no one dies harder....

Mar 13, 2008 14:08

than John McClane! I dare you not to bop your head to this.

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misc: recs, misc: random, film

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Comments 12

little_giddy March 13 2008, 14:52:11 UTC

DUDE, i love this so much it should be illegal. I want to MARRY THIS VIDEO NAO. Yes. NAO. John Mclane "there's no help from Allison and it's not Christmas". DUDE. I'm laughing and squeeing my brain away. And you know I'm totally taking notes on the stunts.


hariboo March 13 2008, 15:10:18 UTC
taking notes on the stunts.

HEE! and we have it handy and at out fingertips! *cackles*

"we're gonna die, die, die, die hard. We're going to die, die, die, die as hard as we can." Slogan.


little_giddy March 13 2008, 15:56:56 UTC
*senses PS muse perking up with interest* Hell, yes.

*grin* I loved it so much I declared it in public. Well, facebook. Which *counts*.


hariboo March 14 2008, 04:02:21 UTC
We need John McClane icons. Liek NAO.


magnavox_23 March 13 2008, 22:09:12 UTC
Haha! That was awesome! XD


hariboo March 13 2008, 23:47:42 UTC
I *know*! John McClane pwns all!


kathpup March 13 2008, 22:28:11 UTC
For. The. Win.

I'm gonna put this on a CD and make them play it at Big Cheese. *nods*


hariboo March 13 2008, 23:47:08 UTC
You have to send me the mp3 file the minute you do this! Minute, I say!


little_giddy March 14 2008, 04:46:48 UTC
Ari, darling, what you also mean is that we have to do this sometime when you're here, right? Either that or tell me London has a Big Cheese-esque venue? *innocent, blinkity eyes*


hariboo March 14 2008, 04:56:52 UTC
Of course that's what I meant! Hmm, I fail at the London venue thing, but I can find out.


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