of Fire | Starshadow
The Gift | Starshadow

*Featuring Kirk
Red's Her Color | Cait N.
Fall From Grace (PG-13) Kirk | Rocky
Longings, A Beach to Share | IDIC

*Spock Pairing
Devilish (R) Spock/a Pope | Acidqueen
Rumors and Truth | T'Sihek
The World May Be Hollow ... | T'Lin

ASC Awards Winners - 2006 (TOS)

TOS Drabble
Peeping Jim by Ventura33
Where No Man Has Gone Before (G) Kirk by Rocky
K is for Klingon by Cait N.

TOS General Pairing
That's What Big Girls Are Made Of (PG-13) Pike/Number One, Spock/Number One, Spock/Chapel by Lyrastar
Out of the Desert by Ster Julie
An Angel in My Arms by Ster Julie

TOS General Story
Shanghai Shimmer by Ventura33
The Chapel of Love by Starshadow
Time to Say Goodbye Suite by Ster Julie

TOS Humor
The Peep Within (R) Kirk/Spock by Lyrastar
Snakes on A Starship Series by Lyrastar
Tableau by Ventura33

Spock Pairing
The Waking Man Spock/OFC by Wildcat
The Other Side Of Paradise by T'Lin
Revelation by Rolletti

Kirk Pairing
Hallowed Blessings by IDIC
Star Bright by IDIC
Welcome by T'Len

Kirk Spock Pairing
Musical Interlude by T'Lin
Rejuvenation Of The Soul by T'Lin
Amok Time by Starshadow

ASC Awards Winners - 2007 (TOS)

TOS Challenge
1. Nice Vulcan Infants Are Tranquil While Amanda Struggles by Ster
2. Stardate 5423.5 by Jungle Kitty
3. Never Vote in a Thunderstorm Without a Slicker by Ster Julie

TOS Drabble or Poem
1. Don't Forget by Rolletti
2. Taking One For The Team by Rolletti
3. Petrified Peeps by Ventura33

TOS Featuring Kirk
1. Motivation (PG-13) Winona Kirk by Rocky
2. The Naboorian Amassador by Mule
3. Admiral on the Bridge by Jungle Kitty

TOS Featuring Spock
1. Memory Wreath by Ster Julie
2. My Very Good Boy by Ster Julie
3. Requiem for Methuselah On That Day I Will Mourn by Ster Julie

TOS General Story
1. In a New Light by Ster Julie
2. Christmas Shopping by Ster Julie
3. Randy by Stephen Ratliff

TOS Kirk Spock Pairing
1. Letter to the Dead by Starshadow
2. Snagel-Paboral, the Enchanted Encounter by Starshadow and Elfqueen
3. Meditations by Starshadow

ASC Awards Winners - 2008 (TOS)

TOS General Story
1. The Next Stage (PG) Khan by Rocky
2. The Yegg by Ster Julie
3. AFTER THE CREDITS The Gamesters of Triskelion Sweet Freedom by
Ster Julie

TOS Challenge
1. Afternoon Tea by Kirok of L’Stok
2. I Am But Silence by Ster Julie
3. Just An Old Man by Ster Julie

TOS Featuring Kirk
1. For Stars by Aya
2. By Some Other Sea by Jungle Kitty
3. The Academy’s Tomcat by Stephen Ratliff

TOS Featuring Spock
1. 'Cross the River by SLWatson
2. The Amusement Park by Ster Julie
3. Check Your Work by Ster Julie

TOS Featuring Scotty
1. On the Nature of Wind by SLWatson
2. One Minute by SLWatson
3. Another Man's Treasure by Teddog

startrek, ascawards

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