Unexpected free time

Jun 22, 2005 12:30

Wow. Well I have time off from work now. A whole week, even!
So, anybody wanna make plans? If not I'll just veg in front of the TV and it will be all your fault! You don't want that on your head!

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Comments 108

pogo_boy June 22 2005, 18:07:15 UTC
*After some research to track down what he hopes are the right coordinates, Quint teleports into the hallway outside Dr. Quinzel's apartment. He's dressed in a 'Break The Cycle' t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, and is carrying a backpack. He knocks on the door and waits...*


harlene_quinzel June 22 2005, 19:23:48 UTC
*Harleen opens the door and smiles down at him brightly. She's wearing a pair of capri cut jeans and the camisole top that goes to her pajamas (black and red satin/silk with Betty Boop in a devil costume and the words "bad girl" across the front.) Behind her, her apartment is rather small but filled with brightly colored things. All of her furniture is animal print, though none of it matches and some are unrealistic (one butterfly chair is pink and black tiger stripes) and her walls have lots of movie posters and photos of family. Next to her laptop on a desk there's a picture of her at about age 10 in her gymnastics uniform that shares a frame with the medal she won that day. The laptop screen shows the Sages board. In the air there's the sound of 80's pop music and the smell of brownies baking in the kitchen*

"Wow, kid. You're fast! Well...at least you'll get to taste the brownies while they're still warm. I hope I don't burn them this time!"

She ushers him in and closes the door behind him.


pogo_boy June 22 2005, 19:42:42 UTC
Quint looked around at the brightly colored room and smiled slightly. It almost reminded him of how Ballade would bring home bright or shiny things that caught his attention.

"It's very pretty here," he said shyly, quiet as usual. "I'm Quint... it's sort of short for Quintet.. um.. Wily." He'd hesitated a bit before using the last name, still not used to doing so.


harlene_quinzel June 22 2005, 19:56:39 UTC
"Thank you! I'm glad you like the place."
She walks over to the oven and slides uses a dish-towel to protect her hand as she slides the brownies out and places the pan on the stove to cool.
"Quintet? That's an interesting name. I like it."


zhilbar June 24 2005, 04:27:33 UTC
Zhilbar appears on the rooftop, having not ever have been otherwise. He bears lilies, toffee, a printout of a flight plan, and a rather broad smile.

"Why, this is quite a sight to be greeted with! Very nice look, My dear Harley." He hunkers down slightly, and offers toffee to Quintet. "And how are you, little one? care for a treat?

"Just don't have too much at once..."


harlene_quinzel June 24 2005, 04:57:09 UTC
"Oh...um hi!"
Harley starts suddenly, but regains her senses quickly. Having someone just 'appear' was still weird. She'd get used to it eventually.
She looks down at Quint and then back at Zhilbar.
"Have you two met,then?"


zhilbar June 24 2005, 05:42:40 UTC
Zhilbar chuckles. He rather likes causing a bit of a stir, now and then...

"My lady, that silk top is absolutely ravishing!" While speaking nothing about the jeans, His admiring look up and down the lovely young lady speaks volumes as to His opinion on the matter.

"I don't think we've met before, but that's no reason not to make a new friend! Hello, Quint. I am Lord Zhilbar.

((He doesn't seem to be on; should we move on?))


harlene_quinzel June 24 2005, 05:56:19 UTC
"Er..thanks." She briefly crosses her arms over her chest out of modesty, but gives up the effort fairly quickly.

"Ah! Well then I should be a good hostess then...like the cupcakes." She places a hand gently on Quint's head.
"Quint, this is Zhilbar! Zhilbar, this cutie.." she ruffles the boys hair. " is Quintet.

"We were having brownies and practicing tumbling."
She grins broadly, proud of having not botched up watching a child.

((perhaps we should wait..I think it would be rude to go on too far without him. Sorry. IM me if you'd like: DrHarleneQuinzel on AIM. ))


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