The Epiphany of Alexander Luthor by vzg

Mar 28, 2007 17:26

Title: The Epiphany of Alexander Luthor
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9,062
Cover: #2

Summary: The misplaced son of Marquis Luthor will find his purpose in life in the New World, or he will waste away trying.

Notes: I had to hurry SO FAST to finish this. I apologize profusely for any errors. I kind of lost a lot of sleep. Sorry!

The Epiphany of Alexander Luthor )

cover two

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Comments 27

danceswithgary March 29 2007, 05:01:02 UTC
Very enjoyable! Naman with his own village of people who chose to be with him, just as Lex does in the end. Great!


(The comment has been removed)

danceswithgary March 29 2007, 12:36:43 UTC
Hey, enough with the writer angst. *grin* I understand it's scary putting yourself out there but I guess I've gotten used to letting everyone see what you have warts and all after years of dance demos and competitions. I always told the people who were ready to walk away for fear 'they weren't good enough' that just getting out there is a huge step - often they were people who had danced for years and just panicked. And they got out there and even if they didn't win or even place, they did it and that was more than the rest of the world that was just watching ever did.

This is a good story and it belongs here just as much as the others. I have two posted and I'm pleased to see every other one up there with me, hanging out with the warty woman and comparing nose jobs. There were so many different paths people chose to take and it was great to see all the different takes on 2 pieces of artwork. Please don't deprive us of the pleasure of seeing new CLex fics and please keep writing! *hug*


miche_connor March 29 2007, 12:47:03 UTC
Word, Val! :D


roxymissrose April 1 2007, 23:35:32 UTC
Wow--you so completely do *not* suck! This is a great story--an original idea. I said in my comment that I loved this Lex,and I do. Also, please, I am the Queen of Suck Titles. Don't try to steal my thunder. :)


miche_connor March 29 2007, 13:26:23 UTC
Doh, it helps if actually click the post button!

I enjoyed your story :) It was great fun and to me, that's important. I hope YOU had fun writing it! :)


hils March 29 2007, 14:24:27 UTC
Clark being The Man of Iron is brilliant. LOL. It had me seriously giggling.

Loved that you managed to work in Lex's love of science and wanting to help people


rosy5000 March 29 2007, 20:13:37 UTC
This was fun to read. I love seeing canon being used in AU situations, especially when it works out like this did. :)


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