Fic: An Expected Life

Jan 30, 2008 01:56

Title: An Expected Life
Rating: PG
Fandom: Heroes
Pairings: Gen. Nathan and Meredith and Claire.
Spoilers: Pre-show
Summary: Nathan's life was always planned out for him. He knew it. He accepted it.
A/N: Just a quick Heroes fic that randomly came to me. Unbeated.

An Expected Life

He only held her once. A few weeks after Meredith had given birth to her ( Read more... )

character: claire bennet, tv: heroes, character: nathan petrelli, !fanfic

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Comments 6

meli_64 January 30 2008, 05:27:13 UTC
Brilliant! So Nathan.


hariboo January 30 2008, 12:11:29 UTC
Thank you!


kattahj January 30 2008, 18:04:34 UTC
This was really touching. Thanks for a good read!


hariboo January 30 2008, 23:31:46 UTC
Glad you liked!


venetia_sassy February 1 2008, 03:38:07 UTC
Nathan does have his moments, as much he'd like to pretend otherwise.

Loved this:

Leaning against the wall he took a breath and continued on his way, the smell of Claire in his nose and a small stain of spittle on his lapel. He made a mental note to send it to the cleaners.

Lovely fic.


hariboo February 4 2008, 01:25:02 UTC
Thank you. He really does. I so heart him. And I love his relationship with Claire. She has the best fathers ever.


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