Hi, Everybody,
> We were on the phone with Kyle from about 2-4 this morning. His Bradley
> destroyed by one of those more powerful IED's--hanging from a freeway
> overpass. It hit about 3 feet to his right, killed his sergeant and
> his gunner. It blinded him temporarily, but physically he's OK, now.
> Emotionally, of course, he's dealing with the loss of 2 friends (His
> has lost the use of his hands and will probably be sent home.) and the
> that he's OK. He said that a multitude of colonels and at least 3
> have talked to him, and he is required to go to some sort of crisis
> today. I don't know how much down-time he'll get or where they'll assign
> next. John hopes they assign him to the lieutenant for whom he was driving
> for awhile. We both feel so helpless here, as I'm sure you all do, too. I
> know it's ridiculous to question why things happen, but the first thing I
> did when he told us was praise God that he was OK, and I believe fervently
> that the best thing we can do is keep praying.
> BTW, Aunt Alice, I don't think anyone would disagree that war is hell, and
> am hoping that the new Iraqi government will feel stable enough to ask us
> leave.
> Love,
> Kathy