The Hell's Spot - Chapter 7

Nov 08, 2009 21:28

Chapter 7.

The relationship between him and Kage changed again.

For all they managed to talk at the club, all they did was exchange jokes or certainly not talk about serious topics. Every time he tried to make an appointment, the bartender refused with a laugh, a smile, a quick glance.

He wasn’t ready yet, probably.

Only when he was sure of what he could tell him, did he want to meet him.

-You’re spacing out, it’s dripping!- exclaimed Satoshi, rescuing most of his creation. Nino had the duty of holding it up… in theory.

-Sorry!- he said, leaning the huge cartoon hanger and helping his boyfriend clean the floor before the glue dried on it.

-To think that I’m the one who has his head in the clouds…- sighed Ohno, scowling at him.

The artist hated interruptions, hated helpless assistants. Nino had always been skilled and careful, but that day he was thinking about something else.

-Toshichan…- Nino murmured, catching his eye - Can we talk?-.

Ohno sighed and nodded, taking his hand. They rested on the floor.

-Why are you so absentminded, Kazu?- he asked then, a bit worried -You’ve been different since you started going to that club every night…-.

-Toshichan, if there was a person who had a problem, but for some reason he couldn’t tell you, would you still help him? What would you do to help him?- he asked, dropping the subject.

-I don’t know... it depends- said Satoshi -If I liked this person and if I were fond of him, then I would help him right away, maybe staying by his side and comforting him… waiting till he tells me what is it that torments him so much…- he answered.

Nino nodded and hugged him slowly, leaning his head on his chest.

-He doesn’t tell you ‘cause he thinks you wouldn’t understand?- asked the artist.

-Maybe. I don’t know, I don’t know anymore… everything I say seems to hurt him, in every way. I’m waiting, but it seems to me this hasn’t gotten any better. And I’m afraid that the thing he’s hiding is what I need to know…- he whispered.

Ohno caressed his head, sweetly.

-Do you like him?- he asked, slowly.

Nino smiled, raised his head and kissed Satoshi sweetly, eyes closed.

-He’s a person that everybody likes: he’s mysterious, capable of creating every kind of emotion in his interlocutor, but he’s also fragile and complicated- he explained, smiling at him.

-And he would be…?- asked Toshi, perplexed.

-The bartender- Nino said, kissing the corner of his mouth.

Ohno laughed, holding him tight.

-Don’t get in trouble, Kazu…- he whispered.

-I’ll protect you, my princess- he said, closing his eyes.

He composed the number he had written on a piece of paper while he was finishing his coffee.

It was 10 pm, he had gone out for dinner with Toma before going to the club. Now his friend had moved away for a moment, talking on the phone. He decided that was the right moment to try.

He waited for one or two rings and a familiar voice answered: -Hello?-.

He heard the silence from the other side of the receiver, the low, clear voice. He imagined him at home, leaning on the window at the top floor, the beautiful scene of a street crossed by sparkling cars flowing outside.

-This is Joker- he said, smiling at himself.

-How did you get my number?- asked Kage.

-My magic…- he answered, vaguely.

He heard him laugh, then sigh.

-Where are you?- he asked.

-Where would I be? At home… studying- Jun murmured. He heard a rustling of papers.

-May I imagine you?- he asked then.

Jun laughed again, said yes.

-You’re sitting on your armchair with the books on your lap and by your left side there’s the light of a little lamp: the rest of the room is dark. Behind you there’s the huge window of the top floor, the street is full of flowing carlights… your glasses are leaning on the armrest and your hair is tied up… you’re beautiful- he narrated.

-You didn’t guess right, but I appreciate the accurate description and your remarkable fantasy- Jun joked.

-I certainly guessed the fact that you’re beautiful… you’re always beautiful- he said.

Jun didn’t reply, he heard him sigh again.

-Ok, I’m ready. Come to my place, you know the way- he said.

-Now? Now I’m a little…-

-Now or never. How much do you want to know about me?- that voice asked.

There it was: again, Kage had succeeded in capturing his curiosity, in luring him. He wondered for the millionth time how could he do that.

-I live on the second floor, by the way- joked Jun, before hanging up.

Nino sighed, payed the bill for himself and for Toma and reached him to wave him goodbye.

-Already leaving?- asked the inspector, lowering the mobile phone for a moment.

-A friend of mine needs help, I’m sorry. Take your time, it’s my treat- he explained. He left the restaurant and got in the car, lighting a cigarette.

He reached the door of the building and noticed it was open. He entered, went up the stairs and stopped at the second floor. There were two doors. Beside on of them, he noticed the name “Matsumoto” on the doorbell and pushed it, staring at his shoes that were drowning in the doormat.

Jun came to open the door: he was wearing a pair of Nike sweat pants and a T-shirt, both black. He was wearing glasses too, and his hair was tied up.

He stared at him for a while, perhaps surprised by his outfit: a Doraemon T-shirt and a pair of beige short pants. When he went out with Toma, he didn’t even try to choose the appropriate outfit.

-Come in, what are you waiting for? Want to stay there forever?- said Kage, opening the door a bit more.

Nino entered and closed it with an audible click.

-Something to eat?- asked his host.

-No, don’t worry… I’ve just finished having dinner- he answered. He looked around: the apartment was small, very different from what he had imagined. There was a single room with a bed, a desk, a wardrobe, an armchair in front of a stereo and a TV, a bathroom and a small kitchen with a balcony. The dominant colour was, of course, black. Although the walls were cream-white.

He sat on the bed, while Jun adjusted himself on the armchair.

-So, would you like to start or do I have to tell some of my jokes?- asked Nino.

This was enough to make the man smile, he seemed too tense.

-I’m starting, don’t worry…- he sighed.

Then he looked around for a while, searching for the correct words.

-Notte, Dark and me know each other since our high-school times…- he murmured.

-I know that. I talked to Notte- Nino smiled.

-What did he tell you?- asked Kage.

-I know that you three wanted to open a club together, but then some problems came out. This is it- he said.

-The problem was obviously the money. I gave up enrolling at the university at that time and looked for another job, ma in the meantime we borrowed some money from a loan shark. We didn’t even have the money to pay our rents, the stakes were high and after a while we gave up. We gave up the idea of opening a club and accepted to work at The Hell’s Spot. But it wasn’t so easy…- he sighed.

He lighted a cigarette, holding it with his long fingers.

-The loan shark didn’t obviously want to lose customers…- Nino observed.

-Obviously. We hadn’t finished paying the debt, but we could have easily succeeded ‘cause The Hell’s Spot’s wage was high. He added pretenses and I took charge of the debt. I had to pay the university, the apartment, the expenses and that man. Soon he started threatening me. I understood that I couldn’t pay with just my wage. So I followed the advice of one of the customers…-.

He paused again, staring at his hand, smoking.

He seemed at a loss for words, so that Nino had to ask: -Prostitution?-.

He nodded slowly, put out his half-finished cigarette.

-I can’t picture you doing it…- said Nino, without thinking.

-You can’t? Are you sure? But you’re always telling me how beautiful I am… how much would you give me for a night?- said Jun, staring at him: the detective flinched.

-Most of my clients were from the club, a rabble. My earnings doubled. A fact still remained, I was disgusted by myself, but who cared? I needed money, that was a safe way to earn it. Then I met Arashi…- he murmured.

He got up from the armchair and sat on the floor, his back to the edge of the bed. Nino moved closer to him. He almost couldn’t speak anymore.

-He’s a year older than me and you, a journalist. One night he asked to see me, so I entered the black-doored room. Since that night we started seeing each other regularly, for about a month. We became friends, I think- he kind of laughed.

Nino slipped on the floor, by his side. He stared at the wall in front of him.

-One day he asked me to quit that “job”… I explained him the problem of my debt, and he said there was no need to worry. His father is a financier. I accepted and he payed all of the debt. The loan shark, scared by his father and his men, didn’t bother me anymore. I quit prostitution, but I didn’t see Arashi anymore- said Kage.

He paused, than continued:

-That’s why you always upset me when you tell some of your jokes… do you have an idea of how many times I was told “you’re beautiful”? And in which situations? Luckily, you can’t picture it. That’s why I get embarrassed when I see Arashi, that’s why I tried to defend him… for all I know, for all I can tell you about him, he doesn’t have any alibi: he could have really killed her. But I think I know him, I think I know who he is… he couldn’t have done it. I’m indebted to him, I’d like to help him. You understand it know, don’t you?- he asked.

He heard Jun’s voice weakening.

He saw him lowering his head on his knees, hiding his face in his hands.

-I think I’ll never be able to understand… what you went through- Nino heard himself say.

Jun looked at him between tears, leaned on him.

Nino held him in an embrace.

-You don’t know what it means… going to university, with all the eyes on me: they don’t know what I was, they don’t know what I underwent every night, what I willingly accepted to do, just for money… nobody knows- he heard him murmur, stifling his tears against his T-shirt.

He made him raise his head and wiped his face with his handkerchief.

-No, I don’t know. But I can tell you what I see right now: I can see a person who experienced a trauma and who finally, after a long time, has managed to get it off his chest. I can see a person who has every possibility to recover, to forget blames or not. Jun…- he smiled.

Their eyes met, Kage bit his lip.

-Kazu…- he heard him whisper.

-I’m here, Jun. I came here for you, I’ll stay here for you. And I’m happy it was me the one who wiped your tears- he told him, leaning his forehead against the bartender’s.

He felt him move his hands on his back, hold him at his nape. He raised his head slightly to meet Jun’s stare. Without noticing it, their lips met.

He closed his eyes, allowing Jun’s soft, warm mouth to kiss him sweetly, many times, he tasted of smoke. He drew him closer, holding him by his hips.

Then he felt him pull away and looened his hold.

-There, you see…- he heard him sigh.

-I see what?- he smiled, making his raise his head again to look at him.

-I’m a fool. Everytime that things start to get better… I ruin everything. You have a boyfriend, dammit…- he murmured.

Kazunari laughed, leaned his head on the bed’s mattress by their side.

-You did it for a reason, that’s why I accepted. I love my boyfriend- he explained, simply.

Jun smiled, leaned on him again, asking and getting the consent to stay like that.

-Thank you…- he murmured then.

Nino didn’t reply.

-Kazunari? Now we are… friends?- he asked.

-I think so- he answered, smiling.

It's late, but it's out xD
Hope you liked it. I need to say this chapter is kind of sweet, but I do love Ohmiya! I really do! xD Sakumoto and Matsumiya are my favourite, but really... Ohno and Nino are made for eachother <3 So, I'm sorry for Ohmiya fans in this chapter.
Next chapter is sad .___.
I cryed while writing and made my friends cry too, so... be prepared xD

arashi, the hell's spot, matsumiya, toma, r, fanfiction, translation, ohmiya, pg-13

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