Destiny Wears A Disguise by danceswithgary

Mar 28, 2007 17:36

Title: Destiny Wears A Disguise (Part 2 of 3)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 24,710
Cover: (Cover #1)
Summary: Three men. One destiny.

Destiny Wears A Disguise, Part 2 )

cover one

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Comments 10

norwich36 March 29 2007, 19:16:19 UTC
Oh, poor Clark: too many identities! How will he solve his dilemmas?

I completely love the backstory you've created here--I love stories where Lex and Clark are friends as children--and I have to say, I would pay a lot of money to see your particular version of Lex and Clark's collision filmed, complete with gratuitous nudity!


norwich36 March 30 2007, 00:37:21 UTC
I had a lot of fun writing that scene at the stream and I like the one in the loft too. Thanks!


roxymissrose March 31 2007, 22:30:43 UTC
and whether Clark could outrun an angry badger.
Haaahah! I *love* CuriousLex!

"I would have taken an oath that my horse struck you!"

Answering with a slow shake of the head, the worried eyes never left his. "If he had, I would most likely be dead and so would you."

Oy! I can't begin to tell you how much I love that!


roxymissrose March 31 2007, 23:45:26 UTC
I loved writing that whole scene at Slade Brook. Someday I'm going to go to Saffron Waldon in Essex and take a picture of where it all happened. :-D Thanks!


dawnybee April 6 2007, 20:16:42 UTC
This was sensational. The details you took were incredible. Thanks for writing this!


dawnybee April 6 2007, 20:42:13 UTC
Thank *you* for taking the time to read and comment! I love doing the research for this type of story. :-D


jakrar April 7 2007, 09:28:38 UTC
Didn't get to this section until tonight, but it was well worth waiting for. Love the image of toddler Clark, fresh out of the ship, finding an injured and unconscious Lex and staying by him; love the image of young Clark following Lex all around; love young Lex and Clark running experiments together. And a grown Clark finally seducing Lex in the hayloft is just perfect. Neat, too, that a once-again injured Lex takes Clark for the 'Callum' he so briefly encountered in London. *eg* But all Clark's identities are beginning to collide, and who knows what may come of that.... Loving this story!


jakrar April 7 2007, 13:42:30 UTC
I really like the hayloft and the scene by the stream in this section myself! Glad you're enjoying and thanks!


jakrar April 7 2007, 20:41:41 UTC
Ah! Forgot to mention the unexpected reunion at the stream -- I loved that! And they're both so cute soaking wet....


squeakypiggy April 14 2007, 08:42:59 UTC
It's taken me this long to read this sections, *mutters about stupid taxes* but I finished my taxes and this story was my reward to myself, yay! I'm amazed that Clark can keep up with all those identities, it's no wonder Lex didn't catch on. Gonna skip ahead to the next section :D


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