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Comments 15

ana_br November 12 2007, 18:07:40 UTC
Helloooooooo!!! And who might you be??? *blink blink*


hariboo November 12 2007, 21:52:02 UTC
That is the oh so beautiful Eduardo Verástegui. Hotness in the flesh.


ana_br November 12 2007, 23:16:57 UTC
ABSOLUTELY! Break me up a piece of him!!! *drools some more*


anonymous November 13 2007, 19:09:06 UTC
I am forced to post here because that stupid comm censors posts but this needs to be siad ( ... )


hariboo November 13 2007, 19:27:37 UTC
Okay first of all if you didn't notice I clearly wrote that it was purely for FUN fic, that in no way was meant to be taken as more than it was SOMETHING FUN AND AMUSING. As for your comment about me being a sock puppet created to whore out "spiletta's" fic, well excuse me for laughing very loudly at you, but I don't even know her. At all. The most contact between us I think has been a random comment on LJ. Now if you have a problem with her, which you must clearly do especially considering your comments above then DON'T read her stuff. Even if recced. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy ONE rec that I suggested in along with many of the other ones I have posted ( ... )


anonymous November 13 2007, 20:02:30 UTC
Of coarse you'll delete my comment! Coward! Couldn't have people seeing how I called you on your lazy ways and bad fic recs! Reading the fics you rec is A WASTE OF TIME? No wonder you rec complete utter trash. The only value that fic has is to be poked fun at and at least you admit that now!

Funny how all these sockpuppets always say they don't know spiletta! How do you rec her trash if you don't know her? Of coarse since you REALLY ARE SPILETTA I SHOULD EXPECT THE LIEING!

Isn't that right spiletta? Or should I say Katrina Critchlow of Farmington New York? Lazy spoiled bitch living the good life in mommys basement while the people you walked on suffer! If everyone doesn't believe me they can call and ask her mommy about what a worthless pile of trash she is! 315-986-2673! Of coarse SPILETTA THE FAT UGLY BITCH will answer and LIE SOME MORE after she deletes this. CANT TAKE THE TRUTH, CAN YOU?



hariboo November 13 2007, 20:22:39 UTC
I was going to delete this purely because I didn't want such pure malice on my LJ but you just took the pity I had away. And for the record I am not SPILETTA. I don't even live in New York. The states even. I live in the UK, am Venezuelan and at least have the decency that when I don't like someone or their post I let it go with grace and maturity. Something you lack considering the anonymity of your comment. Who is calling who a coward? And well, you know what? I feel sorry that you are so quick to judge anybody that defends themselves and their opinions. And feel very badly for spiletta if she has ever the bad luck of meeting you in RL because you are clearly una persona de mal alma.

Now trust me when I said I have way too much to say to you but wouldn't want to waste my breath.


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