
May 08, 2007 15:13

Hee. Heroes! *bounces*

Spoilers- The Awesome Part )

reax, tv: heroes, misc: i like this

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Comments 8

scifi_tv_addict May 9 2007, 04:02:23 UTC
As has become our weekly "Heroes" ritual, I shall reply to your post ( ... )


hariboo May 9 2007, 12:29:48 UTC
Hee. *g*

I know how you feel, my friend. He. Just. Gets. Hotter. I can't explain it. And the bangs, I completely agree- How? I ask, how? Le sigh.

Lol. They do seem like they're about to make out all the time. Oh, I understand. Sometimes I even perfer the platonic relationships in some show, but Peter and Claire jus have this extra something in their dynamic that you can't help seeing sparks in. I totally see it, and understand why so many Paire shippers are up in arms about them being related. They just have so much chemistry. I'll never ship them, but I won't deny that if the situation was different I just might ( ... )


scifi_tv_addict May 9 2007, 22:46:03 UTC
Yeah, it does look like he's getting better at the whole painting thing. Still....I miss my psychotic third-grade quality demon paintings. People just don't make art like that anymore.

Speaking of the Petrellis, have you seen the latest issues of Entertainment Weekly? Dear me, I almost had a heart attack. My icon is the picture from the front cover. There are 5 different versions, but I am so happy they sent me the one with Peter looking SOOOOOOO hot in this great jacket, even better hair, and fire coming from his hands. Nathan has another cover with Hiro. There's a picture inside with all of them though, and Nathan has some facial stubble but boy does he cut a nice figure in the jacketless suit he's wearing!

Okay, I think I'm drooling too much.

Oh, and it looks like we'll be getting more info on Mama Petrelli next season. Supposedly, they will be dealing with dynasties, families like the Petrellis and Hiro's. So we'll get to see more of her badassness soon.


hariboo May 10 2007, 00:02:30 UTC
They really don't. Some people just don't appreciate original art like that anymore.

I haven't actually :( , though I'm in complete lust with your icon now. I'm so bad about buying magazines, I haven't even seen it here in the UK. Of course now I'm gonna have to look for those cover shots :D!

Oooh... generation stories... nice! Can't we just fast forward to July get s10, jump to when the SG movies come out and skip on over to the beginning of Heroes.... that'd be kinda nice *sigh*


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