So like . . . This is just rambling to myself, mostly! It's not directed at any one person, so I kept it out of the concrit comm, it's just . . . my views on giving crit, recieving crit, etc. Feel free to ignore it.
Just for the sake of throwing it out there, I personally do have some major issues with anonymous crit. And it honestly has NOTHING to do with castmate versus non-castmate or player versus audience, and really, it's not even an issue of crit, but simply the issue of anonymous. It's simply that anonymous is anonymous, it could be anybody, and you don't know if an anonymous comment in a discussion is from someone who knows what they're talking about and is genuinely concerned with the issue, or if it's just a particularly sadistic troll BSing things just to try to make someone upset. Though admittedly that's a particularly extreme and unlikely example, but hopefully it illustrates the general idea
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