sad little king, of a sad little hill, but still king.

Mar 16, 2009 18:52

There really should be an icon of (some spoilers in link for upcoming roles in shows flist watches, watch out) Mark Sheppard that shifts through caps from BSG, Firefly, Leverage, ( spoiler from IMBD )

easily amused am i, misc: random, tv: bsg

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Comments 5

anuna_81 March 16 2009, 19:13:35 UTC
He is awesome on BSG. I don't watch the other shows (*glares at rl*) but I wouldn't mind all the copies.


hariboo March 16 2009, 19:26:07 UTC
He's such a little enabler in BSG.


6beforelunch March 16 2009, 19:21:41 UTC
He was in Burn Notice too. The man gets around.


hariboo March 16 2009, 19:28:08 UTC
That he does! Go Badger, for I will always call him that.


kathpup March 16 2009, 20:56:07 UTC
Haha! And the guy who plays Zak was in SG1, Admiral Cain was in Star Trek... I see people everywhere!


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