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Mar 20, 2010 10:10

... :D

Okay so, her real name is Shiba Kaoru. As in, head of the Shiba clan. YES, THAT'S RIGHT! THE ENTIRE SERIES WAS A LIE!

See, the last time the big bad monsters were attacking was when the seventeenth head of the Shiba clan was active as ShinkenRed. He and his advisors came up with a plan -- They would sneak his pregnant wife (and heir) out of the mansion, and use a small orphan boy as a "shadow" -- that is, as a body double/decoy head. So Takeru, who spends the first 45 episodes as "Shiba clan's eighteenth head" is really just some kid they paid to pretend so that the REAL heir could grow up and learn all the super secret techniques.

That heir, by the way? Kaoru.

She is the true eighteenth lord of Shiba! As such, that makes her ShinkenRed. Yeah, bitches, she is the Red Ranger. First ever in super sentai history.

EVERYTHING THAT TAKERU CAN DO, SHE CAN TOO, with the added bonus of she actually knows the Sealing Character and has Shiba mojikara so she can do them better or at least, better in the eyes of old men. Yeah uh. Anyway.

I am using the English translations for all the attacks, with the sole exception of this sword. Yes, she is a little 4'11 girl waving around a six foot Cloud Strife sword! YOU WISH YOU WERE THAT COOL, I KNOW YOU DO. I am also not translating a few other choice words, which I will list too. Anyway the attacks include:

Shodouphone: Calligraphy phone. It is a special cell phone that lets the Shinkenger write kanji in midair, and because they have super magic sentai power, whatever they write BECOMES REAL. So if they wrote "horse", a horse would appear, and writing "sword" summons their sword, etc. They use these to transform! Kaoru transform by writing the character for fire (火).

Mojikara: WORD POWER. It's what you call the power and ability to do the above.

Ippitsu Soujo: This translates to "With these brush strokes, we report to the emperor." Kind of a mouthful. Anyway, that's what the Shinkengers shout out before transforming and writing their respective elements.

Shinkenmaru: Name of their swords.

Rekka Daizantou: Name of the giant Cloud Strife upgrade! Shinkenmaru becomes this.

Dance of Flames (Kaen no Mai): + FIRE ELEMENT

Dance of Thunder and Lighting (Raiden no Mai): + LIGHTNING ELEMENT

Dance of the Blazing Lightning (Kaen Raiden no Mai): + FIRE AND LIGHTNING ELEMENTS

True Dance of Flames (Shin Kaen no Mai): Only available in Super Mode!

Bazooka Mode (Ootzutsu Mode): Transforming the Rekka Daizantou into a bazooka. No really.

Execution (Seibai): Bazooka finishing move!

Completed Seal Case (Inroumaru): Because you can't go super without waving it around for some reason.

Five-sided Giant Blaze (Gokaku Daikaen): This is what the Lion Origami uses when attacking! Kaoru is capable of using this single Origami to take down an ayakashi's second life, which uh -- the other six Shinkengers had to use upwards of 12 to do this. :'D

Wild Ox Cannon (Mougyuu Hou): It's a goddamn cannon is that not already the most self-explanitory thing.

Kaoru is also the only person capable of writing the sealing character (WHICH ISN'T REAL, it's a combination of like, three or four kanji)! This is hugely important, but then it becomes less so because a hooker fucking ruined everything (... really, a hooker ruined everything).



Kaoru has a son. He is five or so years older than she is. She adopted him so that her vassals could fight alongside the person they trusted most and save the world. The nineteenth head of Shiba, her child, is ... her shadow and body-double, Takeru.
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