from me: to jordan, june, and anon #4! eta: & margo bc apparently i can't read my own calendar right

Dec 25, 2013 19:51

FIRST, SUPER MEGA HUGE APOLOGIES TO JORDAN! (The sad Leeloo icon is FOR MY SHAME!!) She's had to wait so long, bc hahahaha apparently I suck! Esp at FMA fic, and I kept trying to give her something more in line with her gift, and hey, ONE DAY I WILL!, but she's been really patient and lovely and told me that I could make her anything! So I made icons! Which, really works for her and June, because now they get an extra large set of Roy/Riza icons. I hope you two don't mind! ETA: three!! bc oH SHIT. Margo! GOD, I REALLY DO SUCK, bc despite having you written for the 24, my brain kept telling me 27th. WOW, I'M SO BAD AT THIS CALENDAR THIS YEAR. I GUESS IT'S REALLY GOOD I MADE A BUNCH.

I owe you both better gifts I know. Then I had an anon comment for Little Mix/Jade icons, so this turned into a bit of a mini icon post. Idk if my LM anon even remembers they wanted some, but FELIZ NAVIDAD, RIGHT?

!icons, celebs: little mix, ily wacky bastards, music, advent cal, anime: fma: brotherhood

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