Mind Games

Jan 03, 2014 19:58

Title: Mind Games
Pairing: Chanyeol/ Baekhyun, Troll!Chen
Genre: romance, fluff, comedy
Word Count: 6011
Summary: All Baekhyun wanted to know was what his soul mate would look like. He thinks that Chen, the new psychic on campus, is a fraud when he makes the mistake of seeing him. However, he's in for a surprise when he runs into his described soul mate, Chanyeol, who turns his life upside-down.

Want to find out who your soulmate is?
Come see the new psychic on campus.

The sign is colorful and big and Baekhyun looks at it quizzically while he's waiting for the professor to arrive to class. Big phrases and vivid descriptions are scattered throughout the poster, such as: free and 1/5 walk out satisfied. Baekhyun scoffs at the last one because that's only 20 percent. Who is the idiot who actually made the poster. He looks around for the name but all he sees is a CHEN and a room number. He doesn't even look back at it when he spots the professor, only idiots fall for things like that and he has no time to spare for such atrocious ideas.

He does not think about the poster until a week later, when he is sitting at lunch with his friends - who are dating and currently kissing. Jongin and Kyungsoo have been happily dating for a month and they are still in their honeymoon phase. It's cute but Baekhyun wants to gag at the cheesiness and lameness of his friends.

"Jongin, Kyungsoo has hands, stop feeding him."
"Omg Kyungsoo, stop wiping Jongin’s sweat, he can do it himself"
"Are you guys even listening to me? I can't even hear myself over your giggles."

And this is how he spends his lunch breaks twice a week. At first, it was cute, but now Baekhyun just feels really lonely. It would be nice if he had his own boyfriend to do things like that with. Baekhyun is certain that he can do even worse than Kyungsoo and Jongin. If he gets a boyfriend, he will make sure to revenge double for every minute of agony he had to spend watching their love bloom.

After lunch, he finds himself in front of the door for the so-called psychic. With a tentative look, he steps inside and quickly regrets it. There is a boy sitting on a mat in the middle if the room. He is cross-legged in front of a small table covered with a cloth and at least five candles. There is also a glass globe, but when Baekhyun steps forward, he realizes it is the kind that they sell during Christmas - where you shake it to make it snow. He dreads the next few minutes and starts to step back slowly. But then, Chen speaks without opening his eyes. "Sit down, my child."

"Excuse me?" Baekhyun stutters in shock. He is sure that Chen is not older than he is by many years. He has sharp cheekbones and jet-black hair and he definitely looks like a student.

Just then, Chen opens his eyes, so Baekhyun looks at him, and settles his gaze on Baekhyun.

"You come sporting a heavy aura. Is it curiosity - oh no, it is loneliness."

Baekhyun splutters indignantly and sits down. Maybe Chen is truly a psychic. He holds his breath waiting for Chen's next big words.  Words that he thinks could change his future. He shifts a little, sitting a bit more rigidly, trying to give Chen his utmost attention.

"Baekhyun, is it not?"

Baekhyun squeaks at the mention of his name, and leans forward a little bit and nods vigorously.

"Yes," he says airily with inquisitive eyes. How did Chen know his name?

Chen closes his eyes and hums; he then raises his arms and the lights dim, only the candle’s lights illuminating Chen's jutting bones and sharp jaw. Baekhyun gasps and looks around the room in shock, he shivers when he thinks that Chen may also have the ability to summon ghosts. His eyes dart around the room, a quick glance to reassure him that there truly are no spiritual beings.

"I see," Chen begins and Baekhyun gives him his full attention again. "I see… a tree..."
When Chen hums again, Baekhyun closes his eyes to envision as well; with abilities like this, Baekhyun could not miss out. He feels that he has hit the jackpot; soon his soul mate would finally appear.

"It is sturdy yet not. A gentle breeze can knock it off its roots."

Baekhyun is confused at this point. What does a tree have to do with what he's here for? Was Baekhyun going to meet the love of his life in an open field? Maybe they would dance around a lonely tree like they do in Bollywood movies.

"The tree brings happiness like a vast roadway."

Baekhyun opens his eyes then, Chen's words bringing further confusion. What about this roadway? Was he not going to meet his soul mate in a park?

Chen continues to speak, his eyes still shut, "his eyes... Ooh his eyes are inquisitive and big, they harbor the sky with its darkness and all of its light."

Big eyes are good, yes they are, Baekhyun nods happily with his eyes closed. He imagines big eyes, maybe like Kyungsoo’s. He hopes a little smaller, because Kyungsoo looks murderous when he is angry. Baekhyun shudders at the sudden image of an angry Kyungsoo in his mind; he is never going to make the mistake of stepping into Kyungsoo’s kitchen again.

"Pearly white teeth," Chen's voice cuts through Baekhyun’s thoughts. "A white that can only be there with purity. But, they shall be overbearing when they bring forth a voice that will thunder throughout the expanse of space"

At this point Baekhyun’s head hurts, he doesn't understand a single word that Chen is uttering and he feels even more muddled than when he first set foot here. He awaits a little longer, for a bit more clarity to help him comprehend.

"Well, that will be 10000 won."
Baekhyun looks up in astonishment to see Chen regarding him with a smile. "What?"

"10000 won."

"B-but the poster said free on it! I saw it, that's why I came!" Baekhyun almost yells at Chen.

"Damn it! I told Minseok not to put free in the poster, how annoying,” he drones.

"Excuse me?"

"Okay fine, I’ll make it 5000 won for you."

Baekhyun stands up with a huff and pulls out the bill from his wallet and gives it to Chen.

"We'll I'm one of the 80% who's going to walk out of here unsatisfied! You didn't even make sense with your talk of parks and oceans an skies! How am I gonna find my soul mate like this?"  Baekhyun leaves before his fury takes place and he does something he will regret. He's so angry, he sees red. If he ever runs into Chen again, he will make sure to give him a piece of his mind.

Stupid stupid stupid! He knew only idiots fall for stuff like that. Now he's an idiot. He wasted a good 5000 won!

+ + + +

"You're very grumpy lately," Kyungsoo notes while they are eating lunch one day. Baekhyun looks down at his lunch and scowls. He cannot stand Jongin and Kyungsoo’s questioning gazes.

"No, I'm not."

He is. It has been 9 days and 11 hours since Baekhyun had paid (damn it, he should've kept his 5000 won) Chen to utter complete lies.

He hasn’t realized he had hoped to find his soul mate till he started to get angrier as the days passed and no one showed up. Baekhyun was unquestionably going to be forever alone.

"I could try to set you up with a friend of mine?" Kyungsoo says and Baekhyun looks up and scowls at them. "One of my friends actually really li-"

"No." He says and sets down his chopsticks, he's lost his appetite. "The last time Jongin set me up with his friend I was scarred for days. Sehun treated me like his personal slave throughout the whole date. Never. Again."

Jongin at least has the decency to look ashamed to have put Baekhyun through that. "I had no idea, really. I thought he was joking when he said that there were only peasants around him and that I was lucky he was gracing me with his presence."

Baekhyun shudders, that night was one of the worst. "Yes, well that is why I will not make the same mistake twice. Thank you very much."

He stands up and says goodbye to his friends before throwing away his food. He had a bit of time before class and walking around would ease his stress up a little. Baekhyun is so deep in his thoughts that he does not see the person walking towards him until he walks into him. All he feels is a thud and then he is sprawled all over the floor.

"I'm so sorry. Oh my god! Oh my god! I killed him, he's not breathing. Someone call an ambulance!"

"Ugh, shut up! And help me up!" Baekhyun yells at the person frantically running around like a chicken.

"Oh, he's alive!" He hears before he is pulled up straight by strong arms. He stands in a daze, his head reeling until he realizes that he needs to look up to speak to the person who he ran into and he gasps.

"You're a tree!"

The boy looks really confused. "Uuh, no. I'm a human?" It comes out as a question and Baekhyun laughs. Slightly giddy but very nervous.

"Hi, I'm Baekhyun," he introduces himself quickly, because this person is his soul mate! Baekhyun is certain of that. His heart thumps wildly in anticipation and Baekhyun knows he needs to hold onto this chance.

The voice thunders like lightning, his length that can compare to trees, the pearly white teeth. Baekhyun blushes when he realizes that this is it - if he ever runs into Chen again, he'll definitely give him the other 5000 won.

The boy is just standing there looking at him when Baekhyun blurts, "go out with me! I mean-"


"What? Really?"


Baekhyun thinks that he is going to faint when the person grins, because whoa he's gorgeous.

"I- uh- what's your name?"

"Park Chanyeol," he says and then laughs - all his teeth showing, "we started going out before you even found out what my name is."

Baekhyun feels his face heat up, a blush making its way over his plump cheeks. He was not planning to humiliate himself on their first encounter.

"Anyway, I'll see you later." Baekhyun runs away before he can even hear a response but he hears the chuckle that Chanyeol lets out behind him. That was really awkward and he doesn't know what he got himself into. Why would Chanyeol just accept him like that anyway? Chanyeol would definitely reject him if he finds out about the future Baekhyun has already set up for them.

The next time he runs into Chanyeol, it's only been two days since the fiasco they had in the middle of the hallway. Baekhyun stops when he sees Chanyeol walking down the hallway and turns around to run before he can see him but it is too late. "Hey Baekhyun! Wait up."

He stops walking and turns around, plastering a forced smile onto his face.

"Chanyeol, what a coincidence."

"How have you been?" Chanyeol asks awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.

"I'm good. Yes perfect, why wouldn't I be? It's not like I've been thinking about you all day or anything. No, no, who said I was?" He rambles and stops suddenly when he feels Chanyeol’s hand slot into his.

"You're so cute!" Chanyeol says and squeezes his hand, "let me walk my boyfriend to class yeah? And maybe you should give me your number in exchange."

Baekhyun can't even look up or answer, and he just looks down at the ground, willing his face to keep its neutral color until they finally reach his classroom.

"I'll text you," Chanyeol says and waves before turning around. This all feels like a dream and Baekhyun wants to never wake up.

+ + + +

From: Chanyeol fjaskjljjsalkj
- wanna c a movie with me this weekend?

Is the first text message that Chanyeol sends him, the sad part is that he sends it while Baekhyun is eating lunch with his friends.

"Is it me or is Baekhyun squealing?" Jongin asks while looking bewildered.

Kyungsoo has a similar expression on his face, "oh my God get him water, he's hyperventilating."

It isn't until at least 10 minutes later, with an empty cup of water and Kyungsoo patting his back that Baekhyun enlightens them.
Of course, his best friends are skeptical about Chen, who wouldn't be?

"So, you're telling me that his description was a vivid description of this Chanyeol guy that you literally ran into? And Chanyeol happened to be gay and was interested?"

Baekhyun nods, "Chen is the best! I was so skeptical when I first went in. But he turned off the lights without even moving from his spot. Guys in not kidding!" He yells when they just look at him as if he has lost his mind and look like they want to laugh.

"Should I go see him?" Kyungsoo asks, "I wonder if he'd describe Jongin."

Jongin sits up straighter and furrows his eyebrows. "No. I'm your soul mate whether you like it or not, Soo"

"Aww, is my baby worried he won't describe you?" Kyungsoo cooed, literally coos at his grown boyfriend.

Baekhyun rolls his eyes. "Guys! What am I gonna wear to the date?" He says frustrated, and this gets their attention.

Come Saturday night, Baekhyun finds himself in dark jeans that are so tight he cannot breathe - courtesy of Jongin - and a navy blue V-neck given to him by Kyungsoo.

He pulls at the V-neck reluctantly. "This is so low," he whines but his friends just push him out of the door, threatening to cut his hair while he is asleep if he comes back before 12 that night.

He tells Chanyeol that he would meet him there, in order not to trouble him, but he feels like he is going to faint as soon as he steps on the bus. It has been a while since he's genuinely been interested in someone and that someone has reciprocated. He hopes the night would go well and that they could decide where to go from there.

He ignores the judgemental looks given to him by the older women and men and just flashes them an innocent smile. He regrets asking his stupid friends for help, he feels like a slut.

He changes his mind when he reaches the theater and Chanyeol grins when he sees him. He sees Chanyeol’s eyes rake over his, overly exposed, body before landing on his eyes.

"You look lovely."

Baekhyun's breathe hitches and he feels himself blush, because Chanyeol’s eyes are back on his body. This time he swears at his friends as the blush moves down to his neck and chest; but, there's nothing to hide the evidence of his blush.

"Th-thanks," he stutters and Chanyeol laughs and comes closer, smiling hesitantly before sliding his hand into Baekhyun’s.

"What should we watch?" He asks. Baekhyun perks up at the question and looks up at the movie posters to view his options as soon as they walk in.

His nose scrunches in distaste at the options until he sees the last one, The Conjuring, and he looks at Chanyeol tentatively. Would asking to watch a scary movie on the first date repulse his date?

"Can we watch The Conjuring?”

Chanyeols grin widens instantly," I was hoping you'd pick that one, I've been dying to watch it. I heard it was really scary."

He feels happier and more relaxed at the reaction; he is not used to it because people usually hate scary movies. However, he adores them; he finds a thrill in the suspense and not knowing what to expect. Of course, guessing who which character is the killer is what he enjoys.

"Me too!" He beams, "There hasn't been any good ones in such a long time."

Eyeing the empty line. Baekhyun asks, “Can we get popcorn?” He quickly adds, "of course, I’ll pay.”

"Of course," Chanyeol states. However, later on, he pays for it before Baekhyun can even pull out his own wallet. He pays for both popcorn and drinks - and even the candy pack Baekhyun had strategically picked, all the while smirking at his successful plot.

Baekhyun scowls, unhappy at the turn of events, "I said I'd pay." He does not like to bother others. If he had known Chanyeol was paying he would have asked for a medium instead of a large, and he could've evaded the candy.

"You're actually the cutest. But let me at least pay for the first date," he leans in closer and Baekhyun gets a whiff of his cologne and fights himself not to lean closer to just nuzzle his neck. "You can pay next time."

At that, Baekhyun’s heartbeat quickens and he nods, completely forgetting his gluttonous tendencies. All he can think of is that Chanyeol wants to go on another date.

It's not that Baekhyun doesn’t get scared, it's because if that thrill when he is that he watches scary movies. And true to the reviews, The Conjuring is scarier than usual.

When he jumps suddenly for the third time, Chanyeol slides his hand into Baekhyun’s, linking their fingers, and he squeezes. Baekhyun feels kind of embarrassed but also very warm. He really likes Chanyeol and he has only known him for a little more than a week. He thinks that Chanyeol is just so perfect, and completely his style. He looks down at the big hand linked with his, and wonders how a hand could be so big but can fit so perfectly with his. The movie ends and Baekhyun has half a bucket of popcorn left and his whole candy pack, not remembering the food when all he could think about was the man sitting next to him. Chanyeol watches quietly, laughing boisterously when needed, and eyes widening even more at the intense scenes. For the first time in his life, Baekhyun does not focus on the scary movie.

Chanyeol ignores Baekhyun’s request to just drive him to the bus stop and he drives him all the way home. Muttering about how late it is and how Baekhyun needs to take better care of himself.

"I had a lot of fun tonight. Thank you," Baekhyun says when they reach his home. He wonders if he should lean over, and maybe kiss him.

Chanyeol just grins at him and taunts, "are you sure you can sleep tonight?"

At his teasing Baekhyun blurts, "Please, a movie like that won't faze me!" He looks at Chanyeol in shock when he realizes that he's spoken comfortably.

But Chanyeol laughs, "you keep surprising me. I like you. Text me tonight if you get scared."

Baekhyun nods and opens the car door but before stepping out, he leans over and kisses Chanyeol on the cheek. This time Chanyeol blushes and looks at him with big, surprised eyes. Baekhyun feels proud to finally be the reason for a blush to bloom on the taller's face.

"I'll be awaiting your text at 3am when you can't sleep," he says before closing the door and walking away.

That night Chanyeol does text him but Baekhyun is awake anyway because he keeps imagining scenes of him and Chanyeol, playing with the scenarios until he reaches the happy ending he truly wants. That night they text about anything and everything, until 9am when both of them fall asleep mid-texting.

+ + + +

Another week goes by without the two of them meeting up. Chanyeol has a big project due for his engineering course, and he's too exhausted to do anything else.

He does, however, text Baekhyun regularly and Baekhyun texts him back immediately. Telling him to sleep well and eat enough, but he is still worried about him. His heart flutters every time his phone vibrates and he sees that it is from Chanyeol. Even the simplest messages such as I miss you and I thought of you today make Baekhyun want to drop everything and run into Chanyeol’s arms.

"If I hear you complain for one more day I'm going to throw myself off a cliff after burning off all of my hair," Kyungsoo fumes one day at lunch.

"You clearly need to spend less time on Tumblr," Baekhyun retorts and Kyungsoo just rolls his eyes right back at him. "You are the worst friends ever, I've had to sit on the sidelines for half a year, while both of you had your heads up your asses. I'm pretty sure you can survive a few weeks."

Kyungsoo and Jongin finally decide to take, what he considers a huge problem, seriously. Baekhyun had pretty much gotten the both of them together, while they both ignored each other, and then he had to watch them for another half year while they ogled each other during their shared lunch.

"Okay, this is the plan," Jongin begins and Baekhyun is the one who’s ready to jump off a cliff after burning off all of his hair now; he clearly needs to spend less time with Kyungsoo.

The next day, Baekhyun is standing near Chanyeol’s engineering class. Jongin had pulled a few strings, and found out the exact time and room number.

Baekhyun is embarrassed and he hasn't even faced Chanyeol yet. He waits five minutes, before the first few people start leaving the classroom. He almost cannot breathe by the time a familiar figure walks out, the butterflies in his stomach turning into rocks. He’s ready to run as soon as possible.

“Chanyeol!" He yells and Chanyeol stops talking to his friend and turns around to face him.

"Oh, Baekhyun!" His face lights up when he recognizes him. He says a few words to his friend and then he walks away to join him.

"Hey, we keep running into each other at unpredictable times."

"Actually, I came by on purpose," he looks away when Chanyeol smiles. He’s completely flabbergasted at the endearing look Chanyeol gives him that he just utters, "I brought you some lunch." He brings forward his two arms that he held behind his back to show Chanyeol the lunchbox.

Chanyeols sputters, "whoa, you actually made lunch for me. Well, I'm starving, should we go sit somewhere."

Chanyeol eats as if he hasn't eaten for months, and Baekhyun doesn't have the heart to tell him that half of it was his portion. He just watches with an enamoured face as Chanyeol gulfs down the food and he wonders how someone can look so cute while eating like an animal. He thinks that this is how Kyungsoo must feel as he watches Jongin eat chicken.

When Chanyeol is finished, he leans back and finally breathes in. "It was delicious. You are god sent. I've been eating Ramen for a week, and it was starting to become boring. I really don't have time to cook these days."

Baekhyun frowns, a pout forming quickly, "You told me you were eating well."

"I said I was eating regularly," Chanyeol corrects and Baekhyun just glares at him. He imagines what a week of Ramen would be like and shudders. That is drastic.

"I don't trust you anymore. We are meeting up every day and I will make sure you eat healthy-"

He's cut off mid-rant when Chanyeol wraps his arms around him and pulls him into a hug. "I wonder how I was lucky enough to end up with someone like you."

Baekhyun just keeps spluttering indignantly as he nuzzles his face into Baekhyun’s neck and sighs. "I'm so sleepy and tired," he whines. Baekhyun pushes him away and almost pulls him right back when Chanyeol pouts at him. However, he resists and makes him lie down with his head in his lap.

"Sleep for a little while, I'll wake you up before your next class," he says as he cards his fingers gently through his hair.

Chanyeol hums happily and turns around to burrow his face into Baekhyun’s stomach. Baekhyun hopes Chanyeol can't feel him gulp down nervously. The rocks now feeling like big clumps of lead, tumbling around.

"Thank you," Chanyeol mumbles before falling asleep.

A strong feeling surges through Baekhyun; it's hot and it unsettles him. At this point Baekhyun thinks he has fallen in love, but it also instills fear in him. What if Chanyeol doesn’t like him the same way?

+ + + +
Baekhyun is unable to handle all of his feelings, suddenly overwhelmed by the amount time he spends thinking about Chanyeol.
He sends a quick text to Kyungsoo, a simple “L” and both Kyungsoo and Jongin are knocking on his door in less than an hour. He pulls himself out of bed, not even trying to make himself presentable and he opens the door.

“Baekhyun, what happened?” Kyungsoo asks quickly, eyes raking over Baekhyun’s body to make sure he is okay.

Jongin pushes him out of the way, making his way inside, yelling, “Let me at him! Where is he?”

Baekhyun ignores both of his best friends, and he makes his way back to his room, where he can get back under his comforter, and try to forget. Which in reality, never works because it just gives him more time to think about a certain tree that he wants to forget.

They follow him, questioning him non-stop until he bursts and starts whining about all his feels and how he can’t handle. “What is air?” he whines, as he wriggles on his bed.

“And you told me to stop going on Tumblr a lot,” Kyungsoo deadpans, hitting Baekhyun until the latter stops whining, and pulls his face out of his comforter.

“You don’t understand! He’s like ingrained in my mind, I can’t even look outside without thoughts of him flashing in my head. I just want to see him all the time and -”

“You love him,” Jongin adds helpfully.

“Yeah - what? No!” The last time he thought that was when they were having lunch and Baekhyun does not want to entertain that thought.
Accepting that internally is completely different from saying it aloud. It will just put him in a vulnerable position, and he just does not want to get hurt again.

He looks up to see Kyungsoo and Jongin both looking at him with raised eyebrows; clearly not believing a single word.
Baekhyun smothers his face into his pillow and screams.

It takes him two days of ignoring his feelings, feeling like he has the heaviest load on his shoulders, until he decides to just go with the flow. He is going to face Chanyeol, tell him the truth, and Chanyeol would never even dare reject him. It is impossible for anyone to even reject Baekhyun.

His opportunity arrives when he receives a text one morning.

From: Chanyeol fjaskjljjsalkj
Baekhyuniiee, I miss u! Can I see u today?

He texts Chanyeol his address and tells him to come by at 7. This gives him enough time to get ready. Chanyeol rings the doorbell at 7 precisely, and Baekhyun is sweating before even opening the door. All his previous thoughts completely vanish when he is truly faced with Chanyeol.

“Hi,” Chanyeol says, and holds up a plastic bag, “I brought dinner.”

Baekhyun splutters, “You didn’t have to.”

“I wanted to. I want to thank you for lunch the other day.”

Baekhyun flushes and motions for him to come in, using the time to close the door to will his heart to calm down. He cannot do as he had planned if his body does not cooperate.

They eat comfortably, Chanyeol sharing stories about his friends and his professors, not staying quiet for even a second, and Baekhyun laughs along when needed but his mind is somewhere else.

When they are finally done and sitting on the couch side-by-side, Chanyeol speaks again, voice quiet, “I’m sorry.” Baekhyun looks up in surprise, about to ask him for what when Chanyeol continues, “Was today a bad day? I just really wanted to see you.”

“No!” Baekhyun blurts, shocking both himself and Chanyeol, “I mean no, yes, I-I like you!” The words are out before he even realizes what he’s saying and he opens his mouth again to take it back, laugh it off and say he is joking. When Baekhyun looks into his eyes again, his expression is intense, almost intimidating.  For a moment, Baekhyun thinks he is angry, but before he can say anything else, Chanyeol cups his face and leans down and kisses him. His eyes are wide open in surprise but he closes them slowly, when Chanyeol’s hand moves to cup the back of Baekhyun’s neck, pulling him closer insistently. It’s not what he expected - Chanyeol is always boisterous, loud, full of big movements - but he kisses Baekhyun softly, like he does not want to hurt him.

Chanyeol’s lips are warm an extremely soft, their lips gliding over each other smoothly. Baekhyun’s whole body is thrumming, sparks flowing through him. He feels like he will faint when he senses Chanyeol’s tongue tracing over his lips. Baekhyun’s heart beating fast with excitement and nervousness. He lets out a shuddering breath, letting out a low moan as he opens his mouth, so that Chanyeol can trace his teeth with his tongue and explore his mouth.

When they pull back, Chanyeol’s ears turn red, and Baekhyun tries to hide the blush on his cheeks.

“I - Whoa.”

“Yeah,” Baekhyun says, his mind still reeling and he feels lightheaded. He gets embarrassed even thinking about what just happened and he looks down at his hands awkwardly, not able to look Chanyeol in the eyes.

“Hey,” Chanyeol says, trying to get his attention. Baekhyun looks up, hopeful. “I like you too.”

Those words alone are enough to make Baekhyun astonished and joyful. And without even being able to restrain it, he grins, letting out a small giggle that results in Chanyeol laughing.

Chanyeol leans down again, and leaves a small, chaste kiss on his lips, making Baekhyun inhale in shock. “You are adorable.”

“No,” Baekhyun mutters, feeling the blush return to his cheeks.

+ + + +

It becomes a routine, Chanyeol almost done all his assignment for his classes, comes over to eat and sometimes sleep. It is so easy to fall into that routine, that Baekhyun does not even want to imagine not having Chanyeol around, brightening his days.

“Baekhyunie,” Chanyeol whines, disappointed when he does not hold Baekhyun’s attention.

“Yeah?” Baekhyun asks, not even looking up from his own homework.

“I don’t like this. School is taking you away from me,” he keeps complaining, making Baekhyun laugh. He puts his pencil down and crosses his arms, giving Chanyeol all the attention he desires.

“What can I do for you?” Baekhyun enquires, trying to hold back the smile when Chanyeol’s face brightens up and he hums in contemplation.

“Kiss me.”

Chanyeol has been kissing him nonstop since the first day, and Baekhyun just cannot get enough of him. However, he thinks he should not give in so easily. Baekhyun just laughs, and raises an eyebrow teasingly, “I don’t think you deserve it. You’ve been a huge distraction.”

“Yah! Byun Baekhyun! You should not talk to your boyfriend like that.” The word boyfriend by itself makes him giddy. Before he realises what is happening, there are arms around him, and he is being carried away, towards his room.

He squeals in surprise and yells, “put me down you big oaf!”

Of course, Chanyeol ignores him, until he reaches his room and he throws him on the bed, and engulfs him in a restraining hug. “Not until I get my dose of you.” That is the only warning Baekhyun gets before he is being attacked by kisses; he forgets all about the homework they
should both be doing.

Later that night, when they are both cuddling, Baekhyun’s head tucked safely under Chanyeol’s chin, Baekhyun realizes something.

“Chanyeol,” he murmurs softly, just in case Chanyeol is asleep. Chanyeol hums in response, encouraging him to go on. “You met my friends a long time ago, but I’ve never met yours.” For a second, he wonders if this is being too pushy, if maybe Chanyeol is not ready to introduce him. Surprisingly, the friend Kyungsoo had mentioned was Chanyeol, and Baekhyun wonders if everything would have been different if he had accepted Kyungsoo’s help back then.

Chanyeol opens one eye, squinting sleepily at Baekhyun, “We can meet them tomorrow if you want. Now, sleep.” Baekhyun kisses his neck,
trying to convey just how much he truly loves him. But he can wait before expressing those words.

+ + + +

"So that’s Minseok and Jongdae," Chanyeol introduces his two friends. Baekhyun looks at Jongdae in shock; not believing what he is currently seeing.
"Chen?!?" He yells as he points at the person in front of him.

Jongdae smiles at him and it’s not even one bit sheepish. He just looks really proud of himself. His mouth curling upwards, full of arrogance. Baekhyun suddenly remembers why he never trusted him to begin with.

"So, I see you've found your soul mate. What did I tell you?"

Baekhyun wants to punch him for being so cocky but he refrains himself from doing so because it is true.

He looks up at Chanyeol and smiles. "How did you know?" he asks, and Chanyeol looks down at him with inquisitive eyes.

Jongdae and Minseok just laugh, "I didn't. Chanyeol had the biggest crush on you, so I just described him. I figured that if I put it in your head, you might fall for him. I guess it worked." He gives a high five to Minseok and this time Baekhyun does lunge for him but Chanyeol grabs him around the waist and pulls him back. Jongdae dodges lightly, pulling Minseok closer, as if the smaller man could aid him in the case of an emergency.

"Did you know about this?" Baekhyun asks in bewilderment. Chanyeol has a cute little blush blossoming on his checks and Baekhyun just wants to coo at him.

He shakes his head, "they told me you went there but I had no idea that Jongdae planted his evil ideas into you." Chanyeol looks up and glares at his friends; exasperation clearly evident on his face.

Jongdae takes a step back, "hey, don't hate the player, hate the game. Plus, you should thank me for this." He waves nonchalantly and walks away with Minseok in tow.

"Minseok is head over heels for him," Baekhyun states in shock and Chanyeol nods. "Yeah but Jongdae is so oblivious."

Baekhyun and Chanyeol then look at each other, and Chanyeol’s eyes are glinting, the same way Baekhyun knows his are.

"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" Baekhyun asks him.

And Chanyeol just grins and nods. Mission ChenMin: status ON.


"Hey, how did you turn the lights off when I was sitting in front of you?" Baekhyun asks, that was something that boggled him since he found out Chen was actually Jongdae. His abilities were fake after all. At the time, he had high expectations for the so-called psychic. He feels like a complete idiot now that he looks back at it.

"Minseok hides in the room the whole time," Jongdae says, "people are so busy looking at me, and they never pay attention to him when he sneaks out to turn off the lights". Baekhyun is about to tell him that it is an awesome idea when Jongdae smirks wickedly, "idiots."

Baekhyun lunges forward to just wrap his hands around that neck, just a bit if pressure he thinks, until he can't breathe. However, large familiar hands are around his waist in no time pulling him back into his seat.
Baekhyun calms down when Chanyeol kisses him behind his ear, where he knows Baekhyun is most sensitive.

"The beast has been tamed," Jongdae whispers to Minseok not seeing the hand coming towards his face until it's too late.

A/N: Again, unbetaed, how does one get one lmaoo. This is a thank you gift I wrote for the New Year for my subscribers on AFF :)

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genre: fluff, genre: comedy, pairing: baekhyun/chanyeol, genre: romance, rating: pg-13

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