Prelude by mobiusklein

Mar 23, 2007 17:43

Title: Prelude
Rating: PG
Word Count: 4,869
Cover: Cover 1
Summary: From London, Lex arrives in Smallville to take a holiday and not only makes a new friend but finds an old acquaintance up to his old tricks.
Notes: I named it Prelude because for the Sullivans and Lex, this is just the beginning.

by mobiusklein

"Have you heard!" said Chloe Sullivan as she walked into her father's drawing room where he was playing cards with her brother Clark.

Gabe looked up from his cards and turned to her. "I'm afraid not. Why don't you inform us?"

"Lex Luthor is temporarily staying at an estate nearby, where the old castle is."

"Really?" said Clark as he laid down his cards, face down.

"Lex Luthor?" said Gabe.

"Father, don't you know? Lex Luthor is one of the most wealthiest men in London and he's unattached."

"How wealthy are we talking about?"

"Mr. Luthor has an income of ten thousand pounds a year."

"Ten thousand?" gasped Gabe, considering he was supporting the family on less than a tenth of that. "Oh . . . I can imagine that Nell Potter will throw a party and invite him over so her niece Lana can meet them. She's probably already planning the floral arrangement and hiring a tailor to make her a wedding dress as we speak."

"Father!" Chloe scowled at her father while Clark was trying in vain to suppress laughter.

Gabe continued, "And I'm sure that you will be pestering the man for news and information about London. I suggest that the best way would be a mixture of discretion and moderation."

"The exercise of curiosity should not be frowned upon. I'll have you know that I already know quite a lot about him."

"Like what?" said Clark.

"He is well-educated and good at fencing and shooting. He is considered a little on the wild side and rather attractive even though . . ."

"Even though?" said Clark.

"Lex Luthor doesn't have a single hair on his pate. It was some sort of childhood accident."

"Please, Aunt Nell, I do not like to be primped and fussed over like a prize horse," said Lana as she sat in front of the mirror in her room, wearing her best frock while Nell was putting her hair up for the party.

"Oh, nonsense, I know you, Lana. Once the men start swarming around you, you couldn't be happier," said Nell. "I think what's bothering you is that eventually you'll have to choose only one. I am merely trying to find you someone who will come close to satisfying you and your meticulous ever-shifting demands."

Lana snorted as Nell finished her ministrations. "If my parents were alive, I would not be forced to display myself to uncouth suitors and strange men. It is enough to make me weep."

"I wouldn't count on that," said Nell, stung by another of Lana's endless comments about how much better her parents would have been. "Before you complain, at the very least talk to the man before declaring them to be a waste of time."

"I understand," she said. "You did invite Clark Sullivan?" Of all the men in town, she was fondest of her friend's brother though she knew Nell disapproved of him due to his modest means and murky ancestry.

"Of course. I also invited his sister, Whitney Fordman, Pete Ross and all the other men in the neighborhood. You will not be neglected."

"Aunt Nell!"

"Your future depends on marrying well. And my dear Lana, one must do so when one still has all of one's advantages. I know from bitter experience how true that is," Nell said, reminiscing about the few days she had been the one men buzzed after only to end up a spinster.

Lana sighed.

As Lex entered the house where the party was being held, Nell ran up to him and said, "Oh, my dear Lex, it's so kind of you to grace our house with your presence!"

"Thank you for inviting me," said Lex..

Nell stepped aside to show the girl standing behind her. "This is my niece Lana Lang. Lana, this is Mr. Lex Luthor."

Lana executed a perfect curtsey and said, "Nice to meet you."

"Lana, why don't you introduce them to your friends?" said Nell.

"Of course," she said. She looked around and spied Clark standing in a corner, trying to look inconspicuous. It was an almost impossible task considering his height and looks. She rushed towards him and said, "Clark, this is Mr. Lex Luthor. Mr. Luthor, this is Clark Sullivan."

"I'm glad to meet you," said Lex,

"I hope that you aren't too bored here," said Clark.

"Oh, I'm sure that I'll find something of interest soon." Lex smiled as he gave him a look that started from his face and down to his feet then back up. "I notice that you are not dancing."

Clark made a face. "Believe me, I am a dreadful dancer. Most of the ladies here have bruises on their feet because of my clumsiness."

"That's too bad," said Lex. "How about we go sit down while partaking some of the punch?"

"I'd like that."

Lana watched as the men left her to talk in private. While she would never admit it out loud, Aunt Nell was right when she said that she liked it when she was the center of attention and seeing the two men bypass her company was irksome. She danced with Peter and with Whitney but found both of them boring.

"Want to dance?"

She turned to see a man with dirty blond hair and bushy eyebrows. "Who are you? I don't believe I've seen you here before."

"I'm Lucas Dunleavy. I moved here from London just a week ago."

"Oh, are you friends with Mr. Luthor?"

Lucas laughed a little before saying, "I'm acquainted with him but I wouldn't say that we're friends."

Lana wrinkled her brow in confusion. "I thought that you might have come with him?"

Lucas raised an eyebrow. "He's here? That just makes things interesting."

"How so?"

"Oh, let's just say I know a few things about him that he wouldn't exactly like to get around."

"Like what?"

"I shouldn't say."

"You can't tease me like that and not tell! It's cruel and unfair," said Lana.

"I might tell you more if you dance with me."

She smiled. "All right but after the dance you must tell me everything."

"My pleasure."

Clark said, "How long do you plan to stay here?"

"About a month." Lex noticed something out of the corner of his eye and looked over Clark's shoulder. "Pardon me, but who is that speaking with Lana?"

Clark turned to see Lana talking to a man who looked slightly rough thought he was dressed impeccably. "Ah, Chloe said he moved here recently from London. He says his name is Lucas Dunleavy. Do you know him?"

"He reminds me of a man I know."

"It appears he resembles a man with which you had a most unpleasant encounter."

Lex smiled thought inwardly he scolded himself for revealing too much. "I am probably mistaken," he said, though making a mental note to find out where he lived. "I was wondering if you could show me around here as I'm not familiar with the area."

"It would be my pleasure."

The next day, they rode to the nearby lake and stripped for a dip. After half an hour, they both pulled themselves out of the water and sat on the dock. Clark said, "I was wondering if you have a fiancee back in London or if you find yourself interested in any of the women here?"

"I am not currently engaged and there have been no women who have tickled my fancy. I do not mean this as a slight to any of the women in the area, by the way. I suppose I am a foolish romantic. I want someone who can steal my heart," Lex said. Unfortunately, I doubt any woman can do so, he thought, cursing the strangeness in him that made him think that the naked, wet man sitting next to him outshone all the beautiful women of London society dressed in the most fashionable gowns, with their hair in the most flattering arrangements and decked in the most bedazzling, decadent jewelry.

"Quite a few people will be unhappy once they hear that you've turned down their party invitations," said Clark, remembering Chloe having told him of the various women who schemed to somehow snare him as a son-in-law.

"There's only so much dancing I can do," said Lex, "This must be what Bruce feels like."

"Bruce?" said Clark, frowning.

"He's an old friend of mine in London. You might have heard of him, Bruce Wayne." Before he had left London, he had asked Bruce if he had wanted to take a short holiday from London but he had insisted on staying at home. There had been a rash of strange, unusually powerful criminals that had been extremely challenging for Bruce's alter ego to defeat and send to the local asylum.

"The man who owns Wayne Enterprises," said Clark as he remembered Chloe talking about a dark and handsome man almost as wealthy as Lex. He was obviously king of London society, a brilliant fencer and a man who had traveled all over the world for years before finally coming home.

"The one and the same."

"Oh," Clark looked down and pouted.

Lex raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

"I guess that with such a friend like Bruce, I must appear rather plain and small," he said feeling strangely disappointed and angry.

Lex laughed. "You are neither plain nor small from what I've seen."

Clark had to laugh at that.

"We are friends because we went to the same school and conduct business. However, we disagree about many things and he's not the easiest man to get along with," said Lex. "I don't see why I can't be friends with you as well." As he saw Clark relax, Lex decided to change the subject. "You asked me whether I had any luck with my love life . . . I'm guessing that when it comes to the fairer sex, you must have dozens of admirers . . ."

Clark shook his head. "I'm not really a Sullivan. Chloe's mother found me abandoned in the moors. She took me home and convinced her husband to raise me as their own. They have always treated me with kindness and love. Unfortunately, she died of a brain fever when Chloe and I were both very young."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I know what it's like to lose family."

"It was a long time ago. The fact that I'm a foundling makes people uneasy about my possible lineage. Also, my father is not a wealthy man. A friend of name, Pete Ross, has quite a few prospects because his family owns several land holdings and can count quite a few judges and barristers as relatives. I have had a few women desire my company but I am rather clumsy and awkward around them."

"I find that hard to believe."

Clark sighed, "It is true. I am horrid at reciting poetry, never mind trying to come up with something original. I can't dance or sing. I have tried to play the violin but the strings broke so often I had to give it up. You may ask my sister. She often makes fun of my lack of success."

Lex scowled at that. "That's not nice of her. I have a proposal. Would you like to hear it?"

"Of course, I would."

"I would like to help you improve. Part of the problem with reciting poetry is that one must truly understand what one is saying, project the passion that one feels for who they desire. The library in the castle actually has quite a few books of poetry that you can read."

"That is very generous of you."

"It is nothing. You are . . . You are a very handsome man. There's no reason that you should find yourself alone."

Clark smiled at that.

"Riding with Mr. Luthor again?" said Chloe as Clark ran down the stairs. "This has been the fifth time since his arrival that you have gone to visit him."

"Actually, he is teaching me poetry appreciation and fencing today. He is the most interesting man I've ever met."

"It appears that you have fallen for him," she said rather cheekily.

"Chloe!" he said, rather embarrassed.

"It's apparent that you enjoy his company. It's a pity that you haven't introduced me to him."

"I'm sorry it just didn't come to mind. I'll be sure to suggest he invite you over for tea while I'm over there today."

With that, Clark gave her a kiss on the cheek and left the house. Shaking her head, she headed upstairs to read the letters she had received and write a response. As she sat at her desk in her bedroom and started writing a letter to her relatives in London, there was a knock on her door. "Is that you, Clark?"

"No, it's Lana!"

"And where have you been this past two weeks?" said Chloe as her friend walked in. Often, Lana would be besotted with a gentlemen and disappear for quite a while before again appearing with news that she found him boring and ridiculous or cry about how he had disappointed her in some way.

"I think I am in love," gushed Lana as she sat down on one of the chairs.

Of course, Chloe thought. "Who has put you into such a great mood?"

"Lucas Dunleavy!" Lana exclaimed.

"Lucas Dunleavy?" said Chloe.

"You don't look pleased." Lana pouted when she saw the smile fade from Chloe's face.

"I think I've seen him but I haven't really talked to him."

"He has such a tragic tale of woe. He completely opened up his heart to me," she said, sounding rather defensive. "He's the half-brother of Lex Luthor . . ."


"He is the illegitimate son of Lionel Luthor. He has been treated most abominably by his own brother," said Lana. "His mother was treated in such a reprehensible manner that she went mad and is now confined to an asylum."

Chloe blinked in shock. "Lana, I do not understand why he would be so forthcoming with such a story." Especially, she thought, with a girl who couldn't help but spread such a story far and wide.

"He said it was because I had a tender heart that would not judge him. Oh, you should hear the things he told me about Lex Luthor. He is far from being a proper gentleman!" she sniffed.

"Mr. Luthor has been nothing but proper to me and my brother ever since his arrival. I have read many letters from my relatives in London about them and they have not described a man whose acquaintance I should avoid," said Chloe.

"Lucas told me that Lex is a man of . . . unnatural desires. He says in London, there is much gossip of . . ."

"What kind of unnatural desires?"

"The kind that puts your brother in great peril! Mr. Luthor is desirous of more than friendship from him!"

"I really don't think that you should repeat such things based solely on this man's word!"

"I will not have you further besmirch his honesty," huffed Lana as she got up and walked out of Chloe's bedroom.

"Lana!" said Chloe as she walked after her in the hallway to the main door. "I am merely telling you that we need more proof. One must be careful that one is not preyed upon by men with an agenda . . ."

Lana snapped, "I am not someone's prey!"

Chloe groaned as Lana stomped out the door.

A short while later, Gabe poked his head in Chloe's bedroom and said, "Let me guess, you didn't approve of her latest boyfriend . . ."

"I hope you enjoy what my cook has packed in the picnic basket," said Lex as he and his new friend sat on a blanket spread on the grass near the edge of the forest.

"I'm sure I shall," said Clark.

"I must tell you that you've really made my stay here really . . . memorable." Lex saw that Clark didn't look quite so happy. "What's wrong?"

"My sister has had a falling out with her friend."

"I'm sorry to hear that. What happened?"

"It appears that Lana has a new beau named Lucas Dunleavy and he has obviously convinced Lana that . . . you have deeply wronged him. Chloe spoke on your behalf but Lana refused to listen . . ."

Lex sighed. "I see. I was hoping that avoiding him would make my stay here an uneventful one but I see I need to explain a few things. It is a long and complicated story that I am not particularly fond of but I see I will have to tell it before he turns you against me. If you need confirmation, you could write to Mr. Wayne or write to a friend or relative in London. Lucas is probably sufficiently notorious enough that people know about him even if they don't know him personally."

"Is he really your half-brother?"

"My mother was ill for much of my childhood. My father had hired a nurse to take care of her named Rachel Dunleavy. One day she disappeared only to appear eight months later, holding a baby she claimed was my father's. It may very well have been . . . my father was not a man of virtue though I can't say I put much faith in her claim as the woman was later committed to Belle Reve, an asylum. He had the child adopted by another family and sent money to compensate them for his care."

Lex continued his story. "My mother gave birth to another child named Julian but he died soon after he was born. I had wanted a brother very much so I was crushed. My mother never recovered from the loss and died a few years later. After my father died from liver disease, the will was read and Lucas was named and was given a few hundred pounds. As the only person of my family left, I made the mistake of trying to establish some sort of relationship with him. Unfortunately, it turned out that he was resentful of the fact that I inherited the bulk of the fortune and I found out that he had very little interest in things other than drinking, whoring and gambling. After a concerned father thwarted his plan to elope with a young woman to gain access to her dowry, he left town to avoid the consequences. I did not expect him to be here."

"That's terrible. Why is he involved with Miss Lang?"

"Besides being quite lovely, Lana Lang is one of the wealthier women in the area even if her aunt is unsatisfied with her current standing. It would be like him to marry her, spend all her money then run off to leave her in ruins."

"You must tell her what you've told me."

"I often find that when someone is infatuated with someone, they are not in the mood to listen to a recital of their lover's flaws. I also have to say that even if he is dissuaded from one point of attack, he will merely switch his attentions to someone else. I will," said Lex, seeing the distress on Clark's face, "however, warn her guardian and have a serious talk with him, warning that I will take action against him. I am not interested in having my holiday marred by scandal and misfortune caused by a relative of mine even if there are doubts regarding his paternity." Seeing that Clark looked uncomfortable, he said, "Is there anything that you're not saying?"

"Miss Lang also said that he said . . . that you happen to want more than friendship from me. Is this true?"

"I want your friendship more than anything in the world."

"That's not really answering the question."

Lex stood up and said, " I think we should start riding back now."

"I want to know the truth."

"If you are no longer desirous of my company . . . then . . ." said Lex as he watched Clark stand up as well. He closed his eyes when he felt himself grabbed roughly by the shoulders only to be surprised that instead of an act of violence, he was being kissed awkwardly but with much passion.

"I want to know because I feel the same way," said Clark, flushed and breathless.

Lex wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him back.

"Lana," said Nell as she entered Lana's bedroom, flustered and upset.

"What is it?" said Lana as she put down her hairbrush and turned from the mirror.

"Mr. Luthor has told me that your new beau is a man of the most questionable morals who is after the fortune your mother and father left you."

"Is that so? You should hear the many horrible things Lucas has told me about him," retorted Lana.

"You're on first name basis with that man and you're slandering Mr. Luthor? Honestly, Lana! You are not to see him again! Mr. Dunleavy will not be invited to any more of our parties."

"Why do you insist on interfering? My parents . . ."

"Your parents would probably do a better job at creating a more grateful child. I'm doing the best I can! I know that I can never replace your mother and father, you remind me of this on a daily basis! However, I'm trying to protect you from someone who is little more than a criminal. I don't know why you can't understand that?" Nell said as she ran out of the room and slammed the door behind her.

Lana threw her brush at the wall in frustration. Will I never be rid of her, she thought.

As Clark and Lex rode back to the castle from another afternoon at the lake, they saw Chloe waiting outside the main entrance, looking distressed.

"Thank God, you're back!" she cried out.

"What is the matter?" Clark said.

"I have just received a letter from our uncle in London about Lucy. It is horrible news."

"Please come in. It's best not to talk about such matters in the open," said Lex.

After they rushed to his drawing room, Chloe said, "I'm not sure whether I should reveal . . . There are some matters that are . . ."

"I have many resources at my disposal," said Lex. "If it is anything that I can help with, I am willing to offer any assistance. I am capable of being most discreet."

"Please, Chloe, what is the news," said Clark.

Chloe hesitated before saying, "I suppose there is reason for me to inform Mr. Luthor as well. Our cousin Lucy has run away. Our uncle General Lane . . ."

"Sam Lane?"

"Yes, do you know him?"

"He is an acquaintance of mine. I often do business with him and occasionally dine with him."

Chloe paused before saying, "Our uncle tried to send her to a private school in Switzerland but it appears she got off the boat before it left the harbor. He would have personally made sure she got on the boat except that he had to take care of military business."

"Why was he sending her so far away?"

"He was sending her there as punishment because she had nearly eloped with Mr. Dunleavy."


"Yes," said Chloe. "Our uncle believes that she may try to reunite with him by coming here! He hadn't wanted to tell us but felt compelled to due to the present circumstances! He asked that we do our utmost to prevent her from seeing him until he can come here."

Lex said, "I will get my servants to look for her on the roads leading to Smallville. In the meantime, I think you and your father should stay at home just in case she decides to go there. I think that Clark and I should keep an eye on Mr. Dunleavy's house in case she shows up there. What do you think of my plan?"

"It is the best that can be done at this time," said Chloe. "I thank you for your assistance."

"Do not thank me now. She has yet to be rescued," said Lex.

As the sun was setting, Clark and Lex waited in the bushes outside of the Dunleavy house. Chloe and Gabe were waiting at home just in case Lucy happened to go there instead of Lucas' house as planned. They had seen a carriage arrive but nobody had gotten off. Lucas in the meantime looked around and checked his watch as if waiting for someone. "Look!" said Lex as he saw someone riding toward the house. "Is that Lucy?"

"No, it's Lana . . ."

"What is she doing here?"

"She's probably making the same mistake Lucy did."

"This is so romantic," said Lana as she got off her horse and tied it to a hitching post. "My aunt will be absolutely furious with me for eloping." She said this with very little regret and quite a bit more glee.


Both Lucas and Lana turned to see a pretty brunette young woman dressed in men's clothing running up to them until she stood between them and the carriage. "Who are you?" Lana said.

"I'm Lucy Lane and you are not welcome here!"

Lana flared her nose in rage and turned on Lucas. "Who is this girl? Have you been lying to me?"

Lucas avoided her question and said to Lucy, "Your father threatened to kill me and I thought he had sent you to be taught by nuns in Switzerland. I thought that I would never see you again."

"He did try to send me there but I managed to get off the boat before it left the harbor. I sold some of my jewelry so I could make my way here. Lucas, you know that you could never settle for a boring life with a country mouse when I'm the one who is as big a trickster and adventurer as you are. You should have at least tried to rescue me!"

"It seems you have done a good job of rescuing yourself."

"You horrible . . . " Lana raised her hand and slapped Lucas and was about to raise her hand against Lucy when Lucy knocked her to the ground with a well-placed kick to the abdomen with her boot.

"Don't try to fight me, little country mouse. I was taught to fight by a general."

"That's enough!" said Lex. Lucy, Lana and Lucas all turned to see Lex and Clark standing nearby, holding pistols in their hands.

"Hello, Lex," said Lucas. "Good to see you."

"I'm sorry I can't say the same."

"I have to thank you for what you and Lex did for my friend," said Chloe to Lex as she stood before him in front of her house. Lana had been told to go home and she did so, only to be scolded by her righteously angry aunt. Clark and Lex had forced both Lucas and Lucy to get into the carriage and told the driver to take them to the Sullivan house. Once there, Lucas and Lucy were locked in separate rooms to await the arrival of General Sam Lane, Lucy's father.

Lex said, "While your friend got off lightly, I can't say that it was a completely happy ending as Lucy and Lucas will get married to avoid further scandal so Lois' marriage prospects won't suffer any further damage. I heard that General Lane will give Lucas a commission under his direct command so I can't say that Lucas will be receiving a happy ending, either. If you ever come to London, be sure to write to me beforehand so that I can show you around and arrange to have tea with you while you are there."

"I would like that very much."

Clark said to Lex, "I guess this means goodbye."

"London's not that far," he said. "Our friendship has only just begun. Until we see each other again." They hugged each other for a long time before Lex went into the carriage.

As the carriage rolled way, Chloe said, "I asked father if we may go to London in a month. He has already granted permission for us to go and has already written our uncle asking that he make arrangements for our arrival."

"Thank you. I will make it up to you somehow."

"Well, I heard there is a 'Batman' in London, perhaps you could help me find him . . ."

Clark groaned.

"Chloe, I do apologize for not trusting you," said Lana as she walked into the Sullivans' drawing room, bearing a peace offering of a cake she had baked with her own hands. "He turned me this way and that until I scarcely knew what was up and what was down."

"I'm glad that you didn't utterly ruin yourself by running off with him," said Chloe, deciding not to mention that not knowing what was up and what was down was her usual state of mind.

"And if I may be so bold, I have to ask you a favor."

"A favor?" said Chloe. "What is it?"

"I need Mr. Luthor's address. I must write to him and tell him from the bottom of my heart how truly grateful I am that he saved me and . . ." said Lana, her eyes shining with love for her new hero. "Lucas must have told those lies because he knew of the caring and deep affection he had for . . ."

Chloe sighed and thought of asking her father if she and Clark could go to London earlier than planned.

The End

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