Smallington by mahaliem (Part 1 of 2)

Mar 26, 2007 17:25

Title: Smallington
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 20,000
Cover: One
Summary: Due to a deplorable scandal, Alexander Luthor is exiled from London and sent to Smallington. No sooner has he arrived than his life becomes imperiled and he is rescued by a gentleman named Clark Kent.

Notes: Many, many thanks are owed to my so very talented, patient ( Read more... )

cover one

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Comments 17

bagheera_san March 27 2007, 09:34:06 UTC
Wow, this is great! I love the dialogue and the style it's written in, it gives it a very nice period feeling :)


bagheera_san March 27 2007, 14:37:43 UTC
Dear Reader -

Your kind words have filled my heart with unsurpassed joy for I experienced qualms at writing in such a style.


anonymous March 30 2007, 05:51:39 UTC
I am not certain if this is meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but it reads like it. It made me grin!


anonymous March 30 2007, 13:36:41 UTC
Dear Reader -

For those who wish to read a tale of romance and intrigue, this may serve. For those wishing to be amused, this may serve that function as well.

Having said that, for many passages, my aim was to achieve at the minimum a quirking of the lips, if not a mild titter. Thus, I am most gratified that it caused you to grin and thank you most sincerely for relating that fact to me.


norwich36 March 30 2007, 22:01:36 UTC
I am loving this story tremendously. I am really enjoying the way you bring in the period details in a manner that really fits the characters--like making Chloe a bluestocking, or having Lionel's threat against Clark that he might be a Native American--and I adore the backstory you have created for Lex. Why do I feel that it will be revealed that it was Lionel that somehow drove Richard Astley to suicide by threatening to unmask his relationship to Lex?

And I will probably *never* get over my love for stories where Lex sacrifices his love for Clark to save him. And it's especially painful/wonderful in this story since you've done such an amazing job building up the sexual tension between them.

Rushing to read part 2, but I had to comment now lest I forget to mention some of the things I loved!


norwich36 March 31 2007, 04:50:01 UTC
Dear Reader -

I cannot tell you how much joy your comments gave to me. It pleases me immensely that you liked the period details I incorporated into this tale.

And, may I say, that I have an absurd love for Lex sacrificing his love to save Clark, too.


jakrar April 3 2007, 07:08:27 UTC
Pausing here to tell you that I am seriously loving this story! You've nicely mastered the Jane Austen-like tone for this sort of historical romance, and I love Clark saving Lex repeatedly, and Lex trying to protect Clark from Lionel's machinations by 'confessing' his supposed wickedness to drive Clark away. They are so sweet together! *tiny squee* But is it Lord Astley who's trying to kill Lex, or Lionel, or someone as yet unsuspected? Whoever it is is growing less subtle and more determined, and Clark's brief weakness near Lord Astley has me wondering if the man might carry some of the meteorite....

One small thing I happened to notice:

"You do not understand. My father has given me a choice - to give you up or see you ruined."

"How could you father ruin me?"

You need a 'your' instead of 'you' in that last sentence.

On to check out section 2!


jakrar April 4 2007, 20:21:26 UTC
Dear Reader -

It pleases me greatly that you are caught up in the intrigue of my tale. I thank you heartily for your comments.


(The comment has been removed)

anonymous April 10 2007, 04:28:00 UTC
Dear Reader -

Thank you so very much for your kind words concerning my tale.


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