Passion’s Fire by keikokin

Mar 27, 2007 17:20

Title: Passion’s Fire
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,897
Cover: #1 SV Harlequin Challenge
Summary: When he reaches the final straw, Lord Alexander Luthor is finally willing to risk everything in order to be with the one he loves most.
Notes: Thanks to the beta team of Tammy, Queen Morgan, Silverhope and Littleroo27. A special thanks to Silverhope for the polish, summary and title. Thank you all for your time, patience and efforts to make this a better story overall.

Passion's Fire
by keikokin

“A letter for you Lord Luthor,” Alexander looked curiously over at his manservant and took the letter from the silver tray. “Will that be all, sirs?”

Alexander nodded and the man turned, walking away briskly. Alexander turned the parchment over in his hands, immediately recognizing his father’s seal on the envelope. His long, elegant fingers broke the seal and with a flick of his wrist he began to read it. Scowling, he tossed the letter into the fire, as soon as he was done. Yet only an empty satisfaction filled him as he watched it catch and burn.

From behind him he heard familiar footsteps, as always clad in riding boots, and the soft scurrying sounds of his manservant taking the overcoat and hat from his guest. “Bad news I take it?”

“Father saw fit to remind me of my duties as sole heir to the Luthor legacy,” Alexander continued to scowl into the fire. “Lord, I hate that man. I wonder if the Fates would be kind enough to me to allow him to drown on his journey to the Indies?”

A soft chuckle was his answer. “That seems to be an odd sort of thing to pray for, though I quite understand the sentiment. I take it he was worse than usual?”

“He’s threatening to disown me actually. “

“He wouldn’t dare!” Alexander turned to smile at his friend and neighbor, Lord Kent of the Kent Plantations and to the consternation of his father, a chief competitor in the tea and spice trade. “Really, Lex, are you sure that’s what he said?” Alexander smiled at the nickname, which only his dearest of friends, were allowed to use. He often wondered if the tall, handsome, raven-haired, green-eyed beauty in front of him truly understood the impurity of his affections and regard.

“It was quite plain I assure you,” Lex replied softly. “How is Lady Chloe?”

Clark shook his head and sat down on the nearby chair, “Same as always, moaning how she isn’t allowed to spend time with Lady Lana. If only times were more….”

“…accepting of our natures? If that were the case Clark,” Lex took a fortifying sip of scotch before continuing, “Surely I would steal you away myself instead of watching the fair Lady Chloe pretense at possessing you without true appreciation.”

“Lex,” Clark’s voice floated up to Lex as if on a pillow of air as his strong hands reached out to grasp his free one. “I never thought I’d live to see the day you’d admit that you felt the same as I.”

Lex quickly but reluctantly pulled his hand away as he looked toward the open double doors, then after putting his glass down, he strode over to close them. Blue eyes flashed at Lord Kent. “It is a dangerous game we play, you and I. Not many would speak of our young ladies flitting about together. Nay, I even know some who would gladly pay to see such a spectacle of passion. But for you and I, we could lose everything and be drawn and quartered besides.”

Clark looked down in despair. “I know these words you say to be true, but surely God himself would not give us these feelings if they were wrong.”

“Being a Luthor, I am far from being acquainted with God,” Lex tried to joke, but to no avail. The other man’s head remained down, his attempt at humor gone to waste.

Lord Kent lifted his head slightly to look into the fire. “What would you do I wonder, if something should happen to this Manor of yours? Would it upset you terribly to lose it?”

Lord Luthor frowned. “That is a strange question. But I would miss it not. I have never cared for the walls my father saw fit to have built stone by stone from our ancestral home in those barbaric wastes of Scotland. Why do you ask this of me?”

Clark’s green eyes flashed in his direction. “If what you speak of in regards of your feelings toward me is true, I believe I have a solution that would benefit us all. It would, however, call for the destruction of at least one of our homes. Surely, you understand that if your father, bastard that he is, were to return to find myself and the ladies ensconced in these walls, he would waste not one thought in our directions before tossing us out.”

“Am I to understand you that I should lay waste to this castle?” Alexander sat down beside him in order to speak in even a more hushed tone than before. “If my father comes back -“

“He would be far too busy starting his empire over from scratch to worry about any heirs. Or he would simply be too angry to care,” Clark pointed out.

Lex smirked. “He cannot disown me if I disown him first?”

“Something like that. Would you consider it? For me?” Clark leaned over and gently brushed his lips past Alexander’s. Lex inhaled sharply. The desire that flooded through him made him desperate to lay with Clark, hold him and be as one.

“Only for you,” Lex replied, pulling Clark closer by the nape of his neck and drawing him into another kiss. This one made the first look like mere child’s play. Their tongues danced together wickedly, raising the heat of their mutual desire to new levels then, shakily, they broke apart. “There are a few things I wish to save. Have you means for me to sneak it over to your estate?”

Lord Kent lived conveniently enough on a rather large estate, one property over. If Alexander’s prayers were answered and his father never returned, the properties could be made into one large holding, which they could manage together. With the passing of Clark’s father, Lord Jonathan Kent, Clark’s mother was now his prime concern. But she was a kindly woman who wanted nothing more than her foundling son’s happiness.

Clark’s face lit up with unbridled joy. “Do you not recall the back caves which adjoin our properties? They could lie there. Or you could have them taken to port.”

Lex caught on quickly. “Anyone who saw it would think they were sent to my father to assist his travels. I fear you have spent far and away too much time with me Clark, to think up so dastardly a deed as well as the means to carry it off.”

Covering Alexander’s hand with his own, Clark looked at him intensely. “I would do all that is in my power to have this take place. Of course, there is the added benefit of bringing our ladies together, thus causing their unbearable whining to stop.”

“I agree then. Yet, do not tell the ladies. It is risky enough that we alone will know the truth. My pretense should be enough.” Alexander smiled, then with another quick kiss, walked over and flung open the doors. “Thank you for visiting Lord Kent. It is always good to see you. Perhaps we can ride in the hunt together this Saturday?”

“A most excellent idea,” said Clark giving a quick bow. Then, realizing no one was watching, risked a wink before getting his coat and hat and leaving.

By Friday morning, Lord Kent received word that a ship belonging to Lord Luthor had been loaded with various trunks. Anxiously he waited the next day. Bright and early Saturday morning, Lord Luthor waved to him from atop a fine looking mount, whose dark flanks shone in the morning sun. Lord Kent rode over, his horse skittering to a halt next to him.

“Lord Luthor.”

“Lord Kent. How fare you this fine morning?”

“Well, and you Lord Luthor?”

“Fine. My mount however seems a bit fiery today. Think you not?” Alexander asked, while secretly prodding his mount relentlessly to make it skitter across the turf.

“Oh yes, now that you mention it. Was it fiery since this morning?” Clark asked curiously.

“Quite. Perhaps some time away from the castle will do us both good.” Alexander smiled, knowing that Clark had caught his meaning.

A small fire had been set in his own chamber before he’d left that morning, by his own hand in a large chest under large curtains. Most of the servants had come with him to the hunt, to serve his mid-day meal, therefore only a skeleton staff remained. Not enough to save the demesne, certainly. He also trusted that Clark knew items of which he didn’t wish to lose, had been stowed on the family ship. Naturally, once the castle was declared a total ruin, those items would be gratefully recalled and brought into the Kent Estate.

The fox had eluded them most of the morning, despite the constant baying of the hounds. However, a messenger caught up with them several miles out from the starting point. “LORD LUTHOR!” He shouted waving madly from his mount on which he was charging down to their position. Behind him, others gasped loudly, now pointing and shouting at the billowing clouds of black smoke that could be seen in the distance.

Alexander put on a good show, acting horrified at the news and digging into his mount to drive him toward the great fire that was Castle Luthor. His first concern had been for the servants, which he had rightly assumed were far more concerned with saving their own skins then the castle. By the time the fire brigade arrived, the castle was well and truly engulfed. All anyone could do was watch helplessly while Lady Lana and Lady Chloe consoled each other; likewise Lord Kent kept a steadying hand on his friend’s shoulder and back, no one the wiser.

The gentlemen took Lord Kent and Lord Luthor aside to offer advice. Eventually, they made their way to the town pub to help the Lord drown his sorrows. The ladies, in the meantime, had taken pity on Lady Chloe and Lady Lana ushered them into the Kent estate, welcoming them graciously. As they sipped tea, they discussed what was to become of Lady Chloe. Lady Lana, of course, suggested she move in with her and Lord Kent. After all, since the death of her parents and Aunt, Lady Lana had been raised as a sister to Lord Kent. Despite the brother sister relationship, gossip had flourished in the tiny hamlet at having a single woman living in the same residence as a single man. This was brought out rather loudly by Lady Fordham, who held quite a bit of sway since her husband owned the mercantile.

“I should think that you would have had a lady-in-waiting at the very least before this time. After all my dear Lana, people have been talking.” She waved a fan in front of her face.

“Talking? What about?” Lana asked, paling. Lady Chloe patted her hand, knowing what was to come.

“Why about you living with Lord Kent, of course. Lord Luthor has also been negligent in appointing a guardian for Lady Chloe since the death of her mother and her father, running off after her,” she sniffed haughtily. “It’s simply unseemly.”

A murmur of agreement and head nods showed that all in the room agreed. Lana turned to Chloe with a smile. “Then you simply must move in with me.”

“Quite so,” Lady Fordham agreed.

In the meantime, the gentlemen down at the pub had arrived at the same conclusion. The two long time friends should share the Kent Estate since it was so large and no one knew if Lord Lionel would ever return. It only made sense. Chloe and Lana fought to keep the smiles from their faces. Everything was working out splendidly.

It was difficult for the two gentlemen to accept they’d actually gotten away with it. They didn’t feel secure in their success until their friends left their company. They’d finally left the Kent Estate in the wee hours, after a night of frivolity and drinking to keep up pretenses. When at last they departed, each man let out a deep breath.

“You used to say that there would be a time in which we all deserved some happiness and to lose ourselves in it, did you not?” Lord Luthor asked Lord Kent as they walked up the stairs to retire for the evening. Clark lifted Lex’s hand to his mouth and brushed a heated kiss over his knuckles. “Clark.”

“Shh, I can’t wait any longer Lex.” Clark pulled Lex into his chamber and pressed him against the closed door. Hot feelings of passion raced through them, too long kept asunder. The stoking of the flame was beyond their control and they just barely managed to tumble onto the bed. Clothes were haphazardly removed and tossed on the floor in their haste. Soon their bare skin glistened in the candle light.

“I thought heaven was after death, but it is here,” Lex whispered in Clark’s ears. With a lick to his lobe, Lex released the tiger within Clark. Soon Clark’s fiery, wet tongue swept a path down Lex’s chest and with that movement ensnared Lex’s heart and soul further than he would have believed possible. Dizzy with passion, the whirlwind of Clark’s tongue soon captured Lex’s throbbing member in his mouth. Lex clutched desperately at the sheets while arching up into that hot, cavernous heat.

Toe curling fire flooded his veins, tightening his sacs before Lex felt as though he was in freefall. Clark swallowed down the proof of his body’s sinful delight. Clumsily knocking over several items off his nightstand in his haste, Clark’s desperate hand finally found a bottle of lotion. Quickly he prepared them both before sliding into the pleasurable warmth that had seemingly been denied him forever.

“You’re everything I’ve ever needed Lex, my love,” Clark gasped before shuddering violently inside his lover mere moments later, unable to contain his body’s needs.

“I’m helpless when it comes to you Clark. I thought for a moment I was destroying my world for you. But you are my world,” Lex replied in a wisp of panted breath.

Entwined together the two lovers began a long night of loving, acquainting themselves over and over with what they’d always dreamed.

Thus, the foursome settled happily into the routine of life together. Lady Chloe and Lana finally had each other as did Lord Kent and Luthor. The two properties were joined and worked together, doubling the output. Large trees and tall boxwood hedges lined the newly constructed fence line that lined the now immense estate. This also allowed Lord Kent and Luthor to walk freely around the huge grounds, occasionally arm in arm or even sharing a kiss, as it did for Lady Lana and Chloe. Each couple respected the other and when in town they traveled in one group, so none would be the wiser. They presented themselves as two engaged couples, Lex to Lana and Chloe to Clark, appeasing everyone in town.

However, their bliss was short lived, as in a fashion no one in their most dreaded nightmares could have foreseen, Lord Lionel Luthor returned one cold, foggy morning in early spring, and several months later. Gasps and whispers, heralded his return into town and sensing trouble, he raced toward his castle.

He rode up, skittering his horse to a halt at the large Kent fences and gates that now surrounded his property. Enraged by the loss of his castle and goods, he decided to take his revenge upon his son and Lord Kent. Knowing that their weakness were their emotions, he knew the best way to get revenge was through Lady Lana and Chloe. Lionel took up residence in the now abandoned servant’s quarters and planned his revenge.

The foursome had not ventured forth into town for several days and so had not heard the rumors of Lionel’s return. They’d become lax in their daily routines. In fact, it had become common for the ladies and gents to venture out on their own between the Kent lands and Luthor. Thus it was during a harmless game of hide and seek that had taken them out into the barn. Both ladies were accosted and raped by Lionel.

Sensing something was amiss when the ladies of the manor did not return, the two Lords set out to find them. They found them crying. Their skirts were shredded and their faces bruised. Nearby a drunken Lionel Luthor lay asleep and sated in the hay. Clark quickly escorted the ladies out, while behind them a gunshot rang out. Lex then led the remaining horses out of the barn and set it on fire.

When it came apparent that Lionel’s actions would have lasting repercussions and needing to protect this new secret, Lord Kent and Lord Luthor took Lady Chloe and Lady Lana as brides. When the babes were born they raised them quietly, no one ever speaking of how they’d come to be. No one in the town ever cast aspersions their way again.

Lady Chloe and Lady Lana eventually took up adjoining bedchambers as did Lord Kent and Lord Luthor. No one ever mentioned Lord Lionel Luthor again and it was assumed he was lost at sea. The townspeople believed they’d seen a ghost that foggy morning. He was such a nasty man, many doubted even the devil himself would want him.


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